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ROTP 2011-2012

aha Ya, I've spent enough time in the tent lines to know that I'm not looking forward to phase training up there. Even though the officers get weather havens :P  But it's not all bad. You always come out with loads of stories (mostly drinking) but they're still good.

But remember boys and girls: "If you can't figure out who the bag is on your course, it's probably you."
That place ( Before any deployments or Tours) really makes a man of you with the suffering and the excessive drinking  ::). Can't wait for this summer  ;D.
OneMissionataTime said:
That place ( Before any deployments or Tours) really makes a man of you with the suffering and the excessive drinking  ::). Can't wait for this summer  ;D.

Agreed. I've been going there since I was 16 and it still isn't easy. "Best part about tent lines is that standards isn't around to hear you scream." I Think I heard that quote every time I've gone. Potential candidates (which includes me): Don't let any stories of training discourage you. Pretty well anyone can do it and you get to sign a contract so you don't have much of a choice.
Haha yes, We may joke around about it and it may sound bad ( And it is Sometimes) but it is a part of the experience of being a soldier and learning the tools of your trade IE: Infantry, Armoured and Artillery.. Which you will do if you choose Combat Arms during your Phases II --> IV.. It is one of those things ( The shitty weather, awful living conditions etc..) that binds Canadian Soldiers together and makes your TP a tight knit unit.
OneMissionataTime said:
...your trade IE: Infantry, Armoured and Artillery.. Which you will do if you choose Combat Arms during your Phases II --> IV.. It is one of those things ( The shitty weather, awful living conditions etc..) that binds Canadian Soldiers together and makes your TP a tight knit unit.

He meant to include Combat engineers when he mentioned Combat Arms :P

OneMissionataTime said:
Haha yes, We may joke around about it and it may sound bad ( And it is Sometimes) but it is a part of the experience of being a soldier and learning the tools of your trade IE: Infantry, Armoured and Artillery.. Which you will do if you choose Combat Arms during your Phases II --> IV.. It is one of those things ( The shitty weather, awful living conditions etc..) that binds Canadian Soldiers together and makes your TP a tight knit unit.

I have been told by a friends husbands who is a Lt. in the Strats's that you stay fairly dry and warm during Armd Phase III-V, unless you get stuck at night in a swamp during a rain storm, in a LAV which apparently WILL happen

Clancey01 said:
Agreed. I've been going there since I was 16 and it still isn't easy. "Best part about tent lines is that standards isn't around to hear you scream." I Think I heard that quote every time I've gone. Potential candidates (which includes me): Don't let any stories of training discourage you. Pretty well anyone can do it and you get to sign a contract so you don't have much of a choice.

For sure, anyone who's reading this don't let the thought of training get you down. As much as it may suck when you're doing it, once you're done it's something you can look back on with pride that you did. Also when you do look back on it you'll realize it wasn't nearly as bad as you remember.
JRBond said:
For sure, anyone who's reading this don't let the thought of training get you down. As much as it may suck when you're doing it, once you're done it's something you can look back on with pride that you did. Also when you do look back on it you'll realize it wasn't nearly as bad as you remember.

It also makes for great stories when you go home.. It creates a good bond between you and your buddies and is great for laughs... For example:
"Remember when Pvt. Bloggins forgot his rifle in his Hooch doing a stand-to?? Hahah"
It is all a growing experience. However, we sort of hijacked this thread.. Despite all the sugar-coating that we are given Combat Arms and other Outdoories Trades, It is hard and if you do not enjoy that type of dirty work where you will still not very clean for a week straight than think on applying for other trades.
Good thing I enjoy the outdoors and am used to that kind of thing (being dirty for a week or more), since I applied for Infantry Officer!
It's only one aspect, (The Dirtiness) ... Even at the Section level, being a leader is stressful and rewarding at the same time. There is a-lot of "Hurry up with your Plan", Then "Wait out for 30".. I am confident (Despite my lack of experience) that Infantry Officers have some of the most stressful jobs that I could comprehend. I chose Infantry Officer and it has been challenging but rewarding.. Hopefully I can finish up going with G-Town and graduate with my degree already  ::). If you guys get Infantry Officer, get ready to work especially if your Directing Staff have the knowledge that you are infantry bound.. (They sure made us Work  :nod:)
Again, that all sounds good to me. I'm certain it will be stressful when I get into it, but I want the pressure, I want to be pushed to meet and expand my limits, I want to work hard.
Well guys, I guess the wait is getting smaller. I guess the final day of selection boards is tomorrow??
Should be finding out next week. :) My recruiter told me to phone April 4th. So next week, or on the Monday that follows. :)
*crosses fingers*
Although excited since day one; I have not been very nervous up until now. Don't know how much longer I can hold my breath!

My wife and I have already picked where we are going for a celebration dinner.
OneMissionataTime said:
It's only one aspect, (The Dirtiness) ... Even at the Section level, being a leader is stressful and rewarding at the same time. There is a-lot of "Hurry up with your Plan", Then "Wait out for 30".. I am confident (Despite my lack of experience) that Infantry Officers have some of the most stressful jobs that I could comprehend. I chose Infantry Officer and it has been challenging but rewarding.. Hopefully I can finish up going with G-Town and graduate with my degree already  ::). If you guys get Infantry Officer, get ready to work especially if your Directing Staff have the knowledge that you are infantry bound.. (They sure made us Work  :nod:)

Yup, my staff at BOTC (BMOQ) made myself and all the other infantry bound Ocdts wear our helmets 24/7. Was very enlightening. Good luck to all future infantry officers!
Super anxious for the news - good or bad! Lets hope for calls this week everyone!
Agreed! If this is the week (which I hope it is!) then good luck to everyone!