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Role of Officer vs job of NCM [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Argyll 2347
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hiphopculture said:
I am only months away until my training for the infantry division training begins...... and well my goals within the military pretty much ecompass peacekeeping as much as possible

The Canadian forces do not have Peacekeepers...They have soldiers who primary job is to CLOSE WITH AND DESTROY THE ENEMY REGARDLESS OF TERRAIN OR WEATHER. If you can't handle that, or have a problem with that mission statment then go elsewhere. The CF has enough problems with the current crop of deluded yahoos who feel that all we should be doing is wearing blue and handing out cookies and blankets.

... and was wondering... if i should be an officer instead.. even though ive only complete one full year of college.....i know id need a degree of some sort... which the military pays for if ive commited... but i know its dirty work to do peacekeeping and what not

Ask the recruiter about this, but I believe that there are ways...

.. and well pretty much after the rank of leutinent youre considered too "valuable" to put you out there like that... so what would i really be doing when im a major or what not? like what is the major difference in leadership roles between a warrant officer say and a major????

I think that you need to spend more time A) at the recruiting centre getting far more aquainted with what the Infantry is all about, rather than your incorrect perception of it


B) Carefully consider what you're getting into. Its all well and good to feel warm and fuzzy giving out aid relief. But that's not what the infantry does. The job of combat arms (of which infantry is a part) is to kill and wound the other side. All the rest (including Peacekeeping) is gravy.

PS - No one is ever "Too Valuable"...Think about it please.
Currently I have a year under my belt with 5RCA...I have BMQ/SQ/ATCIS but have yet to do my Gunners DP1 course...

Now, my family is moving back to Ottawa for my fathers new position and I'm just graduating highschool in 3 1/2 - 4 months...Now, there is no way I can afford to live in Victoria so therefore I WILL be moving...My application is in for RMC to become an Artillery Officer but I feel a year just isn't enough to understand thouroughly how an NCM/Officer cohesion should work.  I WANT to be an NCM until at least being a Bomber or higher, but I don't want to waste the possibly opportunity to get a good education.

Thing is, I love the field...There are things I experience there that I haven't experienced anywhere else and I just love it...I know junior officers get their field time but office work just isn't a high thing for me at the moment.

Still have to hear back from CFRC about RMC so that'll obviously play the role for my life.

:skull:Ubique :skull:
Disclaimer: I have read many posts regarding the questions I raise, so posting links to them is unlikely to be illuminating. I will try and be succinct, but I’m basically selfish and would like some guidance regarding my own personal situation.

I complete my bachelor of commerce degree from UBC next year and will be faced with a difficult situation. For various reasons, I will only be 20 when I graduate. I am not particularly excited about taking a desk job at such a young age, even if the pay is acceptable. Business will be my career, but perhaps not so soon.

So, I am considering life in the army for my twenties then moving on to an MBA and private life when I am older and have family concerns. The obvious choice is DEO, it offers relevant leadership training, with regards to a business career, and the pay is decent. My only concern is this, I am aware of my personal limits and see infantry training as a better means to improve myself. Physical fitness, dedication, mental toughness, overcoming adversity and so on are traits I feel are important and that I should test. From Para training, Pathfinding and the ever popular special ops and JTF2, the end game for the best infantry looks both rewarding and fulfilling.

My question is this, if I enter into infantry as a NCM, work towards specialized training, either fulfill that desire or discover it is a feat too far, can I enter into an officer program at will due to my degree? Is becoming a NCM a foolhardy choice when being an Officer is more relevant to my life, or does it make sense with regards to my aspirations and age?

PS I can’t join the reserves for I am traveling in Europe and going on exchange until I graduate.
.Badger. said:
My question is this, if I enter into infantry as a NCM, work towards specialized training, either fulfill that desire or discover it is a feat too far, can I enter into an officer program at will due to my degree? Is becoming a NCM a foolhardy choice when being an Officer is more relevant to my life, or does it make sense with regards to my aspirations and age?

PS I can’t join the reserves for I am traveling in Europe and going on exchange until I graduate.

Simply because you have a degree does not mean you will be accepted as an Officer, there are other factors that are going to be considered. Also, if you go the NCM route make sure you perform well. Otherwise, you may not be recommended to go up from the ranks.
I was wondering if anybody knew about this. I am interested in getting in as a NCM and eventually after saving up some money want to finish my 2 years of University left. Currently my situation is tough, so very hard for me to survive and finish my undergraduate degree. . I want to become an officer in the forces but for that you need a university degree but I can't complete it right now. I also know about ROTP civilian university but unfortunately my ROTP Pilot didn't work out for this year cos I didn't clear my ACS. So for me to pick another trade and apply again it'll be another few months. So, I am thinking maybe for now work as a NCM and then go from there. Is it possible to apply for ROTP while a NCM? Any advice or info?
Thanking you all in advance.
I may be able to offer some advice by means of telling you about my experience.
I was an NCM in the infantry.  I was posted to London, ON in 1992, and started going to university part-time on my own: one course at a time.  I learned of, and later applied for the University Training Plan for Non Commissioned Members.  I was accepted.  I then went to university, paid for by the CF and underwent my military training in the summers, much like an ROTP candidate.  So, yes, it is possible.
I am a Master Corporal who has been in the Infantry reserves for 7 years and I am currently in the process of commissioning from the ranks, even though I only have a three year college diploma.  So for those of you that asked it is possible and depends mostly on your individual unit rather than DND requirements.

However what exactly will happen when I get my commission is still up in the air.  I don't know anyone who has commissioned from MCpl.  In my experience Pte/Cpls go to Officer Cadet and Sgt/WO go to LT or Capt.  Can I expect to get my 2LT's or am I stuck becoming an OCdt.

Also I have a reg force JNCO course, will I have to do DP1 or will I be completely or partially exempt.

The idea of becoming an Officer Cadet and doing basic courses again doesn't appeal to me too much.

Has anyone hear of a similar situation?
I am going to CFR (from a MCPL), although I am in the Reg force.. so, I don't know if our situations will be exact.
I will commission as a 2Lt, and upon completion of phase training, I will be a LT.
I didn't go CFR so I am unaware of what will happen in your two cases.  For UTPNCM, a former corporal will be commissioned to the rank of 2nd Lt.  For a MCpl or higher, you are commissioned to the rank of 2nd Lt and then immediately promoted to the rank of Lt. (upon receipt of your degree)
I can help you out a little bit. A buddy of mine was a MCpl and was commissioned to 2LT. He had to do DP1 (Phase 3 Inf), but had a BOTC/CAP bypass. However friends of his with the exact same qualifications were told to go to St-Jean. I guess it just depends who is looking at your file. There doesn't seem to be much method to the madness. But yes it is very possible you be given a Phase I & II bypass.
One of my best friends is at RMC right know he was originally a Master Bombardier I hope I spelt that right cause  I would never  hear the end of it if I got it wrong lol  He is currently going through for Artillery Officer
spr. mackinnon            Thanks for the heads up I corrected my mistake . Now I am just gonna hang my head low  ;D
Okay I went this friday and got all my recruitment papers. Im joining the army/infantry/regular.

I cant decide whether to join NCM or Officer.
So I want to know what exactly do Officers do that NCM dont/do.

A Officer is in control of a a whole section of how many people?
Do Offiers go to mission or small missions?
If I become an officer do I need to teach people stuff?
I want to take college with my army so do I need to tell the recruiter next time Im there or will he ask?
How come I "Officer Cadet on the top of the list for $1328(around $16,000) on top of the list?
Do I have to start as an "Officer Cadet" if I pick Officer?
I noticed when I got home that my recruiter circled NCM without asking me? Whats the deal?
What does specialist 1 & 2 mean? I see that they get payed more.
And Finally do you have to use a M16...Can you buy your own rifle and use that instead? I was thinking of a modified m-14 or M1 M1 Garand in the picture below.

Recruiting FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21101.0.html

Thinking About Joining (Section)

Career Debate Officer vs. NCM - http://army.ca/forums/threads/22686.0.html

Officer (section)

Officer/NCM differences  --  http://army.ca/forums/threads/1330.0/
UP FROM THE RANKS! (a lengthy and very worthwhile thread discussing officer entry programs, from a starting point of view considering prior service as a Non-Commissioned Member (NCM)) -- http://army.ca/forums/threads/23230.0.html

Search page - http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php?action=search

To summarize: Welcome to army.ca, start reading.
So your telling me that a second Lt has more power then a Chief WO?
What type of punishments would you execpt if you did something wrong? Smallest to biggest.
The army?

Oh man, well the first thing they'll do is make you go wash the toilet bowls with your toothbrush and then brush your teeth without cleaning - that's just if you answer questions like "Is that love in your eyes?" wrong!

At worst... OMG, they'll take you out back and then beat you with their pace sticks until your black and blue, then make you do pushups while they spray you with a hose for 48 hours straight!

It's the reason I didn't join up, but if you want to see what BMQ is REALLY like, go watch "full metal jacket" - they treat EVERYONE like Pile!