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Response's To "Ruxted On The Media's Handling Of Cpl. Boneca's Death"


How are the media doing this badly - by reporting the truth?  The "friends" went very public, some on-camera, well-composed, and in a television studio to say what they felt they had to say.  To say the media got this wrong is absurd.
A letter to the editor in today's National Post

Re: Dead Soldier Had Doubts, But Reservists Well-Trained: O'Connor, July 11.
As a member of the Canadian Forces Reserve I find the media's coverage of Corporal Anthony Boneca's death shameful. This young man died as a hero in the service of his country, and now his death has been turned into political story about alleged problems in the Armed Forces Reserve training program even before he is buried.
All soldiers complain about their jobs and missions from time to time. It relieves stress. Office workers have the right to gripe about their bosses and assignments. Are soldiers not afforded this same freedom of expression? Complaining does not imply a fault in the system.
While I was doing my basic army training I lamented to my wife numerous times how much I hated military life and was going to quit. I stuck it out though and I am glad I did. Military life comes with much sacrifice, but also many great rewards that no other job can provide.
Cpl. Boneca and his fellow troops may have been overworked while on tour, as his family suggests, but that is the fault of the former Liberal government and the Canadian public at large for allowing our military to decay for more than a decade.
Also, for the media to pursue the angle that Reserve soldiers are less trained than Regular force soldiers is a slap in the face to all Reservists. We are no less trained then Regular force soldiers heading to Afghanistan, as the Defence Minister has stated. Each Reserve member is sent on a six-month full-time training program -- where skills such as urban operations, the three-block war and convoy security are taught -- before heading to Afghanistan.
In the past with operations in places such as Bosnia, many Reservists I have spoke to said they were left at the main camp doing general duties far from the action. This is not what they wanted to do. It isn't what I would want to do. We are well trained and want to contribute in a meaningful way, even if that means risking our lives on the front lines.
Cpl. Boneca was a fine soldier who gave his life in the service of Canada in the hopes of bringing peace and stability to a dangerous region. He can no longer speak for himself nor give his own opinions on the Afghanistan mission. Canadians and the media, therefore, have a duty to fully explore the military and its role in the current mission. For starters, talk to a member of the Canadian Forces.
Private Chris Vernon, Lorne Scots Regiment,
Brampton, Ont.
annon223 said:
How are the media doing this badly - by reporting the truth?  The "friends" went very public, some on-camera, well-composed, and in a television studio to say what they felt they had to say.  To say the media got this wrong is absurd.

How do you know its "the truth"?

The day after my Father died I was thinking a lot of different things then I was thinking just days later.[and now]
Which thought is "the truth"?
Hollywood Hitman,

You said it.

You said it with heart.

You said it with feeling.

You said it eloquently.

Come home safe man.
Kirkhill said:
392, I take what you and dglad are saying and accept it, but I think we might be talking about two different groups of people here.  Those that show up at the door determined to come in and soldier and those that as they avert their eyes and shudder as they walk past the door wondering what's on the other side.  We have many shudderers in Canada.  It is for their benefit that soldiering was sold as peacekeeping.  It kept the lights on and some of the bills paid.

Megapluses HH.

annon223: - Is it enough just to have two people repeat the same lie to have that qualify as a reportable fact?
annon223 said:

How are the media doing this badly - by reporting the truth?  The "friends" went very public, some on-camera, well-composed, and in a television studio to say what they felt they had to say.  To say the media got this wrong is absurd.
GoTo Post # 156 and answer that.

Why are the "LIES" Front page news, but the truth gets buried in the back of the paper?

Get off your high horse!

I dunno, this guy Annon is flying the Jolly Roger and won't declare his intentions (or tell us who he is).  He's not reading the posts, he's simply repeating the same thing over and over, with no discernable new information or justification.

I'm calling a Troll Sighting....
You may be right,...trying to goad us into a  Military Hates The Free Press headline.
annon223 said:

How are the media doing this badly - by reporting the truth?  The "friends" went very public, some on-camera, well-composed, and in a television studio to say what they felt they had to say.  To say the media got this wrong is absurd.

It's well covered ground by now, but I think it's clear that they did it "badly" by weighting the negative comments far more heavily than the positive ones. We've been down this road before, but to summarize:

sensationalism == increase in sales == making money for the media == a more sought after journalist

The system is broken when it entices - even requires - a journalist to exploit and sensationalize to be considered "good" at their craft by their employer.

I just received a rather decent reply (via my regular email) from Lorrie Goldstein regarding his column earlier today. (Please see post number 137 of this thread).  I'd like to post the reply for the others to view, but I'm not sure if there's copyright issues.  Can you clarify?
I think in the interest of "balanced reporting" it would be good to post it. While it was intended as a private communicaiton, I'm sure Mr. Goldstein would not be surprised to see it reproduced here, in the context of the thread.

Having said that, I'm no lawyer.

I don't get it?  Why on earth continue to blame the media for comments made to them by family and friends?  These guys cover both sides of the story - positive and negative.
Best to ask him first.

I don't see any legal problems, but as a private conversation done over email it's probobly be best to ask whether or not he would mind if the emails were posted up publically.

Then link to the spot where the post is.

I guess (s)he can't be a member of the media.  (S)He isn't unbiased, nor capable of looking at the big picture.  (S)He still doesn't see that the press has taken the words of aquaintances and run with that, and more or less ignored the words of the Family.   ::)
Reply from Lorrie Goldstein to an email I sent him this morning regarding his comment in the Toronto Sun. See post 137 of this thread for my original email.  I'm not letting him off the hook completely, but he gets brownie points for his answer.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *  

Lorrie Goldstein
Subject: Re: Your column Death of a Soldier dated 12 July 06

Thanks for writing. Agreed. I could have worded that last bit better.

Originally I had included a line that "peacekeeping" itself was often a
poor description of what so-called "peacekeeping missions" actually
entailed. In retrospect, I should have left it in.

Lorrie Goldstein
This same press published private emails in the paper the other day. They didn't seem to have a problem doing it. Neither should you. If they didn't request privacy, they shouldn't expect it. Go for it.
annon223 said:
I don't get it?

I can see that.

annon223 said:
Why on earth continue to blame the media for comments made to them by family and friends?

The media is responsible for what they report and how they report it. I don't deny that what they're reporting is fact. I.E. What they're quoting has been said by the attributed people. However there's a lot that's been said by those same people and others which has not made bold headlines nationwide. Many of the news reports are being terribly selective about the facts they choose to report.

annon223 said:
These guys cover both sides of the story - positive and negative.

All we're asking for is balance, give the "positive" side the same level of coverage as the "negative" side, since it's an equal part of the story.
HollywoodHitman -- outstanding  :salute:

annon223 is a troll -- just ignore it, maybe (hopefully) it will go away. 