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Reserves question

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Hey all...  Whats going on?  I just finished my interview/ medical April 12th and I have a few questions...  First question is, during the interview they asked if I could kill a Canadian...  I didn't think of it at the time but I think I may of said yes...  Like I thought he was asking if I would have to kill someone under orders...  Next question is, is there any open BMQ trainings this summer?  If so, could I possibly get into one sometime soon, I ask this because I do not know how long it will take for them to send over the interview and the medical review to Toronto...  I am currently in Owen Sound, but I don't mind going for my BMQ anywhere, as long as it gets finished...  But yeah, also, lately friends and family have been trying to persuade me into choosing something else...  I am very excited to joing Rag force...  But others think its not a good idea, since Canada is not longer "peace keeping" they are now fighting back...  I am not saying I love to fight, but I joined the army for experience, to serve Canada and to have fun with my job, which a lot of Canadians now a days don't do...  I hear about it everyday by family, no one seems to like their jobs...  But I do know what I will be going against and training for...  This is NOT
a movie, a game or anything, this is serious, this is life, and this is what I want to do...  Now I probably sound very singleminded as parents say, but this is very serioud to me, and I have thought about this a very long time...  I am only 16, 17 in May, but I know this is what I want to do for the rest of my life....  Thanks if someone could get back to me...  :)
Welcome to Army.ca first off.

Now what is your question...you are being a bit vaigue.

Secondly I find it hard to believe that a recruiter would ask this beauty:

First question is, during the interview they asked if I could kill a Canadian...  I didn't think of it at the time but I think I may of said yes...  Like I thought he was asking if I would have to kill someone under orders...

Besides...your first question was pretty much a statement.

Again, could you be a bit more clear on your questions?

Well, lets not beat around the bush, we've come close to rebellion in recent Canadian history and that makes it atleast a semi-viable question.
Don't know where you get your info but I've been serving for a few years....we've never gotten orders to quell a rebellion.

Back on topic please.

I apologize to disregard your order to return to topic, but if I may make a statement: Oka Crisis. That could have exploded into a Warrior Society rebellion if it wasn't handled so well by well disciplined Canadians. There has been no rebellion to quell yet, but if I were to have thirty minutes I'm sure numerous other standoffs can be cited.

Hopefully to compensate for disobeying you I can offer this bit of advice, for my area (Western) a summer training schedule was posted in PDF on the website, perhaps you could track down your area website and see if they have it. BMQs out of Winnipeg start June 3 for example.
Alright, thank you all for the replies...  I could of swore I heard him say "Could you kill another Canadian"  Maybe I misunderstood it, maybe not...  I am almost positive though...  But anyways, I was asking if it was too late to get in, I look at my site, Grey Bruce and Simpcoe Foresters, but no luck...  Old news on the site...  So I don't know, my recruiter says I have to wait until Fall...  :(  On Thursdays I will march and such...  I was hoping to get in ASAP but oh well...  This will do I guess...  On a side note, sorry if I didn't explain the question better.  I will next time if I need to know something and I cannot find it on the forums.  Forums are so big.  But yes, everything should be fine anyways, the person who did my interview said he would send all the info and he said gooduck and everything seemed fine, so I assume it is.  Anyways, any way someone from my area (Owen Sound, Ontario) can get into a different BMQ?  Like another province?  Thanks!
I'm a newb, but I don't think you'd get BMQ out of area as a reservist. If your recruiter says you won't get BMQ this summer, I'd put my money on you not getting your BMQ this summer, shame really. I have a feeling I'm about to get 'pwned' so I'll cut this one short as to tie up things to get 'pwned' on :).

If you want to discuss something like the Oka Crisis, which I was deployed on BTW, by all means.

Just post it in an appropriate area on the site.

Top Ten Answers to the recruiting question "Could you kill another Canadian?"

10. No, not another one. I've killed plenty already.
9. No, I only kill foreigners.
8. Sure, let me prove it to you (recruit then brutally kills recruiter with pen).
7. Sure, let me prove it to you (recruit throws himself out the window).
6. No, I only kill people who ask stupid questions (recruit then suffocates recruiter with his beret).
5. Muahahahahahahhahahah! (Dr. Evil laugh).
4. Sir, are you smoking crack?
3. Maybe. Are you a Canadian?
2. No, I believe it is wrong to take human lives...unless they're Dutch.
1. Kill a Canadien? Sure, I'm a Leafs fan.

Sorry, that was the best I could do. I was just trying to imagine what the real right answer to that question would be.
Infantry_wannabe said:
Sorry, that was the best I could do. I was just trying to imagine what the real right answer to that question would be.
Well seeing as no one so far is taking his question seriously....I'm locking this on up.

If you feel the need to answer it in a normal fashon...PM a mod.

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