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Reserve Co-op enrollment 2014-2017

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just wondering if anyone else is in the Co-op reserves or has been in it. I start Feb 7 and I cant wait to go!
I must be some kind of idiot but what is the "Co-op reserves"???
It is setup by my school and the reserves. In the second semester I spend the morning at school doing regular school work and in the afternoons Mon-fri I got to my local armouy and do reserve basic training. I get just over $3,000 dollars for it plus school credits. But i also get some military knowledge!


I just got my kit Friday... HOLY COW!
It doesn‘t really sound like you have a lot of information about what youre getting into. You do understand that the co-op is just the basic training for the reserves, then once your done the semester you‘ll be in a reserve unit, right?.

I did my basic through co-op last year and it was a really good program - however mine was full day, i didnt go to school, just all day at the armouries, and i got 4 credits instead of the halfday co-op‘s 2 credits.
It doesn‘t really sound like you have a lot of information about what youre getting into. You do understand that the co-op is just the basic training for the reserves, then once your done the semester you‘ll be in a reserve unit, right?.
Not at all... They said once the program is over i can quit no strings attachted. or i can pick a trade and do whatever...but ill probably quit after its over
If you just see it as a money-making scheme, you shouldnt have joined.

Why is it that smart able dedicated people try repeatedly to join but for whatever reason CFRC screws them over, and not being able to jooin, but high school kids who dont know what theyre getting into seem to get in no problem? I have at least 4 friends of mine who have tried to join, smart, physically fit, and determined, but their files "get lost" or **** like that happens.

Did anyone else read the article in the Toronto Star a few months back that talk about how 1/3rd of potential recruits get so fed up with CFRC during the joining process that they stop trying?

If you just see it as a money-making scheme, you shouldnt have joined.
If you read my post you would have seen this...

But i also get some military knowledge!
Second of all I know what I am getting myself into since I have grown up on bases all my life! (my father is in the military). Don‘t think that as soon as I heard the word "money" I humped the leg of the recruiter to get this. I am a smart pyhsically fit person. I am doing this to be a better person and learn something as well as get confidence in myself. So don‘t just lable me as some dumb idiot who slacks off thru life and gets whatever he wants.
I‘m lined up for the same program Pte. Scarlino talked about, starting within a few weeks. Its 4 credits..and for the record, I joined thinking I wasnt going to get paid (as most CO-OP‘s dont pay). But hey Mike, look at the money as a bonus cause we‘re both gonna some interesteing experiences! hey..I wonder how muhc I‘ll make? Its $71.31 per day for me..never actually worked it out in the long run. I plan to stay in until i graduate, then go Regular. I would suggest staying in, even if it isnt your favourite job. Beats the **** out of flipping burgers at Mc.Donalds! I doubt you‘ll disliek it tho..
Errh.... A topic of much hardship for me........
Well, 2 years ago and each semester during those 2 years, I would check for co-op programs with CF.

Long story short; I was told "yes we have it" Then time comes to select co-op for my semester, which by then I‘m told "Oops, wait. Sorry Cancelled." each semester was pretty much the same after that; just different reasons for example, No funding. Moved. Not enough applicants. Etc.

Myself and many others had the same idea to take CF for co-op, but just like my experience.

It just did not happen.

Most if not all dropped the co-op course, just wanting specifically the Reserve placement. I dropped it as well.

Taking two fitness classes and a Peer/Leadership course, which in my opinion, is a lot more valuable to me then going on any other placement available.

Also, what baffles and angers me is that they still have the reserve co-op poster hanging up, as if it we‘re still available.
I asked them to take it down. The Teacher responded by saying "Oh, we still have it posted?"

(I thought to myself, Well.. yes. It is dated 2002/03. Thanks for noticing)

There is my short story...
what city do you live in... My guidence concillor (spelling?) said only about 50% who apply for it get in the co-op reserves.
I live in The Peel Region. The City of Brampton.
In Ontario.

The only Co-op placements that I herd about near Brampton was the City of Hamilton high schools.

It really depends on the Unit taking the co-op. Some may take 20 others may take 2.
Im in toronto, applying with the Queens York Rangers...and I started off competeing with ALOT of people trying to get into a few small slots. So far, thats been my only problem, but i‘ve managed to beat all of them out. The unit has been holding co-op programs regularly for quite a while, and things have gone off without a hitch, so I havent run into this problem. Only concern i have is, my file is still at Borden and my unit needs to make selections in a few weeks. But im not too worried..should be soon.

I do know that the CFRC was the cause for roughly 12 applicants to miss out on it by apparently losing specific papers within their files, causing them to get behind on testing. (probably partially their fault as well for not checking up on their files progress)

So far, Im really impressed with the unit im applying for. A MCpl. from the unit actually came to my house with files that accidentally got damaged. Im aware it was the right thing to do since he was the one who damaged them, but still..I didnt expect him to make the effort to drive all the way to my house!!?
Mike Secretan I'm surprised that you got paid for co-op. When I did it 3 years ago my school wouldn't allow us to get paid, they said that it was a conflict of interest and that co-op was more volunteer and if they wanted to pay us than we should quit the course and work full time.

Anyhow Im happy for you good luck!
Dano: I was speaking to the Colonel of the Lorne Scots when i was in the pipe band and they cancelled the co-op because because the retention rate was too low, they were losing money. And yes the Hamilton units still run co-op
031: The government realised that the army is government work, and its illegal do work for the government and not get paid
I was sworn in three years ago this week to start off my co-op with the Lincoln & Welland in St. Catharines, and I‘m still in. Seems like yesterday. ;) Too bad they didn‘t start paying co-op kids until the course after mine, but hey, I got a QL2 and a QL4 machine gunners course out of it. You don‘t have to offer money to a 17 year-old to use a C6. :D

So long as the people that are on your co-op aren‘t a bunch of immature idiots, you should have good times with good memories. Good luck with the program, mike and shortbus.

Anyways, as Scarlino was saying, number retention is a problem with the co-op‘s. I think it‘s due to a few reasons. First, they can only recruit from high schools which limits the age range from 16 to 17. I don‘t think most high school seniors today are mature enough for the military. I‘d rather recruit from people in the work force or from college/university. Course space and funds are very limited in today‘s army. If I was a C.O. of a PRes unit I wouldn‘t want to waste the time and money on a bunch of spoiled teenagers who probably won‘t stick around after they find out what the army is really like. My co-op started with 25 people, of that only 5 are in today, myself included.

Secondly, I think that having to pay the co-op recruits a half-day for every weekday has had a negative effect on the numbers that the regiments can take on. Now they have to spend even more money on lesser amounts of recruits who might only be looking to escape ‘normal‘ school for a semester and get the oppertunity to make a few thousand dollars while they‘re at it. As soon as the co-op is done with, out they go. Either that or they finish their SQ/BIQ for two more school credits and some extra cash and then never show up for exercises or parade nights and we have to chase after them for their kit.

As for why good, mature, sane, and fit people are turned back while increasing amounts of lazy, mouthy, retarded, slack, and weak people are let in? Who knows.... this is a government operation after all. ;)

I really agree with you Tyler. I was having my aptitude test with a group of guys (about 4 or 5) and I managed to catch snippets of their convo. pretty much, every one of them was expecting a paid cake-walk. One was even calling down the Cpl. administering the aptitude test. Maturity was DEFINATLY an issue with them.

Im in this for the long haul, because to be honest, my future in a University or College is somewhat slim due to my (oops, forgot i cant curse) marks. (my practical skills outweigh my academic by far). I have a history in my family within the army, what with several friends of my fathers are still in the army as WO and one is a jump-master. My father was in the Special Service Force and my uncle served in Somalia.

So basically, i‘ve always had a realistic sense of what the military is really like.

Im just excited that i finally get to do what i‘ve been planning and waiting for since I was 10.
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