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Removed from BMQ

I heard there was a course in October for SQ. I'll hope for that and if I get any information on it I'll make sure to notify you. However, if we don't get on that SQ course, or if there isn't another SQ running until next summer, then we'll probably be on that one. I sure as heck don't want to wait until next summer to finish my private training.
hey, thanks a lot for everything...i guess i'm pretty much stuck though. I can't get my old job back because he say he can't cut the other guys' hours to bring me back for a month, it wouldn't be right for them. So I pretty much just have to wait. I'll see those who are going on the August course in August! But I guess I still won't qualify for the tuition reimbursement next summer either then?
I could be mistaken but I believe in addition to having to complete and pass the courses to receive the money for tuition from the reserves, that you need to have been in the reserves for a minimum of 1year.

on a side note, isn't 4 weeks a relatively short BMQ??  (not trying to flame or start anything just saying is all)
Regular force BMQ is obviously a lot longer. But a reserve force bmq, 4 weeks is correct. Usually a candidate has his/her sq directly after their bmq - hence why a lot of people say "im on the summer course" [a summer being 2 months]. Each bmq & sq is approximately 4 weeks = 8 weeks total.

Justin which unit are you from again?
AAAAH I see, thanks for the explanation, any idea why the Naval and Air force reserves BMQ is not the same as the Army reserves??
It should be. It's BMQ. It's the first series of training. I'm sure it should be the same for all military occupations and for either air force, navy or army.
I asked why I was pushed off the july 3rd course when someone who was sworn in a month after me got to be on it. The guy told me, plain and simple, "luck of the draw". I don't think they do it purposely."

Actually, the unit places the best (most likley to suceed) pers in top slots.  Considering that you state that you are " nowhere near ready to attend a military course", perhaps you are considered less likley to pass the PT test on day one.  Units get very few slots on crse these days with taskings restricting trainers avail so they don't want to waste a vac just because the pers was in the dooor first.  If you want to succeed in the CF you have to make that pers effort.
Naval and Air force reservist's BMQ is the same as reg force, 11 weeks before, but then they made it longer to 13 weeks, and now both are.

A few Leading Seaman I know who are reservists can attest to that.
welll surprise surprise...i just got the call that bmq in ottawa is now a go!!i guess we have to be up there on monday...i better not get my hopes up though as things could change once again
WarmAndVertical said:
Actually, the unit places the best (most likley to suceed) pers in top slots.  Considering that you state that you are " nowhere near ready to attend a military course", perhaps you are considered less likley to pass the PT test on day one.  Units get very few slots on crse these days with taskings restricting trainers avail so they don't want to waste a vac just because the pers was in the dooor first.  If you want to succeed in the CF you have to make that pers effort.

No. The guys in my platoon, me included, are fairly new. We have not done any testing whatsoever. The people who administer candidates on courses have no idea who we are. We are nothing but a service number to them. They wouldn't know who is more in shape, or who would be able to conclude any tests at course beginning. It was, like I've stated before, luck of the draw.
Well after being removed from my SQ and having my BMQ pushed back 3 weeks things have changed once again.  It looks like I am once again loaded for BMQ and SQ starting on the 3rd as I was originally told!  I dont know what to think now although I am happy with the outcome.  I will still be nervous though until I am actually on a bus up to the base! :salute:
Brett said:
No. The guys in my platoon, me included, are fairly new. We have not done any testing whatsoever. The people who administer candidates on courses have no idea who we are. We are nothing but a service number to them. They wouldn't know who is more in shape, or who would be able to conclude any tests at course beginning. It was, like I've stated before, luck of the draw.

You will be surprised how much the recruiter knows about you. You would be surprised how much the guy in Ops knows about you.

Know someone that's in already?
Call the BOR everyday bitching about not geting loaded on course?
Don't look fit?
Came to recruiting sessions with an attitude?
Get jacked in your PAT plt? Make an ass of yourself in the mess afterwords?

In a small unit like the Rileys, don't be surprised if they know you. The Argyll recruiter hasn't forgotten about me, and I've been in for almost 2 years. It's their job to know.

Also, just an FYI, if you get on the in house SQ in the fall (good luck, its tough), you'll still have to wait until the summer for DP1. They only run R031 DP1  in Meaford and in the summer. There are guys going on course with me that joined alongside people that are Cpl's now, and they still don't have their first hook.

Hope this helps you some.
Know someone that's in already?No
Call the BOR everyday bitching about not geting loaded on course?Hahha, naa.
Don't look fit?I look it
Came to recruiting sessions with an attitude?Always respectful.. when I do happen to talk
Get jacked in your PAT plt? Make an *** of yourself in the mess afterwords?Usually don't have time. It's summer now, so yeah I will go to the mess. but I won't get trashed

Like I said, I'm new to the military. I haven't been in long enough for any of them to get to know me on that specific level. I don't stand out in a crowd, either.

If that's the case I'm even more surprised I was taken off course. If getting an exemption on my express test isn't enough to prove I'm physically fit, I don't know what is. If referring to everyone by rank my first day out on Parade Night and my Sergent saying that I'm doing a good job and I should keep it up isn't proper and respectful, explain to me what is. If going to the mess hall, having 1 beer with the others as they get shit faced, is making an ass of my self then I guess I have. And I guess going out with the guys afterwards because they enjoyed my company wasn't good enough either.

They're not dropping people off course because they don't think they're worth it. BMQ is to find out whether the person is worth becoming a soldier. I don't know for sure, but my big guess is that it's money that allows them to drop people off course. If they already bought the plane tickets for recruits coming across Canada it would be cheaper to drop the people off of course who are a lot more local to Connaught then getting rid of already purchased tickets, but then again, I'm a new recruit and all of this is just assumptions.
Don't get me wrong, that is not always the case, and I'm not saying you are a bad troop. It may very well be that your name was randomly chosen, had to do with time in, or any other variable, but I would not rule out a merit list either. When we had a third of our spots on DP1 cut, it was going to a merit list. People with bad reps, or bad attendance on parade nights are at the top of the list to get cut.

Either way, good luck for those of you that made it on course. Don't take stuff personally, and remember it'll get better with time (the field portion of SQ is better than anything you'll do on BMQ).
toughenough said:
People with bad reps, or bad attendance on parade nights are at the top of the list to get cut.

Yes. I can easily see that way more efficient and fair. But I am just a new guy.. I'm not even trained!! lol. So I wasn't cut because of the way I soldier.. I was cut because candidates were drawn anonymously and cut, no offence to them. Just fair and clear. lol.
This thread is funny.......kinda like 2 virgins talking sex