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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Hey guys/gals. I just switched my application from reserves to ROTP. This looks like the thread to be in for the ROTP candidates haha. My medical and CFAT are done, I just need to complete the interview again. More on my story here if anyone is interested. http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/103463/post-1092295.html#msg1092295
Good luck to everyone.
KY-Ottawa said:
Definitely bring in your updated transcripts; especially if it will increase your academic average. I believe the files are actually sent to the selection board after the new year, so you have lots of time. My MCC told me last year to being in anything an everything that would improve my file. If it didn't apply to the process or wasn't needed, they would just disregard it, but that it better than the possibility of not submitting something that could have helped.

I will get my transcript with my updated marks around the end of January :\, however I assume that is relative to everyone else in high school? Or am I wrong? hehe (When are all your exam dates?)

And it would bring my marks up somewhat I got an 92, 90, 87 then a freaking 75 in "peace in politics" I just call the class "communism 101". One of those classes where the mark-book has 3 things on it and just having one crappy mark ruins you haha

scriptox said:
Well I just asked my MCC during the interview if I could bring in my mid-terms since I felt that they would add merit to my file. He said sure go ahead. I have also been in contact with him through e-mail, and I asked him again and he said to just come in and they will photocopy it. I am going to be bringing in my transcripts after the first semester regardless, but since I'm handing in my family doctor letters, I guess it wouldn't hurt to bring my mid-terms as well :P .

Makes sense man, and why not right, you're going by with the Doc notes might as well hand in some marks. Being in Welland going myself is difficult however, my mom works right around the corner so I could probably get her to drop off my marks... as cheesy is that sounds. I got her to do the same with my Dr's notes! :)

Anyways guys keep the updating and communication so we don't have an you know... akward silence hahaha  :cdn:
Just had my interview on Wednesday, and it turned out alright. But I have gotten some bad news, my second choice of occupation; Military Police Officer is not open at the moment, and therefore I have to pick another one. I have set my mind on Armour Officer, all I have to do is phone in the CFRC detachment and wait for an update interview, other than that my file is pretty much good to go.

Hope to hear from everyone else.  ;D
canada94 said:
I will get my transcript with my updated marks around the end of January :\, however I assume that is relative to everyone else in high school? Or am I wrong? hehe (When are all your exam dates?)

And it would bring my marks up somewhat I got an 92, 90, 87 then a freaking 75 in "peace in politics" I just call the class "communism 101". One of those classes where the mark-book has 3 things on it and just having one crappy mark ruins you haha

Makes sense man, and why not right, you're going by with the Doc notes might as well hand in some marks. Being in Welland going myself is difficult however, my mom works right around the corner so I could probably get her to drop off my marks... as cheesy is that sounds. I got her to do the same with my Dr's notes! :)

Anyways guys keep the updating and communication so we don't have an you know... akward silence hahaha  :cdn:

I don't think the files go out immediately after the new year as some people (myself included) will not have their interviews done at that point. I was told  to expect a call within a month of Nov 16th to schedule an interview date and I can't see my file being ready to go by Jan 1st. The board doesn't even sit until mid/end of March so that should buy you time to get things updated.

My last exam is on Dec 21st and should have my final marks by first week of January.
Some bad news over here..

Medical file has been put on hold because I need to have a follow up appointment with an ENT specialist for my ear effusion. I get seasonal allergies so I get mucus build up behind my ear drums. (Whenever I swallow, I hear crackling in my ears). It isn't a big deal, the bad thing is that it takes a couple months to get an appointment for an ENT doctor. After seeing the ENT doctor I would also then have to bring in my reports from that visit.

Soooo a little delay here, about a couple months but hopefully I can still keep moving forward, even if it means going at a slower pace.
scriptox said:
Some bad news over here..

Medical file has been put on hold because I need to have a follow up appointment with an ENT specialist for my ear effusion. I get seasonal allergies so I get mucus build up behind my ear drums. (Whenever I swallow, I hear crackling in my ears). It isn't a big deal, the bad thing is that it takes a couple months to get an appointment for an ENT doctor. After seeing the ENT doctor I would also then have to bring in my reports from that visit.

Soooo a little delay here, about a couple months but hopefully I can still keep moving forward, even if it means going at a slower pace.

Crappy man, this set back will pass quick though, my elbow felt like 2 days when it was a month and half long.

Good luck dude!

KY-Ottawa said:
I don't think the files go out immediately after the new year as some people (myself included) will not have their interviews done at that point. I was told  to expect a call within a month of Nov 16th to schedule an interview date and I can't see my file being ready to go by Jan 1st. The board doesn't even sit until mid/end of March so that should buy you time to get things updated.

My last exam is on Dec 21st and should have my final marks by first week of January.

Okay that makes sense, it wouldn't make sense if they picked a time frame when some people would/ or wouldn't be able to hand there marks in.
Wow i wish i had found this forum earlier.... It would have been really usuful.. :( On the bright side i still found it in time  ;D

Just want to add myself to the conversation :)
Hopefully everything works out for me and good luck to everyone applying this year ! :)

Recruiting Center: Toronto- 4900 Yonge St
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (ROTP)
Trade Choice 1: Nursing Officer
Trade Choice 2: -----
Trade Choice 3: Health Admin Officer
Application Date: Mid- October
First Contact: Mid -October
Aptitude:  Nov. 23rd, 2011
Pre-sec: Nov 28th 2011
Medical:  3rd Dec, 2011
Interview completed:
Merit Listed:
Position Offered:
Enrollment date:
Basic Training Begins:

cartuner48 said:
Wow i wish i had found this forum earlier.... It would have been really usuful.. :( On the bright side i still found it in time  ;D

Just want to add myself to the conversation :)
Hopefully everything works out for me and good luck to everyone applying this year ! :)

Recruiting Center: Toronto- 4900 Yonge St
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (ROTP)
Trade Choice 1: Nursing Officer
Trade Choice 2: -----
Trade Choice 3: Health Admin Officer
Application Date: Mid- October
First Contact: Mid -October
Aptitude:  Nov. 23rd, 2011
Pre-sec: Nov 28th 2011
Medical:  3rd Dec, 2011
Interview completed:
Merit Listed:
Position Offered:
Enrollment date:
Basic Training Begins:

Awesome another member of the team! Give us some more information about yourself if you'd like like how your aptitude and interview went :)

Keep us updated :D
canada94 said:
Awesome another member of the team! Give us some more information about yourself if you'd like like how your aptitude and interview went :)

Keep us updated :D

Hoping everything goes well.. because i havent lived in Canada for 10 consectuive years and I do have an immediate family member
living out of Canada, if the prescreening goes fast I am good to go for other processes.... It all up to the people in ottawa apparnetly ... if they
want to purse further investigation or not...

:) Well the CFAT went not as good as i thought. The test is not as easy as the example provided on the Forces site thats all i can say lol. I am
qualified to become an officer though but the officer told me i didnt do great but another officer told me i did exceptionally (near) perfect so i
dont know who to believe :) As long as i passed im happy :)

I have an interview coming up soon and will keep you guys posted.. Just wondering what do they do for medicals because I have mine tommrow .
Hope everyone is doing well :)

I found out last week that my second choice for occupation is no longer hiring, and that I have to pick another one. Still waiting for an update interview to be scheduled. Might as well do one of these:

Recruiting Center: CFRC Detachment Kitchener
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (ROTP)
Trade Choice 1: Maritime Surface and Sub-surface Officer (MARS)
Trade Choice 2: Previously MP Officer, now Armour Officer
Trade Choice 3: Logistics Officer
Application Date: September
First Contact: Early October
Aptitude: Transferred from 2010 application
Medical:  21 Nov 11
Interview completed: 23 Nov 11
Merit Listed:
Position Offered:
Enrollment date:
Basic Training Begins:
Hi everyone,

This is what stage I am currently at:

Recruiting Center: CFRC Ottawa
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (ROTP)
Trade Choice 1: Pilot
Trade Choice 2: ACSO
Trade Choice 3: MARS
Application Date: October 28
First Contact: Early November
Aptitude: November 15
Medical: November 30
Interview completed: November 30
ACSO Test: December 16
Aircrew selection:
Merit Listed:
Position Offered:
Enrollment date:
Basic Training Begins:

Good luck everybody!
Good news,

I have been able to book an appointment for an ENT doctor for December 7 :). Assuming there are no problems with my ears or sinuses, I should be good to go from there. So really, the delay would only be a couple of weeks. I'll most likely be bringing in the reports to the CFRC the same day. I called the medical section of the CFRC and they asked me to bring in the reports by December 12th by the latest so my file can be shipped off to Ottawa before the CFRC closes for Christmas.

If I didn't convince the receptionist and explain my situation with ROTP as a whole, my appointment would have been in March. Far too late. For a bit I really thought that I would miss selection without even knowing a solid "Yes, you're accepted" or "No, you're rejected".

Feels good man.

I also see that we have a couple of more applicants who have decided to take the plunge and keep us updated with their progress. Good on you guys :)

Good luck everyone !
Hi I am currently a Pte. in the Primary Reserves (supply tech). I have applied for ROTP through component transfer. I applied as a MARS officer and i am currently going through the process of the component transfer (it seems to be moving very slow). I have done a ton of extracurricular activities which include countless hours of community service through scouting, chief scout award, bronze duke of ed, almost finished my gold duke of ed (i intend to send it off within a week or two), 3 years of football, 4 years of wrestling, and some skill (4 yrs.) with the bagpipes. The only real problem i can see with my application is my grades which are mostly in the 60's with a few ranging from the 70's to mid 80's. I also know that even though extracurrliculars are important for the application grades seem to weigh more. I just want an idea of the likelyhood of my application being accepted, as i have been told countless times how important grades are, but i was wondering if the extracurriculars might give me a chance. 
I don't think anyone here can really tell you if your application is good enough. The standards change every year due to different groups of applicants. Only way to find out is to apply ;)

On another note, keep us updated! It's good to see some new names around this thread :)
Did my update interview via phone today, and is now qualified for all three trades, just waiting for my background check to come back. Let the waiting game begin.  ::)
My background check seems to have commenced. I had one of my references contact me stating that they received a call from a man from the recruiting centre on Friday. She said that the interview over the phone was around 15 minutes.

So if this background check goes great, and my appointment with the ENT specialist declares nothing wrong with me, then hopefully I can be merit listed by the end of January at the latest :) .

Once again, good luck to everyone who is in the process.
The Travel Is There said:
Anyone else applying for ACSO have their extra medical stuff completed? (X-ray, bloodwork etc..)

I have ACSO as my second choice; I was told that the medicals won't be done until the new year. Did you already complete yours?

jparkin said:
I have ACSO as my second choice; I was told that the medicals won't be done until the new year. Did you already complete yours?


They gave me a sheet when they did my medical and told me that I have to get the information myself.

Also I'm starting to question whether or not potential ACSO's are being sent to aircrew selection. Considering I am writing the ACSO test at the recruiting centre and I have to get the medical work done by myself.
The Travel Is There said:
They gave me a sheet when they did my medical and told me that I have to get the information myself.

Also I'm starting to question whether or not potential ACSO's are being sent to aircrew selection. Considering I am writing the ACSO test at the recruiting centre and I have to get the medical work done by myself.

ACSO-only candidates don't go to CFASC.  There's nothing there for them that can't be done at the recruiting centre.
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