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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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True, however my opinion is solely based on 408 "cant fly today the sun is too bright" Tac hel.  SAR is a hectic place to be, but do you think they pick those pilots right out of training? no... but lets not get into all this helocopter talk, this thread is truly about RMC and Civy universities.

D3v out.
D3V1L6 said:
True, however my opinion is solely based on 408 "cant fly today the sun is too bright" Tac hel.  SAR is a hectic place to be, but do you think they pick those pilots right out of training? no... but lets not get into all this helocopter talk, this thread is truly about RMC and Civy universities.

D3v out.

No, no, no. That isn't the way it works around here. You can't just post crap that you know nothing about, and when you get called on it, say "oh hey, I don't want to play this game anymore."

You have no idea why 408 may or may not be flying. It could be related to maintenance, crew hours, higher priorities....any number of reasons that they just don't run past a SigOp first, for his concurrence.

So you wade into the SAR world. Well sunshine, pilots can and often do get posted into SAR Sqns right out of the pipeline. Pilots are actually quite skilled by the time they get to their first posting. And then they get trained some more.

The point of my bothering to correct you on these various issues is that:
a) you obviously don't know about RMC vs civie U;
b) you obviously don't know about TacHel ops tempo;
c) you obviously don't know about SAR pilot progression; and,
d) perhaps now you will see that you can't just wave it away when you get called on talkin' out yer ass.

The operative expression on this site is "stay in your lane."
Pease feel free to post on Sigs topics - - but only those where you're familiar with the matter being discussed.
D3V1L6 said:
Exactly my point.  However, being an NCM, apparently I spend my time downing ale at the local, and have absolutely no friends or acquaintances that have been to RMC, Civy U or both.

Max: Who said anything about being a military helicopter pilot?  All the action is civy side or with law enforcement.

Other news for you.  Most of the companies now require a degree to get in as a pilot.  And if you are on the civy streets as a pilot, you will see that there is no shortage of pilots right now and that companies can choose whoever they want.


The Faculty also offers a 3 year general science degree.
Junior18 said:
Well, I realize I'm jumping onto this post a little late in the swing of things, however I have a small request.
I've been excepted to RMC (with prep year) and leave early August.  To this point i haven't received any joining instructions or travel orders and I'm curious as to whether or not anyone else has.  If you have and don't mind posting the important information I'd appreciate it.(ie. required kit)
In the mean time I'm enjoying the remaining weeks of my free life and hoping theres nothing out of the ordinary I'm going to need to find the day before i need to leave :-\


The joining instructions for St-Jean...The recruiting center should be able to help you with this info. Give them a call, they should give you a few papers to carry around for a few days. If you go to St-Jean, make sure it's the campus, not the MEGA. It seems that some people appear at the MEGA instead of the campus, MEGA being the garrison.
Aviator, you were a bit late to help that guy, that post was from last year. I see you are new so as a word of advice you should look at the date of the post before responding to it.
andpro said:
I see you are new so as a word of advice you should look at the date of the post before responding to it.

Date Registered of Aviator @ heart :April 16, 2005, 13:24:02
Time Spent Online Aviator @ heart :  1 hours and 1 minutes.

I'm curious, how long do you thing someone is new ?
Sorry, my bad I was just looking at the number of posts he had. 

edit: also 1 hour and 1 minute on line is not a whole lot for someone who registered almost 2 years ago.
Stand tall. Look him straight in the eye. Shoot the foot and drive the body. Neck back in the collar and elbows straight fists tight with thumbs down the seam of the pants. Chest up chin out and feet at a 45 degree angle. Thats it.
Sorry, but I really have to say this:

"Holy necropost Batman, what were you thinking?"

The post previous to yours was dated December 07, 2000, 02:42:00

Thanks for contributing and welcome to Army.ca.

Michael O'Leary said:
"Holy necropost Batman, what were you thinking?"

Haha that was good...Guess the big red warning stating that the topic had been idle for over 100 days just wasn't big enough....    ;D
I believe one of the first things they look for is 'individuality'.  This is immediately crushed.  :warstory:
Michael O'Leary said:
I taught a few drill lectures long ago, but the Canadian Army doesn't exactly use that title.

Come one Michael... just a FEW? ;)

Centurian1985 said:
I believe one of the first things they look for is 'individuality'.  This is immediately crushed.  :warstory:

not to mention all the other I s, you know? Independence, Ingenuity, Idiocy  ::)
What did I look for in a Recruit?

He had to show up.

We met the 707 at CFB Greenwood and most got off that.  A few trickled in by bus or rail.

Then it was up to us.

Just show up.

Everything more or less flows after that. 

Too much bloody electronic hand-wringing on this site, if you ask me.

Hey everyone. Sorry for cutting in, but has anyone read the McLean's guide to universities? About the Ranking of RMC with others, details and opinions from "outside" the circle of military guys. check it out and post for all to see. i haven't got my hands on it yet. 
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