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References Superthread [Merged]

Nah i graduated last year. Anyway i got my boss to fill out one of them. Will they have any problems if my references left some of the questions blank, like the negative questions. (sorry for the dumb question) But hopefully when i go tommorow i wont get any problems about this.
ummm.... i see a small problem, not to throw u down and kick ya... lol

when i was given my referance papers they gave me 2, told me to find teachers, employers, no family and also try to stay away from friends for this - this is what they told me.

I had my current employer and my old teacher, and they said anyone who has known me for 5 years? and i said.... not that i talk to a lot because i move a lot and they said try because it will look better, so i got a family friend for like 12 years and they said my referances are gold.

so u might be ok depending on the friend. like my family friend is 40 years old and is an engineer with a prestigious job and life etc.. etc.. ,
the question is : is your friend valuable in the sense of advice, length of time hes known u and character?
Do you need every refference they ask for or else they will not accept your application.

what happens if your 30. Im not 30 but was wondering do you have to find your teachers when they are all 90 or will they allow that one to be empty.
You need two references, it can be a boss, co-worker, teacher, etc.

Aslong as it isn't a reletive.
I have 4 letters of reference on my file, two from previous employers done up as work reference letters on company letterhead and 2 official Canadian Forces reference letters.  Anyways I needed the two work reference letters so I went in today and asked if they could make me a copy and they could still keep the originals.  Well they were scanned into the system so he gave my back the originals, he also gave me the official canadian forces reference letters back.  Now I found this kind of odd and told him that I did not want nor need them.  He still gave them to me anyways.  Now is this normal?? and could it effect my file or possibly my references may have to fill out the form and send it in again??  It is already scanned on file.......
NO, once your letters are scanned into the system, they would normally be shredded.  However, until you have completed everything, most centres will be maintaining the paper file.  Unfortunately, if your LOR were mailed to the Ctr, they might not contain information about yourself that you necessarily need.  Like your employer does not find you to be reliable or that your best friend does not recomend you to the military.  Once you give it to the ctre it is ours, and we will not normally give (especially LOR) paperwork back, we would rather shred it.
Yeah I didn't think I was suppose to get a chance to see them let alone bring them home and keep them...however I did find out my friend/classmate and professor gave me a very strong recommendation.....I just hope this doesn't mess up my file or cause any delays.  I go in tomorrow for my medical, aptitude test, and physical test...so should I bring them back and tell the RC to hold onto them as I do not need them???
It wouldn't hurt to bring them back in with you and talk to them about it again. The worst they can say is "no thanks".
CFRC's are moving towards electronic files but they are retaining paper files of some documents because not all units have access to this new system.  Probably what your CFRC did was photocopy your letters of reference, stamped them as certified true copies, and gave you the originals.

There is no need to bring them back when you go in for your appointments but hold onto them for your own records.
I'm probably a month or so away from applying to enrol into reg forces infantry, and have some questions/concerns regarding a couple of points. Most of the posts I have seen regarding applications and references the advice is given to those just out of school (or still in school), while I left college five years ago, so it is hard to put it into context to my situation.

For my references I was thinking about using my immediate superior and the CEO at my company. I've worked with them for five years and I'm way past being in contact with old teachers or coaches. My only problem with this is that while I'm certain they will provide good reference, I am not certain they will appreciate me leaving. From the posts that I have read there could be a long time between applying and getting sworn in, and I have mortgage payments to make, so I'd like to hang on to my job as long as possible. Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with this matter, or insight on joining the military and leaving a civilian career?
I would just ask them frankly and honestly how they felt about it. I think they may be more sympathetic than you might suspect as you're not leaving for more pay or benefits but rather for something that's still considered quite noble by a large chunk of the public.
can i ad a question??? I am currently in grade 10 (15 years old) and i would like to know if it is possible to make all of my references and apply NOW so that by next summer (my birthday is July 20) i will be able to get ready for a BMQ in ST. Jean... i understand that BMQ's are in sept. so I was wondering if i could put my application in now fso that i get in about then... if it is NOT possible then thats is no fun but O WELL. lol Either way i will be trying to get in ASAP because I,  Like others,  Find that the CF is ver noble and since i was six i have wanted to be in it.... i was just wondering.

And you may need more references I was told that I will need at least 4 to 5 references.. correct me if i'm wrong. 
AspiringL.I. said:
can i ad a question??? I am currently in grade 10 (15 years old) and i would like to know if it is possible to make all of my references and apply NOW so that by next summer (my birthday is July 20) i will be able to get ready for a BMQ in ST. Jean... i understand that BMQ's are in sept. so I was wondering if i could put my application in now fso that i get in about then... if it is NOT possible then thats is no fun but O WELL. lol Either way i will be trying to get in ASAP because I,    Like others,   Find that the CF is ver noble and since i was six i have wanted to be in it.... i was just wondering.

And you may need more references I was told that I will need at least 4 to 5 references.. correct me if i'm wrong.  

My understanding is that you have to be of age when you actually make your application so I don't know if that will work.

When I joined in 2000 you only needed 2 references and I gave them to the CFRC the day I was sworn in.
Thanks . That helped alot... I will also talk to the Hamilton Recruit centre... I will try to see what the availability for certain things are.. thankyou for your advice....

Don't get yourself in trouble at work, like you said, it could be a long time from application to enrollment, it would be nice to keep your job while you are waiting.  SLOR can be filled ouot by anyone who has known you for the last five years.  These could be friends, co-workers, religious leaders ans so on.  They don't have to be coaches, teachers or employers.  Don't get wrapped around the axle about it.


If you are going to apply for the Reserves you must wait untill you are 16 years old.  If you are going to apply for the Regular Force, you must be 17 years old.  If you are under the age of 18, you must have parental or guardian consent.  You cannot apply and get the processing out of the way untill you meet the age requirement.
k.. wow i get alot of false info... I was told that i could join Reg force at 16.. thats no fun that its 17 because that frustrates me... I had planed most of my life (over the next year and a half) around  That aplication.. lol o well.. I am at least dedicated.. but i guess I wil do the Military COOP in grade 11 next year then move out to Reg force for my 17th bday... that sucks.. lol o well.. i still cant believe i was lied to so many times. o well lol.