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References Superthread [Merged]

i used my doctor that ive known for about 3-4 and half years, and my gf's mom :S i havent known either for a full 5 years, so they're not strict but it has to be atleast a number of years.
Insanehuman said:
Ok guys. I don't know any employer/teacher for 5 years. Two years of high school and the only person that knows me best is my Gym teacher. Should i take a reference from him or my road in military is closed?

Another thing to consider is the type of people you ask for references, if you ask your alcoholic wife beating next door neighbor; bad karma. You want to run with the professional type of person. Police officers if you know any, or members of the military. Try to stay away from the dark side. Unemployed or people with criminal records generally do not make the best references.
Good luck, looking forward to having you in a platoon.
I had a friend that i've known for 10 years and owns his own business, and my ex-girlfriend's mom as 2 of my references. Do you think these are good choices? I am also going to get 2 of my ex-employers to do them to.
My 2 additional references I needed for ROTP were both friends.  However both friends were co-workers as well, in a work environment and also at school.  I did list them as 'friends' so hopefully that didn't hurt me.  My friends actually rated me a lot tougher than the other forms I got, haha.  They are definately not biased at all, they were pretty honest with their answers.

And the 2 standardized forms I got, were filled out by individuals in the army and navy, of a half decent rank.  So while I doubt it will give me better chances, it probably won't hurt me!!
Makaveli said:
I had a friend that I've known for 10 years and owns his own business, and my ex-girlfriend's mom as 2 of my references. Do you think these are good choices? I am also going to get 2 of my ex-employers to do them to.

That looks like a good start, maybe add someone who can vouch for your learning ability, like a teacher, instructor or professor. Institutional professionals' opinions of you will generally carry more weight....Even a member of the clergy if you know one could be helpful.

I used my University profs.
Most of the teachers I had in high school aren't there anymore, and it is unlikely that the ones that are would remember me well enough to give an informed reference. I was recently in driving school, would my instructor there be an OK reference?
Makaveli said:
Most of the teachers I had in high school aren't there anymore, and it is unlikely that the ones that are would remember me well enough to give an informed reference. I was recently in driving school, would my instructor there be an OK reference?

Unless the Driving instructor has known you for 3 years, I wouldn't bother asking for a reference. If you've played any sports, ask a coach; The employers references will be useful, in any case.
If the refrences turn out to be garbage, when would one  find out during the application process?
misfit said:
If the refrences turn out to be garbage, when would one  find out during the application process?

If your references are unacceptable you will be told that when the recruiter who receives your application when you hand it in.
kincanucks said:
References, ahhh my favourite subject especially ROTP SLORs.  When I am preparing to do a ROTP interview, in fact any interview, and I pull out the references and I see the word friend then the reference goes back into the file unread.  So if you really want a job in the CF why wouldn't you put some effort in getting references from people that can honestly and without bias comment on your abilities and attributes?  Just perplexes me sometimes.

I can see your point but I have to disagree.(to an extent)

Friend or not, the applicant is not likely to hand in anything that says something bad about him/her or that would make him/her look like a bad candidate, so pretty much any reference could be a bias one. If the CF wanted to prevent that type of issue all together they could try some alternative measure such as taking 10-15 minutes to phone the reference to see if they can back up what they claim to know about the applicant. Its a lot easier to spot BS when you can hear someone over the phone not just writing on paper. Plus there's a good chance the reference won't remember exactly what they put on the sheet, so if they were honest, the answers on the sheet should generally correspond with what they've said over the phone.

Is my opinion on this bias? Probably, but I think I still have a valid point. I went the CEOTP route and one of my references was a friend that I've had for a good 10 years now and of all the people in the world he probably knows my character the best. My other was a former roomate, coworker and friend of 4 years. Just because they are friends I don't believe that makes them bad references. If the CF didn't want these types of references then they should just simply not allow them.

I guess I'll just have to hope kincanucks isn't the one reviewing my references. :D
derael said:
I can see your point but I have to disagree.(to an extent)

Friend or not, the applicant is not likely to hand in anything that says something bad about him/her or that would make him/her look like a bad candidate, so pretty much any reference could be a bias one. If the CF wanted to prevent that type of issue all together they could try some alternative measure such as taking 10-15 minutes to phone the reference to see if they can back up what they claim to know about the applicant. Its a lot easier to spot BS when you can hear someone over the phone not just writing on paper. Plus there's a good chance the reference won't remember exactly what they put on the sheet, so if they were honest, the answers on the sheet should generally correspond with what they've said over the phone.

Is my opinion on this bias? Probably, but I think I still have a valid point. I went the CEOTP route and one of my references was a friend that I've had for a good 10 years now and of all the people in the world he probably knows my character the best. My other was a former roomate, coworker and friend of 4 years. Just because they are friends I don't believe that makes them bad references. If the CF didn't want these types of references then they should just simply not allow them.

I guess I'll just have to hope kincanucks isn't the one reviewing my references. :D

Well you can read my signature can't you.  Actually we will phone references if we think there may be issues or the reference has made some 'interesting' comments.  You will notice that I was mainly referring to ROTP applicants where the letters of reference are very specific and ask for specific comments that pertain to the interview.  So yes a friend could be sufficeint for any other entry plan except ROTP.  I personally don't like to see them in a file because I think it is laziness on the part of the applicant.  My opinion.  Cheers.
Point taken. I wish I had a larger source of references. Unfortunatly I'm stuck with the ones I had availible to me. Past employers wasn't really an option because all my previous supervisors have moved on to other jobs and I have no idea where they are located now. Also one of my previous employers will not give references to anyone, for anything. Even if they did thats going back a while because I've been self-employed for almost a year now. I could have gone back to my high school, but then again I graduated in 2002 so I'm not sure if they would be relevant anymore.

Either way thank you for clearing that up.
A current supervisor of myself in a supervisory role and a Major, would these be suitable refrences for application in the  officer program. (armor recci)

I think I'm in the same boat as derael. Came to Canada 5 years ago and had a hard time coming up with potential references. All my employers and teachers have known me for no longer than a year. Therefore, I settled for a close friend and a family friend who's been my driving instructor. Hopefully it will work out.

*Milnet.ca staff edit for site policy*