It isn’t. Money for pay is not the issue. All class B creation and requests go to Div. They approve and they deny.I suspect that's a ResF issue, and if there is will to do it, something else will likely need to be cut.
Right. So now you understand the same applies to the ARES. Only we don’t have a reserve to fall back on. We are the reserve. And we aren’t funded or more specifically equipped the way we should be.100% it's a RegF issue, we have too many administrivia jobs, and can't do them all with RegF people.
Location will always be an issue for a lot of things. The CAF would do well to modernise in that regard.The location of CFLRS also screws the RegF. Most anglophones don't want to move their anglophone families to Quebec, to pay higher taxes, not have employment opportunities for spouses, and work longer hours... You couldn't intentionally make it a worse place to get posted.