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Re: Army.ca Status- Who Replaces Mike When The Dark Helo's Swoop On Munster?

Who replaces Mike Bobbit once he's gone

  • Total voters
Whoa whoa whoa... It's "Dictator for life" for a reason people, let's not get hasty here. ;)

(And yes, I was a Cameron for a time.)
I do not see "Dictator for Life in your title Mike" and you'll notice it's for after you leave or go missing...

We'll need a leader to step up and quell the panic of the masses, and there will/would be panic.

Vote Scoutfinch, Vote for the Future!
And the secret squirrel has come out of his nest. BTW Tess, I voted for you, and I don't care about how you moderate.  :blotto:

Mike Bobbitt said:
Whoa whoa whoa... It's "Dictator for life" for a reason people, let's not get hasty here. ;)
They wont even let me play revolution! I'll help you remain in power. I revoke my vote for Tess!
HitorMiss said:
So much for your Mod powers Tess!

I say to you the voting public why vote for a guy who can't even use his Moderator priviledges, what would he do or couldn't do as your Leader

Vote Scoutfinch, Vote for the Future!

Leadership lesson number one,

Leadership is the art of motivating others to do what you want....

oy vey, and he wonders why he has one vote...


Thats HitorMrs Tess.

See see he doesn't pay attention, how can he adminester to the memberships ned's if he doesn't pay attention to the littel things.

Vote Scoutfinch, Vote for the Future!
the 48th regulator said:
Attention is not needed for the unwashed masses,

This, This is the man 7 of you have voted for???

People people, my brother's and sisters please please think about your Vote if not for my candidate then for at least HitorMrs. Tess has clearly set himself apart from the rest you, he views himself as better just by the quote above. I beseech you the public to make a stand and that stand needs to be against Tess.
The citizens who enjoy life as it is understood.

I do not promote change my people, I Promote continued excellence.

Our faithful leader, Mike Bobbit, has brought you into the new age.  I run a possible leadership campaign on the idea of carrying this on.

The other candidates, choose to take this as a revolutionary step.  They want change.  They wish to destroy the freedom and high status that Mike has set for our great forum, army.ca.

A vote for them is a vote for DOOM.  A vote for reversal, where The barbarians, ninjasnipers, and wannabes have a place to park their inane posts.

Don't let this happen, vote for the 48th regulator, and feel at ease knowing we will live under this great bastion of army.ca for eternity.


Is it possible to withdraw my vote? I'd perfer to remain neutral and watch them duke it out, now thats politics!
Curses... I hit the wrong button voting... What have I done....
Not only is the poll in the right place, but you can change your votes. Should make the campaigning more interesting this way. ;)
Members, Friends

Mr Tess says a vote for anyone but him is a vote backward, I say a vote for him is a vote for eliteism.

My Canditate Scoutfinch, has proved time and again to tolerate no ninja sniper wannabes and in fact was instrumental in calling out a certain poser just recently.

She is an esteem lawyer able to handle all the troubles that might occur if and when our glorious leader Mr Bobbit leaves us.

What does Mr Tess bring to the table naught but ego, no qualifications save for his moderator status a thing he has proved lackadaisical about, not even taking the time to become tech savvy enough to know how to move a misplaced poll.

He tells you a Vote for any candidate but him is a vote to let in the barbarian hordes, I say a vote for him would a vote to watch Rome burn while he plays the bagpipes.

He says a vote for him is a steady hand of leadership, I say a vote for him is a vote for elitism and cliques of power.

Vote I say and vote well but do not be fooled by Tess and his pandering.

I ask you to vote but do not Vote for Mr Tess.

Vote for Scoutfinch, Vote for the Future!

*EDIT: For the record anyone who thinks Tess is even remotely a bad Moderator is on glue, All the Mod's are outstanding.
I'm happy to see my husband is behind me one hundred percent....oh wait no he's not!

The only promise I can make you fine citizens of army.ca is that I will keep HitorMiss securely locked up and away from the keyboard.
Yes a vote for me is a vote for a HitorMiss free army.ca experience! Think of the silence this will bring...I know some of you would jump at that opportunity.
So vote for me and ban HitorMiss!

That is all.

And Mike please please don't ever leave us, you can see the chaos that would ensue if you were gone!
I see my Wife has Finally weighed in...

I say to you the fine Members of of these boards, Please vote and if you must vote to silence me I will not hold it against you all.

But I ask you first consider why you are voting, are you voting for the betterment of Army.ca or are you voting to silence freedom.

Are you voting to Push foreward into the future under steady level shoulders or are you voting for ego and eliteism?

Vote and Vote well

Vote Scoutfinch, Vote for the Future
Here's the deal:

I should be in on this.

-I've been an army.ca member for almost 2 years now
-Ive been a subscriber for over a year (I just had to renew)
-I completed the army cadet program, which has to count for something. It shows promise at least.
-I'm young, intelligent, and work in an office thus meaning I have lots of time to be on the computer
-I can provide references..

So army.ca..... give me a chance!
I say VOTE FOR PEA. Best wife ever, and a heck of a business woman. She is a moral booster (no not what you're thinking so get your head out of the gutter). She stuck by me through good and bad while hubby was deployed.

Pea offers you her protection!! VOTE FOR PEA!!!!!
Its currently a tie between scoutfinch and tess.
The suspense is killing me! (By the way when do the polls close?)
Imbeault said:
By the way when do the polls close?

I would say whenever Mr. Bobbit goes missing,
so then we will have a new leader elected.

E.g. never :)!

But why elected a leader, when the actual one is the leader,
by power of ownership? Shouldn't it be an auction  ;D?
Yrys said:
......But why elected a leader, when the actual one is the leader,
by power of ownership? Shouldn't it be an auction   ;D?

What better way to find out whose door Paracowboy must knock on to deliver the Throat Punch?