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Questions about joining the Reserves

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ACE_Engineer said:
Would it be reasonable then to say that, when applying for the basic para course, somebody who has already jumped out of a place (civilian skydiving) would have an advantage over those who haven't yet done something like that?

I jumped out of a window once.  :)

From 2007 ( perhaps out of date )

2 pages.

Sparkplugs said:
Has anyone ever been able to go from the civilian licensing to being able to take the military jump course?

ArmyVern said:
Civ licensing has no bearing on selection or loading for Basic Para.

As always, Recruiting is your most trusted source of information.

"Unofficial site, not associated with DND or the Canadian Armed Forces."

Your hobbies will have no bearing on whether or not you get Gucci courses unrelated to your trade, and bungee jumping certainly isn't a skill recruiters are looking potential recruits to have.
"Place" was a typo. I meant "Plane".

And thank you all for the information. It seems much of the selection process is based on physical fitness and luck. Luck being the better part.
Not at all. Life experience counts, but it should be applicable to leadership and the job you're applying for.
ACE_Engineer said:
I was watching a documentary on YouTube in which they interviewed a few paratroopers, and they said the most difficult part of becoming a paratrooper is the mental aspect.

They're wrong... it's the physical part. Lots of running, pushups etc. ad nause.

Very few people ever 'refuse' to jump in a military context. The Army will train you so much that even parachuting becomes boring :)

If some sort of event or emergency came up while away on course like DP1 in the summer, how quickly could you return home to deal with it? Would you have to wait for some paperwork to be cleared before being allowed?
If you were only gone for 2-3 days would you be able to return or would you automatically be re-coursed?

I'm sure there's lots of variables but any insight is appreciated!
Depends on how far you're traveling. If it's a very time sensitive emergency for immediate family you could be on the next available flight or driving home within a few hours.

Most courses don't have a lot of extra time built in so it really depends on what classes or tests you're going to miss.

I have a son that will reach 16 in 6 months time. He has been wanting to join the Reserve while continuing high school. He has his sight on two purple trades. Now, as of now those trades are offered by two different Reserve units in our city, one Navy and one Army. My question is, is there any difference in requirements and qualifications between different units in different elements for the same trades? Speaking with recruiters from both units separately, they both did not want to comment on the other one, understandably.
Calvillo said:

I have a son that will reach 16 in 6 months time. He has been wanting to join the Reserve while continuing high school. He has his sight on two purple trades. Now, as of now those trades are offered by two different Reserve units in our city, one Navy and one Army. My question is, is there any difference in requirements and qualifications between different units in different elements for the same trades? Speaking with recruiters from both units separately, they both did not want to comment on the other one, understandably.

You were speaking with Unit Recruiters, who's sole role is to recruit for that reserve unit only. They do not have training or access to National CFRC answers.

Recruiting standards are set nationally by CFRG for all Regular and Reserve recruiting. Generally, there should be almost no difference in recruiting between the two units.

After the person has been sworn in,  differences between the army and navy will rapidly become obvious.
(example: When / how training is offered, uniforms, extra opportunities ect…)

I've just completed my online application for joining the reserves. I've also reached to a few of the reserve units I'm interested in joining. I haven't heard back from the units or the recruiting office that is processing my application (only been a few days).

My question is, do reserve units and recruiting offices take time off for the holidays? i.e should I not expect to hear back from either the reserve units I'm interested in, or the recruiting office, until the new year?

11Danno11 said:

I've just completed my online application for joining the reserves. I've also reached to a few of the reserve units I'm interested in joining. I haven't heard back from the units or the recruiting office that is processing my application (only been a few days).

My question is, do reserve units and recruiting offices take time off for the holidays? i.e should I not expect to hear back from either the reserve units I'm interested in, or the recruiting office, until the new year?


Yes, things are slower during the holidays.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
11Danno11 said:

I've just completed my online application for joining the reserves. I've also reached to a few of the reserve units I'm interested in joining. I haven't heard back from the units or the recruiting office that is processing my application (only been a few days).

My question is, do reserve units and recruiting offices take time off for the holidays? i.e should I not expect to hear back from either the reserve units I'm interested in, or the recruiting office, until the new year?


Yes they take holidays.
Units started minimum staffing on 15-Dec; all CFRC's & CFRC shut down as we 22-Dec.  Reopening on 7-Jan and back to full strength on 14-Jan.

It has been a while since I was last active here at army.ca, but on Thursday I have my med review and interview for my local Reserve regiment. I passed the CFAT years ago (glad the CF doesn't purge their digital files!), and in December I passed my FORCE test.. not too bad for a 45 y/o 'old man'.

My question is for current reserve force members and before I get chastised for asking a repeat question, I HAVE searched through the boards but haven't found a clear answer... so that's why I am asking. :)

My question is about pay. On the CF website, it lists daily reserve force pay for a Pte is $96.06, but elsewhere I have seen that for training nights you get half that amount. Can someone who is/was in the reserves clear up the pay structure for me? You get paid for parade nights... and one weekend/month training. In your first year of service when you are an FNG, how long is the summer training... and do you get paid the entire time?

I'm pursuing this to achieve a lifelong dream, it's not about the money.. but since I have to take unpaid leave from work to serve I want to get some clarity on how/when reservists are paid.

Thank you everyone... and if these specific questions have been answered elsewhere, please point me in the right direction.

$96.06 is the daily rate, as you pointed out. A "day" is from 6 hours to 24 hours. Training nights or anything under 6 hours would be half the amount.

You only get paid for what you work. If you go away on a course you will likely be class B and you will be paid the entire time as well as travel days. If the course is short or run locally through a unit, you will likely still be class A and will have to sign in for every day. BMQ, BMQ-L and trades course will likely take one or two summers. BMQ can also be done on weekends, so you will be paid accordingly.

Other employment opportunities may come up - recruiting events, first aid courses, SENTINEL program, odd jobs around the unit - all paid based on your daily rate.
For part-time reservists, you are paid a full day's pay for a period in excess of 6 hours, and half of that amount for a period under six hours.  You will also receive a premium in lieu of leave of 9%.

If you are employed on a full-time basis (called class B) you are paid 7 days a week, even if your normal work period is a five day work week.  If your period of class B service is 30 days or more you will receive leave of 2 working days for each 30 day period.  If your full time service is under 30 days, you will receive the premium in lieu of leave of 9%.
Hey guys appreciate if u could help me here. i applied for the reserve, i did my cfat last nov.2018 and had my medical and interview last month dec.2018. i tried to contact my recruiter thru email last week and asked him regarding about my application he said by the looks of my file im ready for enrollment and  i have to contact one of there senior file manager to ask more information about my file...after sending him email he replied the other day saying they have no record of my file?? like this is weird. would it be better to just call them??
I would recommend calling them at the end of the week if you haven't heard anything. They could have typo'd something. With the reserves, there could be multiple units sharing one garrison. Ensure you're contacting the right one. Also, it may be possible your file didn't arrive yet. A lot of military correspondence is still done with pen and paper and usually requires multiple signatures as it passes from hand to hand. Do not be discouraged, give it a few days. Sometimes I get leave passes (Permission to take vacation days) returned to me with permission to do so weeks after I already took it.
Thanks, i just received email this morning saying theyre sending my file to Ottawa next week for a background check, but any idea how long will it take?
Icecube said:
any idea how long will it take?

Application - How long does it take? (Merged)
20 pages.