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QL5 - QL3 part 2?


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Hi, im about to leave for gagetown in 3 days to do my 5's, however i recieved an email from a friend who is already there and said that the 5's were cancelled and now its a corse called QL3 part 2? is this true? what does this mean and is the corse content the same (what exatcly is it?) thanks in advance!
This is the case with all the RETS Sect 2 i/c courses (old QL5) only.  FETS still calls them Sect 2 i/c.  I am assuming that you are going to RETS, since FETS next Sect 2i/c course starts at the end of the month.

Good luck, if you have any other questions I will try to answer them for you.
ok but what exactly am i doing on this corse? is it still mine's, and field sketches? and what else is on the corse? thanks alot
They combined the parts to make the Res course even shorter, so you only do sketches of minefields now.  There is also a spelling portion as I understand it (jk).
lol seriously tho man, what exatly will i be doing on my 3's part 2 that i do in 3 days?
Ya got me, Pal.  I did my Reg Force TQ5A course 1982.
Yes the QL5 Course is now called Section Member part 2 because they have introduced CMD into the reserve course now.
CMD? and whats is the new corse made up of ? still mines , ied's and field sketches?
spart8n said:
CMD? and whats is the new corse made up of ? still mines , ied's and field sketches?

CMD = Conventional Muntions Disposal.
IED's are NOT part of the this course they are taught during work-up training for the TF's.

All the old favourties are still there like skeches, mines and minefield laying/breaching.
It's part of a conversion to the new res program that came out of the QS writing board a month and a half ago.  The content for the QL3 is being changed substantially, including a change so that it will be done over 2 courses and will be fully equivalent to the Reg version.  The concept is that most of the pers augmenting the op tours are at the Spr/ Cpl level, and are needed to have the same basic building block skills.

In fact, if you look at the CTP for the recently demised QL5, it was mostly just PO's from the reg QL3 that didn't get covered on the res QL3.  They're just now calling a spade a spade.

oh, and not much of an idea yet on whether there will be a QL5 under the new system.  The QSWB recommended it, but I know that many Res CO's see a potential roadblock in terms of career advancement if it means 4 full summers to get fully qualified to MCpl- the preference would be for two summers of 8 weeks rather than 3 of 6 (and yes, I realize that that math doesn't work out- there would need to be some delta).