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sorry to bump up an old thread like this but i dont see the point in starting an entirely new thread.
anyway I got Psoriasis about a year and half ago. I never thought anything of it affecting my future military career but after doing some research lately I have come to the conclusion that my future in the military is probably doubtful because of it. I have it moderatly on my scalp but I also have excema on my arms and legs. anyway i was wanting to join the Armour core but I doubt I could get into that now. Would I still be able to join the regs but in a support MOC?? Or would reserves be an option?? I have esentially based my whole carreer options and future on getting into the military, I have always wanted to since I was a kid so this is kinda a devastating blow for me, I can't get in because of something like this.
So have you gone through the recruiting process and been turned down?  If not then why are you on here whining about something that hasn't even happened yet?  For future information, if you get turned down for medical reasons then that means you are not eligible for any trades in the Reg F or Res F.  Good Luck.
No I havent been through the reqruiting process yet but from stories of other etc I am now worried about it because I have esentiall based my education goals, etc on being in the army after highschool so I never planned on going to college I never thought about any of that very much. Thats why I was looking for this information. there is no Reqruiting centre were I live and the closet one is like 7 hrs away so I cant go down and talk to a reqruiter and I dont want to have to pay long distance charges so I have emailed them on seveeral occasions but I never get a response back so I thought I would ask here. So I dont see where Im winning.
Consult your local phone book.  There is always a toll free number listed for recruiting.  It will be answered at your nearest
recruiting center.

No I havent been through the reqruiting process yet but from stories of other etc I am now worried about it because I have esentiall based my education goals, etc on being in the army after highschool so I never planned on going to college I never thought about any of that very much. Thats why I was looking for this information. there is no Reqruiting centre were I live and the closet one is like 7 hrs away so I cant go down and talk to a reqruiter and I dont want to have to pay long distance charges so I have emailed them on seveeral occasions but I never get a response back so I thought I would ask here. So I dont see where Im winning. Try the spell checker next time and it is whining not winning.

No one is going to tell you over the phone or via e-mail whether your skin condition is going to prevent you from joining the CF.  You have to go through the processing to find out.  So submit an application through the on-line application on the web site if you are serious about joining the CF.
alright thanks kincanucks i know your a reqruiter so I'll take your advice and just go ahead with the application. I wont be submitting it untill the summer though. I have tried to hard to be rejected over something like this. the military is pretty much what kept me in school and out of any mayjor trouble. I have lost some 50 pounds since I started working out, to get in shape for the military so If I do get rejected because of it then ok that really sux but I sure as hell am gonna try.
I had no problem joining the Air Force with psioriosis. Nor have I had any immune/health problems from it. It just looks damn ugly when I wear a bathing suit.  :D
midgetcop said:
I had no problem joining the Air Force with psioriosis. Nor have I had any immune/health problems from it. It just looks damn ugly when I wear a bathing suit.  :D

Don't blame the psoriasis for that!
ok thats good to hear. well not about the bathing suit but the other part is good lol.

mine is on my scalp and is hardly noticable at all it's very mild case.
My dad had psoriasis that covered his body at times. He joined the Air Force in 1955 and they let him stay in until 1987, including several UN tours and Germany postings, as well as October Crisis duty and a few other very stressful roles. He was 50 when they discharged him due to psoriatal arthritis that formed around his neck causing him impairment but not crippling him. He is doing fine now 18 years later and was a Commissionaire for several years.

I joined the Hasting and Prince Edward Reserves in 1983 and for 7 years was a member rising to M/Cpl. I graduated from university and got a job in the states for a couple years to pay off my loans then came back to go DEO reg force infantry in 1992. I passed all the tests and initial paper work but then developed a pain in my right knee. They thought it was a knee injury and I went through physiotherapy for a while, but it wouldn't go away. Then I developed a rash on my scalp and on my arm. Turns out it was psoriasis and due to the fact it was arthritic I was discharged as medically unfit.

I still cherish my time with the Hasty P's going to Trent University and had trouble trying to figure out what to do with a military oriented history degree, but I am now taking a Master's of Education to be a teacher. Hopefully I can do something for the military educating young minds about our strong tradition. But it is disapponting that I could never be the army officer I always wanted to be. I should have gone ROTP back then, but I wanted experience in the ranks to become what I thought would be a well rounded officer.

I at least worked on Defense related software, NORAD, US Army Blackhawks, Canadian Artillery, but it is not the same as being there in the field.

Maybe I can be an Army Cadet Officer and instructor. So sad I can't be part of the armed forces anymore, though I am 40 now and probably too old for infantry. But to work out the frustration I enrolled in Karate schools to keep fit and work on a Black Belt. Weight lifting, walking long distances, cycling with my MP3 and writing a novel help, too.

But there is no denying the disppointment of not getting in again. It sucks that I have to suffer the pain of this disease and that it has kept me from my dreams. But at least I have a family and new future career.

I feel for those that can't get in because of the disease. There is nothing you can do, sadly.
ChopperHead said:
ok thats good to hear. well not about the bathing suit but the other part is good lol.

mine is on my scalp and is hardly noticable at all it's very mild case.

Honestly, I just didn't think to mention it in my medical exam, therefore it never came up. I have a fairly mild case, some on my elbows/legs/scalp, but nothing overly noticeable.
Mitch_G said:
Did you get in?

Hey Mitch,

I assume you're bumping this thread because you have the condition.

Google the relationship between Candida Yeast and Psoriasis when you have time.

I had something similar which no doctor was able to assist with.

Eventually, I self-diagnosed and went onto a 2-month anti-yeast vendetta which included anti-yeast cleansing and supplements.  Five years later I haven't had any follow-up issues.

If you want more details of what I had researched, just shoot me a message and I'll reply when I can.

Cheers, Matthew.