m6 said:Thanks for the reply. I'm thinking not as well, but it crossed my mind as an interesting question. Funny when you think about it, considering Sgt IS the next higher rank.
m6 said:I'm not sure if this is the right place for this question, but here goes.
Due to the fact that MCpl is, by definition if nothing else, an appointment, can one be promoted straight from Cpl to Sgt? Assuming all requisite courses, TI, etc.
Bzzliteyr said:I don't want to brag but I was promoted from Cpl to Sgt.
Mind you, it was a month after I had been demoted to Cpl FROM Sgt and I managed to get my decision overturned.
But still, Cpl to Sgt... this guy.
DAA said:Not unless you are a Musician.....I believe that is the only occupation in the CF that jumps a rank.
GnyHwy said:What about Geo Tech or Int? Has there been any there? I don't think they spend a lot of time at MCpl.
GnyHwy said:What about Geo Tech or Int? Has there been any there? I don't think they spend a lot of time at MCpl.
dapaterson said:Those are caused by rank to rank inversions. The Int Op structure wants more MCpls than Cpls, and more Sgts than MCpls. Fewer WOs than Sgts, but mroe WOs than Cpl. Thus, to keep the structure more or less filled, promotions come fast & furious at lower ranks.
George Wallace said:I often wonder why the RMS Trade promotes people before they have qualifications.
Halifax Tar said:Dental techs too maybe ?
George Wallace said:We can also question why MPs are rapidly promoted to Cpl on completion of their training. Someone, somewhere, at some time, had made the decision that a Cpl MP garnered more respect from people than a Pte MP did.
George Wallace said:No. This is because some brilliant mind at the top figured that his/her MP Ptes were not getting the 'respect' that they should as MPs so made the members who had the Trade Qualification instantly promoted Cpl. Once upon a time a Cpl would have indicated that someone had some experience. Now, a Cpl MP may or may not be experienced. The logic as to how this gives them more 'respect' escapes me, and in fact has worked just the opposite. Now I guess that brilliant mind will have to promote them all to Sgts. >![]()
George Wallace said:...
As I understand it the 'political logic' to bring about these 'instant Cpl's' was that someone in high places felt that MP's below the rank of Cpl/MCpl were not getting the 'respect' that a LEO should get in the military hierarchy and performance of their duties. That was before Spec Pay was approved, if I recall correctly.
Eye In The Sky said:Removing MCpl and replacing with Lance Cpl and Cpl is "6 half and one dozen of the other". Would serve no purpose other than to keep the base tailor busy and spend some tax dollars.