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Promotions in the CAF [Merged]

As far as progressing through the ranks, as it stands right now, at least in 1VP, they are not advance promoting for the ranks of private and corporal.  They may be sending some to PLQ courses, and giving them a leadership position, but the rank is not coming along with it.  More than a few people I know have inquired about putting a memo in and were told not to bother unless you have the minimum time in rank.  Some may know differently, but this is what I witnessed this past week.
stealthylizard said:
  More than a few people I know have inquired about putting a memo in and were told not to bother unless you have the minimum time in rank.  Some may know differently, but this is what I witnessed this past week.
Why would you put a memo in to get advanced promoted, advanced promotion are designed for the chain of command to promote people that have perform above what their peers are.  Unfortunately people are using them for purposes they were not intended for IE he just a kid, he is just about to deploy.  If you are deserving of an advanced/accelerated promotion your chain of command will put you forward; asking for it seems kinda arrogant , that is just my opinion.
If I had one of my subordinates (not that I have any now  ;D) submit a memo requesting an accelerated promotion, my reaction would be:

1.  Several seconds of staring at them;
2.  Saying "what is this, some kind of sick joke?!?!" a la the voice of that Marine Col in Full Metal Jacket talking to Joker about his peace symbol, and having "Born To Kill" written on his brain pan; and
3.  Telling them to read CFAO 49-4 -- Career Policy Non-Commissioned Members Regular Force (DWAN link only, CFAOs not avail on Internet at this time), and to report back to me their findings for "insert timing" the next day, being prepared to answer questions on why their memo was a waste of their (and my) time. 

Thats my  :2c:
If a person is being deployed & employed in a position above the rank he currently holds, there should be consideration for his being promoted "while so employed"....  This would not be an accelerated promotion... and if WSE, he would have all qualifications - xcept "time in rank".
Eye In The Sky said:
If I had one of my subordinates (not that I have any now  ;D) submit a memo requesting an accelerated promotion, my reaction would be:

1.  Several seconds of staring at them;
2.  Saying "what is this, some kind of sick joke?!?!" a la the voice of that Marine Col in Full Metal Jacket talking to Joker about his peace symbol, and having "Born To Kill" written on his brain pan; and
3.  Telling them to read CFAO 49-4 -- Career Policy Non-Commissioned Members Regular Force (DWAN link only, CFAOs not avail on Internet at this time), and to report back to me their findings for "insert timing" the next day, being prepared to answer questions on why their memo was a waste of their (and my) time. 

Thats my  :2c:

While on my BOTC, someone wrote a memo saying he should command the graduation parade... for his sword drill skills were good.

True story...sad.
A lot of them trying to do it, want the promotion before going overseas instead of potentially getting it 2 months into their deployment or not getting it when they are eligible because they are overseas and there isn't always time to do field promotions.  I do agree, it is abit arrogant, but at the same time, if you are eligible for promotion, why not try to get it.  It isn't like they are trying to get a promotion up to sergeant with only 1 year under their belts.  They are 6 months or less short of time in rank.  Always have to be proactive.
Eye In The Sky said:
Please, elaborate...why is that question an indication of if someone can handle the infantry, or not?
I think what he meant is that the person asking may be basing his decision on that alone, which is a very bad reason to join any trade  (even if that person was only curious about it and nothing else).

And yeah... putting a memo in to get promoted... come on.  Even I know better.  That decision is up to your higher COC and on the recommendation of your supervisors - no one else.  You have to EXCEL past your rank and even then it's not your decision.  If you want to get promoted, work at your job and professional development really hard, be a team player, be a leader, adopt quiet professionalism, show initiative, listen, behave your self.... it will come to you.

The only reason why people may get a leadership course so soon anywhere, is so they can develop their leadership abilities early on because that is what is needed of them right away.  Not always to promote people immediately.  More and more often we need Pte/Cpls to act on their own initiative - regardless of trade.

I'm getting on my PLQ very soon but that's because all the Sgts, WOs and even some Officers in my unit are leaving, and that means I have to know how to take charge, run my OR and handle "problem children". Not to get promoted, because there's still a lot of things I must learn.
stealthylizard said:
As far as progressing through the ranks, as it stands right now, at least in 1VP, they are not advance promoting for the ranks of private and corporal.  They may be sending some to PLQ courses, and giving them a leadership position, but the rank is not coming along with it.  More than a few people I know have inquired about putting a memo in and were told not to bother unless you have the minimum time in rank.  Some may know differently, but this is what I witnessed this past week.

I just came from 1VP last summer and the standing policy was unless they are totally screwed up you will get your Cpls in 3 years vice 4.  That may have changed in the last while but I am sure that a few serving 1VP pers will be along shortly to clarify. 

As for wanting it so they don't get missed while overseas, is a silly notion.  If they were due their promotion and it was missed they will receive back pay for the period they were at a lower rank.  I've seen it happen and it is a relatively simple fix
stealthylizard said:
if you are eligible for promotion, why not try to get it.
"Eligible" is the minimum baseline.

"Earned" is where one moves beyond the minimum, to where the chain of command deems one worthy of promotion.
Journeyman said:
"Eligible" is the minimum baseline.

"Earned" is where one moves beyond the minimum, to where the chain of command deems one worthy of promotion.

eligible.... earned.... entitled.....

You say tomato, I say tomato. C'mon you old fart get with the new "me generation's" way of thinking. 8)
Eye In The Sky said:
If I had one of my subordinates (not that I have any now  ;D) submit a memo requesting an accelerated promotion, my reaction would be:

1.  Several seconds of staring at them;
2.  Saying "what is this, some kind of sick joke?!?!" a la the voice of that Marine Col in Full Metal Jacket talking to Joker about his peace symbol, and having "Born To Kill" written on his brain pan; and
3.  Telling them to read CFAO 49-4 -- Career Policy Non-Commissioned Members Regular Force (DWAN link only, CFAOs not avail on Internet at this time), and to report back to me their findings for "insert timing" the next day, being prepared to answer questions on why their memo was a waste of their (and my) time. 

Thats my  :2c:

Similar situation a few years ago but the troop asking was the worst soldier in the section! My response was that the only memo I would endorse from him was a request to go repeat battleschool followed by a hearty F@ck off!
I do agree with most of what you guys are saying.  I wa just trying to point out that advancement isn't as quick as some might perceive it to be, and even with leadership shortages, don't expect to move from private to sergeant in a years time.  Perhaps it is faster advancement on average than other trades, I can't comment since I haven't been in other trades, and my experience is very very limited.
Advancement is actually quite quick.  We've got MCpl's after 4 years and Sergeants after 6-7.  That was relatively unheard of a decade or two ago.
Sure, you slog through your 3-4 years as a Private and/or Corporal - which is good, because it lets you develop the requisite skillsets - but after that, if you've got real talent, hold on.
I start mod 6 in a few weeks and I've been in 2 1/2 years.  There will be a few other Privates on the course with less time in then me.

I'm *assuming* promotion may follow.  I would say getting to MCpl during your intial engagement demonstrates that advancement opportunities in the infantry are actually quite good these days.

But then again, I'm still just an FNG.... ;)
Ihave been in the army for just over a year now.  im an arty ncm at 2 rcha. i got my QL4 and going on my DP2 recce tech next week. after im done my reccee course, can i apply for the advance promotion to bombadier(corporal). I have heard that you can do this only one time in your career? can anybody shed some light on this matter.? thanks. :cdn:
gunneravery said:
Ihave been in the army for just over a year now.  im an arty ncm at 2 rcha. i got my QL4 and going on my DP2 recce tech next week. after im done my reccee course, can i apply for the advance promotion to bombadier(corporal). I have heard that you can do this only one time in your career? can anybody shed some light on this matter.? thanks. :cdn:

You don't apply for advanced promotion, if your CoC deems you worthy of advanced promotion they will promote you.