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Princess Patricia's Birthday

big bad john

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Today is Princess Patricia's Birthday, the Regimental Day of the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI).  I would like to wish all of our comrades in that fine regiment happiness and success on this occasion.  I would also have a thought and a prayer for those serving today, those that have been wounded or injured while on service with the regiment, and those who have fallen in the line of duty or not.  They will be in my heart today especially.
Many many years ago I remember standing  in a mile long line  waiting for some free beer In Ipperwash
To help celebrate the birthday Every year now that I am retired
I head to the Legion and silently toast the Regiment and all those that have served and those that continue to serve
Remember one year got my ass in a sling for wearing  something green on my uniform
At the time I thought the Company Sgt. Major Had no sense of humour
Take care all
To all Patricia's,

Pro Patria! my brother in arms. May your regimental day be one of Joy and Remembrance

Happy B'day to all current and former  :salute: A few of us that have served one or another of the Bn's will be raising a few. First time in 8 years not celebrating with the 1st  :'(

Anyone know if  Lady P is visiting 2 or 3 VP for the B'day?

Any broomaloo going on in the dust? (instead of snow)
3 VP hosted the Edmonton event this year, with "E" Coy LdSH (RC) joining us for the festivities.  Three excellent games of sub-unit Broom-i-loo led to ultimate victory by a composite team from Cbt Sp and Adm Coys.  That was followed by the officer versus Sr NCO game, where the former kicked arse with a 3-0 score.  Sometimes, experience and treachery simply aren't enough to compensate for old age....  ;)

Next up was a sub-unit chain of command race, where E Coy narrowly beat out the Cbt Sp/Adm Coy team.  As the last man in my relay, I had much fun trying to ride a mountain bike in the snow while wearing a helmet, respirator, frag vest, and rucksack with radio, ammo can, jerry can (clipped on with a sash-cord and 'biner) and a pace stick.  It was a close race and a good time was had by all.

We retired to 3 PPCLI lines for a brief Regimental Parade with the reading of congratulatory messages from Lady Patricia and the Colonel of the Regiment.  We observed a moment of silence for 2 PPCLI's casualties, made a few individual presentations, and then broke off for a BBQ lunch with the obligatory 2 beers/sodas.

All in all, an excellent Regimental Day out here in Edmonton.  High morale and esprit were much in evidence, with a good time enjoyed by all.  And now if you'll excuse me, I must head over to the WOs' & Sgts mess where the devious bastards intend to seek Broom-i-loo vengeance by plying we impressionable officers with much liquor and merriment.

Cheers to all fellow Patricias - serving, remustered or retired!
CFL said:
"We observed a moment of silence for 2 PPCLI's casualties,"

good to hear


It was foremost in our collective thoughts.  As the "orificer" leading the combined Edmonton assemblage, we wouldn't have done it any other way.  Unfortunately, the CO & RSM were "weathered" into another day in Cambridge Bay with A Coy.  It therefore fell to me to lead the assembled masses.  Solemn respects for our fallen were paid first and foremost, as is only proper.  They will be remembered and revered for their service and membership in the PPCLI family for as long as we collectively live.  And their legacy will be passed down.  'Nough said about that.....

Hope you had a good Regimental Day, despite the burden of our collective loss.


I stayed busy with the setting up of the memorial as well as the get together afterwards.
CFL: I watched the memorial on TV as I was in the airport travelling on TD. I was never in 2PP, but you guys and your losses are never far from our thoughts. We gathered together the little PPCLI crew here in Toronto to remember our two fellow soldiers. Don't fear that we will forget. We won't. VP.
