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Prime Minister questioned about expenses


Army.ca Myth
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Pretty funny exchange during question period in Parliament. The right honourable prime minister Justin Trudeau gets questioned about some expenses tax payers are footing the bill for.

$7500 for a swing set.
$5000 golf cart.
$8500 for new boat racks.
$13'000 for a new deck
$4000 to wire a new sauna.
$20'000 to groom ski trails

In reply he starts talking about the middle class.

The Prime Minister paid for those items out of his own pocket.  The installation, which was quite a bit less, was footed by the tax payer.  Am I upset that tax payers paid 700 dollars to install a swing set?  I guess.  What's more worrisome is a leader of a political party is lying to appeal to his base.  People who won't bother taking two minutes out of their day being outraged on twitter to do a little fact checking.
Andrew Sheer is lying? That's bold of him. Could you show me what you're talking about?

Edit- just found an article in the globe and mail suggesting as you say he's only footing tax payers for the installation.  The Prime Ministers Office is a bit wishy washy with facts sometimes but let's say they're telling the truth. Were the other items paid for by the prime minister as well and Andrew Sheer lying about them too?
Jarnhamar said:
Andrew Sheer is lying? That's bold of him. Could you show me what you're talking about?

Edit- just found an article in the globe and mail suggesting as you say he's only footing tax payers for the installation.  The Prime Ministers Office is a bit wishy washy with facts sometimes but let's say they're telling the truth. Were the other items paid for by the prime minister as well and Andrew Sheer lying about them too?

Details here:  https://ipolitics.ca/2018/06/24/with-the-tories-following-trump-rules-its-about-to-get-ugly/
I paused after the first line.

With the Tories following Trump rules

Is it an actual unbiased article or more "sheer mini Trump" fear mongering?

Does it explain what Trump's rules are?
Jarnhamar said:
I paused after the first line.

Is it an actual unbiased article or more "sheer mini Trump" fear mongering?

Does it explain what Trump's rules are?

It was more about the fact that he paid for what Scheer claimed was taxpayer funded.  More concerning is the fact that it was disclosed before Scheer made the claim.

Your claim about Scheer lying would be bold forgets the fact that parliamentary privileges protects him While making those kinds of comments in the house.  So not so bold really.

Did Scheer lie? Looks like it.  Is he adopting Trump tactics? Doubtful.  That sort of thing doesn’t fly as well here in Canada.  But the conservatives are trying to create a narrative that they are hoping sticks. 
Remius said:
Is he adopting Trump tactics? Doubtful.  That sort of thing doesn’t fly as well here in Canada.

"Trump tactics" have been compared in Toronto and Ontario politics.

Doug Ford

Rob Ford
Can the PM answer the question during question period?
Like say "actually it only cost the tax payers $700 and not $7500"?

That seems pretty expensive for a swing set in any case.

mariomike said:
"Trump tactics" have been compared in Toronto and Ontario politics.

Doug Ford

Rob Ford

Yes but I do think that it is a bit hyperbolic.  I think someone like Doug Ford adopted Harper tactics in the last election.  Stayed on message, kept the media away and limited what his people could say.  And stayed bubble wrapped by his people.
Jarnhamar said:
Can the PM answer the question during question period?
Like say "actually it only cost the tax payers $700 and not $7500"?

That seems pretty expensive for a swing set in any case.

wishful thinking.  There is a reason it isn’t called answer period.  Note: I don’t take credit for that quote.

Indeed. It must have a water slide or something.
This CBC article makes it seem that only the sauna and swing set was paid for by the PM (installation on taxpayer dime). Everything else was listed without that caveat, therefore its highly probable that taxpayers foot the bill for everything but the sauna.


Documents obtained by CBC News through an access to information request show that since Justin Trudeau came to office, there have been several upgrades to the five-hectare property in Gatineau Park, including the installation of a sauna. 

The prime minister paid for the sauna himself, but it cost $4,368 to provide electrical service to it.

A new screened patio cost approximately $10,000, and three patio umbrellas and stands were purchased for about $3,000. An old deck and floating dock were replaced for $12,000 each.

There are also new boat racks, which cost $8,500, and a $5,000 golf cart, which is used by staff and by the family.

The NCC initially said a new playground structure with swings cost approximately $7,500, but after the costs were raised in Question Period this week the NCC clarified the prime minister paid for the set personally, while the NCC paid  $1,800 for installation.

Installation required cementing posts into the ground and the NCC said they take on any installation costs because of the risk to underground utilities.

This is pretty ridiculous. The Harrington Lake property is an official residence for the PM, whoever they may be at the time. So yeah, no kidding there will be some things out in for the specific tastes of a current PM and their family. This particular batch happens to be quite outdoorsy and physically active; it is what it is. Compared to what is spent simply on security for the PM and family this is a minuscule drop in the bucket.

The property is managed by the National Capital Commission, like many sites in the NCR. And the house is old and really showing it. Because it has heritage status, the inevitable pending renovation will come with a huge cost. This is also a property where diplomacy and statesmanship is carried out. It should be kept in good shape for that reason too.

We should accept that the existence of a job like Prime Minister will come with ancillary costs, including taking care of a family that is wholly chained to that one family members role as head of government.
Brihard said:
This is pretty ridiculous. The Harrington Lake property is an official residence for the PM, whoever they may be at the time. So yeah, no kidding there will be some things out in for the specific tastes of a current PM and their family. This particular batch happens to be quite outdoorsy and physically active; it is what it is. Compared to what is spent simply on security for the PM and family this is a minuscule drop in the bucket.

The property is managed by the National Capital Commission, like many sites in the NCR. And the house is old and really showing it. Because it has heritage status, the inevitable pending renovation will come with a huge cost. This is also a property where diplomacy and statesmanship is carried out. It should be kept in good shape for that reason too.

We should accept that the existence of a job like Prime Minister will come with ancillary costs, including taking care of a family that is wholly chained to that one family members role as head of government.

That would be a reasoned position to take.  But the opposition is trying to frame it a certain way that supports how they want to define this PM for the next election.  The article by spencer Fernando gets every single fact wrong but is making the rounds of social media. 

I figure the prices are higher because it's for the government and companies know they can often get away with exhorbiant amounts.

It's still funny how the PM got questioned/accused of something then answered something completely unrelated. That whole thing is a waste of time if politicians don't have to answer the actual questions asked.

Its weird that so many news agencies seemed to have got the wrong story.
This is the reason 24 Sussex is going to need to be torn down.
Jarnhamar said:
Pretty funny exchange during question period in Parliament. The right honourable prime minister Justin Trudeau gets questioned about some expenses tax payers are footing the bill for.

$7500 for a swing set.
$5000 golf cart.
$8500 for new boat racks.
$13'000 for a new deck
$4000 to wire a new sauna.
$20'000 to groom ski trails

In reply he starts talking about the middle class.

Fake news.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I take no issue with our country's official residences getting upgraded and fixed ect.  But don't tell me they are about the middle class and they can relate to them when the "renovations" and purchases that are being completed are:

$7500 for a swing set.
$5000 golf cart.
$8500 for new boat racks.
$13'000 for a new deck
$4000 to wire a new sauna.
$20'000 to groom ski trails

What middle class family has 20K to throw are grooming ski trails or 13K for a new deck.

Hell, I am looking at putting a metal roof on my house and switching to propane heat, and that wont come to 13K alone.  But I renovate for necessity, these seem frivolous and wasteful.
RocketRichard said:
Fake news.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I never know if it's a good sign or bad sign when a post I make lures reclusive members out of hiding ;)

This may very well end up being fake news. One thing I noticed though about this government lately is that they're not always upfront when it comes to money, right?  Sometimes government officials forget to include figures. We've seen how sometimes it takes a few months for actual costs to come out. The government doesn't seem all that upfront about what they're doing until they're pursued and pushed.

Maybe in a few weeks or months we'll be seeing additional costs associated to all this released.
Jarnhamar said:
I never know if it's a good sign or bad sign when a post I make lures reclusive members out of hiding ;)

This may very well end up being fake news. One thing I noticed though about this government lately is that they're not always upfront when it comes to money, right?  Sometimes government officials forget to include figures. We've seen how sometimes it takes a few months for actual costs to come out. The government doesn't seem all that upfront about what they're doing until they're pursued and pushed.

Maybe in a few weeks or months we'll be seeing additional costs associated to all this released.

Fake news or reporting badly.

Fact checking is still a thing in journalism.  Or at least for the good journalists.

But facts seem to matter less and less in this day and age.
Remius said:
Fake news or reporting badly.

Fact checking is still a thing in journalism.  Or at least for the good journalists.

But facts seem to matter less and less in this day and age.

So...Donald Trump has a point?  ;)