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Post deployment Leave still undermined after 9 months


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What is the procedure for CEFCOM approving the 7 days of leave they can give mbrs after a deployment? 
Just how long does it take?
Last time we didn't know till a week before the first chalk got on a the plane to go home.
This time we've been here since late April (9 months so far) and we still don't know if we get them or not.
Just seems ridiculous  to make the clerks redo leave passes for 900+ pers at the last second when you have months to figure it out.
Pte Cherry said:
What is the procedure for CEFCOM approving the 7 days of leave they can give mbrs after a deployment? 
Just how long does it take?
Last time we didn't know till a week before the first chalk got on a the plane to go home.
This time we've been here since late April (9 months so far) and we still don't know if we get them or not.
Just seems ridiculous  to make the clerks redo leave passes for 900+ pers at the last second when you have months to figure it out.

If you've been there since April, then you'd get the full 7 CEFCOM special. Your leave passes need to be done "at the last minute" precisely because of all the different post-deployment leave types (ie in-lieu of missed HLTA days, etc) that you are entitled to. Each and every one of those types - and the number of days for each - is determined by exactly how many days you spend on-ground in theatre. Thus, until flight chalks and dates are confirmed and "announced" (not publicly) and you are confirmed on the butts-to-seats, it is simply impossible for a clerk to give you a firm answer. They should, however, be able to give you a "minimum time off you'll have" because you "X" days on-ground as of this minute response. As well, your leave will also need to be approved by your home unit too as it will be over the max days you can be granted without their authority (mine had to be: I deployed in April, returned in December). Things like short leave are touchy ... the Comd can only authorize you for a max of 2 short, your home unit CO needs to authorize anything above that in the way of short etc.

Usually, D-14 will see your leave dates set with you signing/receiving a copy of it during your D-3. Either way, the clerks still have to figure out each individual on a case-by-case basis because all of it is based on each individual's arrival and departure dates (days actually spent on ground in-theatre), any requests for annual to be included, going to home units for short over the initial 2 days, approval etc.

You'll see "CEFCOM", CDS, Short, Special re-location, Special in-lieu of mission leave, annual, stat, etc etc etc types of leave on your leave pass ... that's shitloads of authorities to gather up and figure out on individual basis' ... clerks shouldn't have to re-do any leave passes ... as they shouldn't have done them in the first place (and if they didn't save an electronic copy ~~~ oh well for them I guess) until the butts-to-seats and chalk dates were confirmed.
I have the rainbow sheet that says for X-amount of days you get Y, plus the CDS specials and the rest. I know the short days are pending approval I'm not asking for those.
What they haven't confirmed is if we get CEFCOm specials. We just had a guy sent home for a medical thing, they did his leave pass and CEFCOM was not on there. That means its still not authorized no? 
His was a special case sit so don't base the leave approval on him. If you meet the requirements you will get the leave.