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Pope's Visit


Army.ca Legend
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Here is a link to the welcoming ceremony kicking off the Pope's official visit. :)
Scroll down to the section covering the Pope's visit.

Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
I see Emperor Palpatine is here. lol
Stalin: "How many divisions hath the pope?"

Of course, the answer was none.  The Vatican still reigns, but the USSR is no more.
Vivat Papa!  Long live the Pope!


Pope Jean-Paul II was there so long that I'm not use to seeing somebody else there yet.
I still have difficulty to remember the Pope new name, and I'm not sure when I'll be able to remember correctly the number !
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
In reference to a similar appearance and nothing more.
It's all good. (I have to get better as "msn-speak" so that I can better convey when I'm not serious)
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
I see Emperor Palpatine is here.
First a Pole, now a German...I think we need to get an Italian back in there next time 'round.  ;)
Yrys said:
Pope Jean-Paul II was there so long that I'm not use to seeing somebody else there yet.

I feel the same, though it's been three years!  JPII was the only pope I knew. It surprises me during the Mass when we pray for the Pope and our Bishops to hear "Benedict XVI" instead of "John Paul II".  I still think of Benny as Cardinal Ratzinger.  I haven't been paying attention to the press coverage... I just hope they're being respectful.
If only I could swing a trip to NYC for this Sunday's mass.  I would love to attend mass celebrated by the Pope.

As for pope's, I do remember JP II as THE pope for SO LONG, but in retrospect, it was difficult to watch his body degenerate, especially after his vibrancy in his youth back when he first became pontiff.  I barely remember John Paul I, but I do remember the shock of his death.  I still remember, though those memories are fuzzy, of Paul VI.