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POLL: How has Prime Minister Harper's government performed?

Fishbone Jones

Army.ca Relic
Reaction score

After two years of minority Conservative rule how has Prime Minister Harper's government performed?

Better than expected   
  194   33%

As expected   
  152   26%

Worse than expected 
  227   39%

Hmmmm... An unabashedly left leaning paper puts out a poll and the results are supposed to be a surprise? Who do they think their readership is?
After two years of minority Conservative rule how has Prime Minister Harper's government performed?

Better than expected 
  777  31%

As expected 
  667  27%

Worse than expected 
  1003  40%

Better than expected 
  928  31%

As expected 
  793  27%

Worse than expected 
  1185  40%
After two years of minority Conservative rule how has Prime Minister Harper's government performed? 

Better than expected - 946  32%

As expected  - 804  27%

Worse than expected  - 1202  40%

30% saying better, 30% saying as expected...

If translated to votes, they would have a majority in the next elelction.
St. Micheals Medical Team said:
30% saying better, 30% saying as expected...

If translated to votes, they would have a majority in the next elelction.

Ya buts its unclear. Whats 'as expected'? Did they expect the Conservatives to perform good? Or perform bad?
I've always been a bit left leading, except when it comes to matters of the military and much of foreign policy (imagine how hard it is for me to vote ( ! ), though I do every time).  But I must say, I'm reasonably impressed by Harper et al up 'til now.  I'd like them to move a bit quicker on the environment, but am willing to listen when people say they don't want to dump loads of money into something that ultimately won't work and that further study/other options are needed.  (Just don't sit on those words, though!)

So, from a provincial lefty, federal centrist ... not too shabby!  :)