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Piper's lament at ramp ceremonies - what's it called?

Brihard: The best version of HC I've ever heard is the massed pipes and drums playing alongside HM Royal Marines massed bands, the USMC, and Stadacona at the Toronto Tattoo in 1993.  Bar none.
I've played a tune called the Vaal River Tragedy slowed down a bit.  The tune is very fitting for these times.  RHFC_Piper, have you ever heard the tune before?
MP 811 said:
I've played a tune called the Vaal River Tragedy slowed down a bit.  The tune is very fitting for these times.  RHFC_Piper, have you ever heard the tune before?

Can't say that I have, but I'll look it up when I get a chance.

I can send you the .bww file if you have the software, just say the word.
MP 811 said:
I can send you the .bww file if you have the software, just say the word.

I'm still waiting for my computer to come back from over there (its in Petawawa right now), and this loaner (from my sister) doesn't have any Music software on it, but you can send it anyway. 


no problem bro. I'll fire it off to you when I get home from work.
I had thought that " The Black Bear " should be the  quick march that was played after the grave- side ceremony was over, on the way out of the cemetary? To me it is a " victory " march, and a celebration of the highlanders spirt and bravery , hence the "cheer " at the last part of the chorus..

While we are at it, does it bug any one else that our national anthem is rendered as a SLOW march, by so many civillian singers and bands?  I have allways thought that it should be perfrormed at a normal march pace, not as a funeral  derge. Any muscians care to comment on this ?

Jim B Toronto.