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Pickton Trial Result

Second or first... he's going to be put away for life.... and that's only for the 1st 6 cases.  Many more to follow.

At this moment, I don't care how he is put away, so long as he is put away.
This guy  is the reason we should bring back the death penalty. Its cruel to say, but people like him need to be *completely* removed from society. Nothing will bring back the people he killed. BUt at least we wont be paying taxes to keep him breathing.

Life isnt life if he can be considered for release in 10 years. ::)
tomahawk6 said:
Life isnt life if he can be considered for release in 10 years. ::)

And I'm sure life after his release would'nt be the same for him.
And, because of bleeding hearts the sentences will be concurrent, not consecutive.

Edited for speeling.
Note to self;
Hit spell check, not post.
Hit spell check, not post.
Too bad they won't just leave him alone with me for a couple of hours -- I'd even bring the salt.

I hope this bastard rots in Hell -- if ever there were such a place -- he's truely deserving.
Even the gangbangers and bikers in prison have families and sisters and daughters and wives. I say let this fucker live within the general prison population.... there is some honour among thieves .... i hope
Depends on the crimes committed.  I don't know the particulars of this case, however in prison there tends to be lines that one does not cross.
Some (I'm not sure how many) violent biker gangs have the rule of "No women, no kids".  If he runs into a few of them in prison...I don't think he'll enjoy the stay too much...provided they let it be as long as the government says.
The Hells Angels used to be like this, a lot of their goups still are.  But over time the occasional bottom feeder with no respect for the rules would violate this.  So for Pickton's crimes and publicity, if he were to be in general population, there is a chance he will be "sorted out" by his new neighbours.

Sad that he is only getting Canada's "life".  But...As was said, if this was just the first 6 cases, one can hope that as things progress it will get much more severe for the man.
If it will not get worse, that's a shame.
tomahawk6 said:
Life isnt life if he can be considered for release in 10 years. ::)
what they were saying, based on the severity and number of instances, this time, life is 25 yrs firm before anyone has to think about it.  And then there is another 20 some odd murders held against him.
Don't forget that regardless of the sentence, he will be found legally, criminally insane, and, until "cured" he may serve his sentence AND BEYOND in a fine institution such as RPC in Saskatoon.  My wife used to be a Nurse there, and I forget the lettered designation, but essentially, once it is applied, you don't get out until cured.  There are lifers there who were sentenced to only a few years, but since they can't be cured of the mental illness, they are still held in custody.

I'll talk to her and find out if I can get more info.

Since he can't be cured... life it will be.

yammit said:
Don't forget that regardless of the sentence, he will be found legally, criminally insane, and, until "cured" he may serve his sentence AND BEYOND in a fine institution such as RPC in Saskatoon.  My wife used to be a Nurse there, and I forget the lettered designation, but essentially, once it is applied, you don't get out until cured.  There are lifers there who were sentenced to only a few years, but since they can't be cured of the mental illness, they are still held in custody.

I'll talk to her and find out if I can get more info.

Since he can't be cured... life it will be.


Tim, I don't see any guarantee that he will be declared insane.  Since his trial lawyer didn't use it as a defence, I highly doubt the crown will push for it, unless he uses it in one of his further trials.  I COULD see the crown pushing for a dangerous offender designation, but insanity hasn't come up once in the trial, to my knowledge.  His lawyers tried to emphasize that he was none too bright, but never played the insanity defence.

His IQ was measured at 86, above the level necessary to be considered "mentally retarded" at 70.
I would be betting that he will be designated a dangerous offender and will never see the light of day again, as with Paul Bernardo. Pickton boasted to the undercover police officer that he killed 49 and he said that it was too bad he got sloppy or he could have made it an even 50. I would think this is grounds enought to have him declared a dangerous offender.
Talked to the wife - she was by no means a warden - but if she recalls correctly:
NCR - Not Criminally Responsible - defendant may put it up as a defense, however, the penal system can order psych evals on special cases such as Pickton.  If they order one on him (and likely they would), they could find him NCR, and once tagged, he wouldn't see the light of day, until he can be HELD criminally responsible, at which point, he would serve his time.

Perhaps a CO (Corrections Officer not Commanding) on here, or a legal beagle could clarify further, or directly refute.

I just know that at RPC in Saskatoon, there are persons who never raised an insanity defense - who are NCR - that will never see the light of day.


Editted to remove the implication that I was the defendant.

And to re-iterate:

Not the case in the guy who killed the newscaster, Brian Smith, in Ottawa. He was judged not competant and went to a psych facility in N Ontario. Last year he was realeased after 10 years and was arrested at the border for punching out an American Customs agent.
The defence did not use the argument in this case anyway so it's not relevant.
Guess this poll link can go here.

What is your take on the sentence in the Robert Pickton trial?

25 years is not long enough.  21%
He should be executed.  57%
He'll never get out - who cares?  22%

Total Votes for this Question: 493 
"Serial killer Pickton's trial cost B.C. $102M: VICTORIA - The mammoth investigation and mega multiple trials that ultimately convicted serial killer Robert Pickton cost the British Columbia government more than $102 million.":
