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PERs : All issues questions...2003-2019

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Old EO Tech said:
I'm not sure if Bde/Div/CA is planning on sampling this years results and providing any guidance, I'm sure we will see a CANFORGEN from CMP this fall after they see the results of our labour :P
CMP sends their CFPAS lessons learned guidance about every February (and have been doing this for several years now).
Lower levels of command just like to ignore this annual standardizing guidance because it does not fit how they want to do PERs.
Is it possible for someone to redress a PER after the redress time frame has expired for a special circumstance or anything?
ObedientiaZelum said:
Is it possible for someone to redress a PER after the redress time frame has expired for a special circumstance or anything?

Yes.  Everything fit to print about the grievance process is in QR&O: Volume 1 - Chapter 7 - Grievances; DAOD 2017-1 - Military Grievance Process, as well as at the following link:


**edited to add:  pay specific attention to para 7.02 (2) & (3) of the QR&O.
Good day all,

Just wondering if any of the more experienced members, have a brag sheet template they have used / worked best for them over the years, and don't mind sharing. I am looking in particular for ones for MCpls and Sgts.


It's called Section 3 and Section 4 of the PDR.....Members Accomplishments and Members Career Goals.  And it's the members responsibility to fill it out.

Ack. However what is being asked, is a word template from mbrs here to track their accomplishment along the way. I know what the sections are, and what goes in there, just trying to help people get in the habit of noting their stuff, as opposed to scrabbling in the end trying to remember what they did when.
I use a notebook. I write from the front for day-to-day subjects, and the back for my yearly tasks and accomplishments. I replace the book every year. Dollar store, no need to spend a fortune.
opcougar said:

Ack. However what is being asked, is a word template from mbrs here to track their accomplishment along the way. I know what the sections are, and what goes in there, just trying to help people get in the habit of noting their stuff, as opposed to scrabbling in the end trying to remember what they did when.

I'd think it would be a good idea to have them start making these notes "within" section 3/4 of the CFPAS application and saving their information locally.  The software is available to everyone, it's use is mandated and by having subordinates use it, gives them exposure to the application itself (for when they become supervisors), it's processes and the guidelines (ie; CFPAS Manual).  I'm a Snr NCO and my CO usually sends me an email a couple times a year and just says "X, would you be kind enough to provide me with your most current PDR Sect 3/4 input so I can consolidate?"  2-3 minutes later, they have it......

Why re-invent the wheel when you can reinforce what is currently available?
DAA said:
I'd think it would be a good idea to have them start make these notes "within" section 3/4 of the CFPAS application and saving their information locally.  The software is available to everyone, it's use is mandated and by having subordinates use it, gives them exposure to the application itself (for when they become supervisors), it's processes and the guidelines (ie; CFPAS Manual).  I'm a Snr NCO and my CO usually sends me an email a couple times a year and just says "X, would you be kind enough to provide me with your most current PDR Sect 3/4 input so I can consolidate?"  2-3 minutes later, they have it......

Why re-invent the wheel when you can reinforce what is currently available?


That, and write things down on a calendar or in a journal...  :2c:
I just use a word doc, with a header for the reporting period.  I type in bold/underlined the name of the month and below it use bulleted list of any relevant stuff for the month, etc and keep it on my Q drive in a folder I have for PD/Trg stuff.  Whenever I get asked for 'what I've done since', I just email that to whoever is asking.

At the bottom I keep a list of short/med/long term career goals, course desired, 3 posting pref's.
opcougar said:
Good day all,

I am looking in particular for ones for MCpls and Sgts.


MCpls and Sgts need this kind of guidance?

Jesus wept.  Short of lining up for lunch everyday, I can think of few things in the CF that are simpler or more straight forward than completion of the member's brag sheet.  I once had one submitted to me written with a green sharpie marker on a crumpled sheet with a coffee stain…no joke.  Member wrote it up in the workshop and stuffed it in his pocket until he submitted it.  Worked fine for me, and everyone else I know.
DAA said:
I'd think it would be a good idea to have them start making these notes "within" section 3/4 of the CFPAS application and saving their information locally.  The software is available to everyone, it's use is mandated and by having subordinates use it, gives them exposure to the application itself (for when they become supervisors), it's processes and the guidelines (ie; CFPAS Manual).  I'm a Snr NCO and my CO usually sends me an email a couple times a year and just says "X, would you be kind enough to provide me with your most current PDR Sect 3/4 input so I can consolidate?"  2-3 minutes later, they have it......

Why re-invent the wheel when you can reinforce what is currently available?
Great idea. I think I'll start doing this. I am terrible for not selling myself with a good brag sheet. Apparently, I did my job and did it well doesn't cut it. And I always end up misplacing my notes.
DAA said:
I'd think it would be a good idea to have them start making these notes "within" section 3/4 of the CFPAS application and saving their information locally.  The software is available to everyone, it's use is mandated and by having subordinates use it, gives them exposure to the application itself (for when they become supervisors), it's processes and the guidelines (ie; CFPAS Manual).  I'm a Snr NCO and my CO usually sends me an email a couple times a year and just says "X, would you be kind enough to provide me with your most current PDR Sect 3/4 input so I can consolidate?"  2-3 minutes later, they have it......

Why re-invent the wheel when you can reinforce what is currently available?

As a Jr. NCM, I will start doing this.  We have our own Divisional Note template we use onboard, but I think your advice about using the ACTUAL software is a great piece of advice, and will allow me to get the experience with it.  Thanks for putting this idea out there.


if your subordinates ned to write up a brag sheet of accomplishments in order to help the boss write his PDR, then the boss isn't doing his job.  We have Monitor Mass that if used even remotely properly, creates the brag sheet and PDR for you.
Jay4th said:
if your subordinates ned to write up a brag sheet of accomplishments in order to help the boss write his PDR, then the boss isn't doing his job.  We have Monitor Mass that if used even remotely properly, creates the brag sheet and PDR for you.

I disagree; you can have comprehensive div notes but it's still beneficial to give subordinates the option to submit a brag sheet.  Even if you only have one or two folks under you, it's easy to miss something while on leave or otherwise working on something else, and also lets people take a more active role in what goes into their PER.  What may not have seemed like a big deal to you may be an accomplishment they took pride in.  The whole div system is supposed to be interactive as well, so the brag sheet is a good prep for the periodic div interviews.  Used properly it's a great tool. 

Worse case, lets you give a lazy supervisor material to write you up about, so you don't get hosed.  And lets face it, there are a number of those.

Monitor mass misses all kinds of stuff, and with the new PER format, the impact of what you did is more important then the participation checkmark in MM. :2c:
Very valid points NP.  We have all seen troops get screwed come PER season and meriting due to lazy reporting by supervisors throughout the year.
or get screwed when posted and nothing gets forwarded on so your new boss has no knowledge of the prior accomplishments until he/she sees them on your brag sheet.

Got to admit - I didnt think of having the actual PDR as a brag sheet and think it is a great idea.  Saves me work too as now I just have to tidy it up instead of typing it from scratch for my subordinates.
CountDC said:
or get screwed when posted and nothing gets forwarded on so your new boss has no knowledge of the prior accomplishments until he/she sees them on your brag sheet.

Got to admit - I didnt think of having the actual PDR as a brag sheet and think it is a great idea.  Saves me work too as now I just have to tidy it up instead of typing it from scratch for my subordinates.

That is where a "Posting Letter" from your current CO to your new CO comes in.
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