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Pay: Statements, Backpay, Benefits, Deductions (Taxes, T4), Deployed ect... [MERGED]

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Well, the above quote sounds great, but unless you have a medical or administrative reason (ie C&P, accomoadation, etc.) promotion to Captain is now automatic, not merited. Heck the rate we're going in the Log world, promotion to Maj will soon be automatic.
Eh, I know at least a few current SLts who will never make Lt(N) while they are still in their current trade. The prospect of being a training failure may be unpleasant, but shouldn't be discounted completely. Plan for the worst, hope for the best, etc. Of course, failure rates do vary greatly from trade to trade. I cannot speak for the fine contstruction engineering folk.
CDN Aviator said:
That is incorrect, full stop.

Promotions are never guaranteed. Lots of people around who will never see the next rank.

Yeah : Read a little more before posting things like that.

I said practically bud i no your not always going to rank my father was a master corporal for 10 years before he reached sergeant thanks for the help guys!
CFchamp said:
I said practically bud i no your not always going to rank my father was a master corporal for 10 years before he reached sergeant thanks for the help guys!

That's your freebie.

Go read the site guidelines. Start using proper grammar, punctuation and capitalization. Use the spell check before you post.

Lastly, stay in your lane.

Milnet.ca Staff
Didn`t want to start a new thread, once you do an OT, does your IPC date stays tied to your seniority date or does it change to the effective date of your transfer?
meni0n said:
Didn`t want to start a new thread, once you do an OT, does your IPC date stays tied to your seniority date or does it change to the effective date of your transfer?

Depends.  Are you stepping down in rank becasue of the OT (ie Sgt Inf becomes Cpl Veh Tech)?

Lots of permutations and combinations are possible - it's the details that make up each case.
Dap, I stayed the same rank. Was supposed to go up IPC on 22 march but it was modified for july, when I VOTed to new trade.
Hey guys I was just wondering if anyone knew of an up-to-date list of which trades are specified as specialist trades in the CF. I believe that ACS Tech and Hull Technicians are specialists but what else applies? I've searched on the net but haven't been able to find out, thanks in advance.
-ORaNGe- said:
Hey guys I was just wondering if anyone knew of an up-to-date list of which trades are specified as specialist trades in the CF. I believe that ACS Tech and Hull Technicians are specialists but what else applies? I've searched on the net but haven't been able to find out, thanks in advance.

I know that this answer isn't what you were looking for, but it is bound to be pretty much what most who just read your post are thinking:

Does it really matter that much what Trades make what when it comes to wages?  Are you joining to make a fortune or joining to serve? 
It's not so much about the money, yes I want to serve however I'm undecided on which trade it is I'd like to go into. I'm interested in Materials Tech, ACS Tech, and still doing research into others. I'm interested in the more technical and "specialty" trades because I like a challenge and being challenged every day, typically specialist trades will be the more difficult and challenging ones which is what I'm looking for. If there is more pay it's a bonus, who wouldn't like to make a bit more money? If I were just looking for a higher pay cheque I would have stayed with my old trade as an ironworker.
-ORaNGe- said:
typically specialist trades will be the more difficult and challenging ones

I realy, realy beleive you should re-think that..........
-ORaNGe- said:
It's not so much about the money, yes I want to serve however I'm undecided on which trade it is I'd like to go into. I'm interested in Materials Tech, ACS Tech, and still doing research into others. I'm interested in the more technical and "specialty" trades because I like a challenge and being challenged every day, typically specialist trades will be the more difficult and challenging ones which is what I'm looking for. If there is more pay it's a bonus, who wouldn't like to make a bit more money? If I were just looking for a higher pay cheque I would have stayed with my old trade as an ironworker.

For someone not yet in the reg force you seem to have quite the expert opinion on what is and is not challenging and/or difficult. 

Different trades have different types of challenges and difficulty, some physical, some mental, some technical, some environmental.  Trades with specialty pay have more to do with the level of education required and the amount of danger involved rather than 'difficult' and 'challenging' which can apply to any trade...

Thanks OCCAM I appreciate the link there's just so much information to navigate through especially if you don't know exactly where to look.

GreyMatters I never claimed to be an expert as you say, a specialist is a specialist for a reason I'm sure, in one aspect or another of their occupation they likely face challenges that other trades may not whether it be due to a need for specialized education, training, or hardships either mental, physical or both in their roles if the forces.

Do I know as much about the forces as you do? Nope, never claimed too, I'm researching and I'm learning as best I can. If someone makes a statement that is off in the recruiting office should the recruiter then mock you? I'm asking questions, that's what a forum typically is for questions and discussion. Isn't easier just to give a 1 or 2 line answer than to cut someone down?

Do I want to go specialist for the pay? It's a part of it, I won't lie. Mostly I just want to get as much education and experience as I can, as for a higher pay rate I have a child on the way and a wife and I'd like to be able to provide for them as best I can....
The only place with any mention of OCTP is that payscale. I don't see that anywhere else. Is that even still a entry program? It's not listed on the recruiting site.
DexOlesa said:
The only place with any mention of OCTP is that payscale. I don't see that anywhere else. Is that even still a entry program? It's not listed on the recruiting site.

Yes, it exists, but that doesn't mean there's any active recruiting going on under that plan right now.  Just because it's not being used today is no reason to purge all documentation of any references to it, only to have to reinvent the wheel if it becomes needed again in the future.
An update, I`ve been advised by the clerks here, that even though my seniority date didn`t change and remains in March since I did a VOT and the effective date was in July, the IPC would only go up in July. Does it make sense that my IPC will go up a year and four months and not a year after my seniority date? 
Did you change from a Non-Spec pay trade to a Spec-Pay trade?  I know in those cases the IPC date becomes the day you switch.  Not sure at the moment otherwise, would have to check it.
CountDC, yes I did go from non spec to spec but since I am not qualified I am getting paid under the IPC I had before.