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Paul Harvey --- WARNING from 1965

George Wallace

Army.ca Dinosaur
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Here, from a time well before Twitter and FaceBook, before Laptops and Desktops, before many of you were born, is a WARNING by that famous commentator, Paul Harvey.

This WARNING from 1965 on a radio broadcast featuring the commentary by Paul Harvey.


Look at what has come to pass in the five decades since that broadcast.
I can't even begin to imagine what he would have said if he had made a second "warning for a nation" before passing away.

Not quite.  But close.  That version is a more recent one than the original.


Transporter said:
The guy sounds like a total nut job... whichever version you choose.

Far from it.  Paul Harvey, and to a lesser extent Paul Harvey Jr, had the ear of a very large portion of middle america.  When I was working across the line in the 90's, in regular communication with people in the food industry, Paul Harvey's latest offerings regularly came up for discussion - usually, approvingly.
Kirkhill said:
Far from it.  Paul Harvey, and to a lesser extent Paul Harvey Jr, had the ear of a very large portion of middle america.  When I was working across the line in the 90's, in regular communication with people in the food industry, Paul Harvey's latest offerings regularly came up for discussion - usually, approvingly.

Oh, I don't doubt that he was popular. To this day, there continues to be a large segment of the American population who, if it were not for someone on radio or TV telling them what they're supposed to believe, they wouldn't know what to do with themselves... like lemmings.
To this day, there continues to be a large segment of the American population who, if it were not for someone on radio or TV telling them what they're supposed to believe, they wouldn't know what to do with themselves... like lemmings.

Like ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN et al?

POLL: Fox Is The Most Trusted TV News Source In America
by Pamela Engel - Jun. 10, 2014

A new survey says that Fox News is the most trusted TV news source in America, and MSNBC is dead last.

In response to the question, "Which of the following television news sources do you trust the most to provide accurate information about politics and current events?," 25% of survey respondents answered Fox News:

MSNBC netted an embarrassing 5% of the vote, including only 10% of Democrats saying it's the most trustworthy. Broadcast news is considered the most trustworthy TV news source among Democrats.

Unsurprisingly, a majority of the survey respondents who said Fox News is the most trustworthy are Republicans, but Fox also took the largest share of votes among Independents.

This question was part of a larger religion, values, and immigration reform survey conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute in partnership with Washington, D.C. think tank The Brookings Institution.

Researchers surveyed 1,538 adults by telephone in April.


Poll: Fox News Still America’s Most And Least Trusted Source For News
by Noah Rothman - February 6th, 2013

When it comes to news outlets that Americans “trust the most” for news, FNC still beats all of its competitors. 34 percent say they trust Fox News more than any other source. 13 percent of respondents said that PBS is the network they trust most. CNN received the support of 12 percent of survey respondents, ABC received 11 percent, and MSNBC received 8 percent. 6 percent said they trusted CBS News the most, while NBC News and Comedy Central tied for last place with just 5 percent of respondents saying they trust those networks more than any other.

Rifleman62 said:
Like ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN et al?

That just exemplifies how paranoid the American public is these days. Because if I was the devil...
And then there's this...


"It (Fox News) leads the way because of its continuing near total support among Republicans as the place to go for news- 69% of Republicans say it's their most trusted source with nothing else polling above 7%. Meanwhile Democrats are split between a lot of different outlets when it comes to who they have the most faith in- PBS at 21%, CNN and ABC at 18%, and CBS and MSNBC at 12% all poll in double digits."

"Fox News also leads the 'least trusted' list in our annual poll. 33% give it that designation to 19% for MSNBC, 14% for Comedy Central, 11% for CNN, 5% for ABC, 4% for CBS, and 2% each for NBC and PBS."

I think this really speaks to my original point above.
Did you note the headline I posted for poll number two, Feb 13?

Poll: Fox News Still America’s Most And Least Trusted Source For News

Rifleman62 said:
Did you note the headline I posted for poll number two, Feb 13?

Yes, but seemed you focused on the "most trusted" part of the headline whilst ignoring details about Fox News also being voted the "least trusted" also (different demographic of course). If we're saying the same thing, then my bad.

I no kidding work with guys who take their lunch breaks in their cars most days so that they can listen to Rush Limbaugh. At least once a week they come back after lunch practically frothing at the mouth, enraged by what they've just listened to. You can hear them over the cubicle walls talking to their coworkers saying things like "Hey, you know what they're trying to do now?" or "Guess what we're going to have to do when they enact such-and-such legislation?". It's unbelievable. Half the stuff they're saying isn't true or factual, or has been grossly distorted from what is reality. But they take it as gospel, preached to them by that great defender of conservatism, King Rush - that would be the college drop-out, never been in the military (Vietnam avoided), never held public office, three-times divorced, formerly narcotics addicted (and should-have-been convicted felon), never had to raise a family (no kids), all-he's-ever-been is a radio disc jockey, Rush Limbaugh (who's laughing all the way to the bank at their expense). If it wasn't so scary it would be sad. And these guys are in positions of leadership and authority. Mind blowing.
The fact that your attack on Rush Limbaugh is almost entirely ad hominem illustrates why the level of political discourse is so low these days. One can only wonder how JFK or Winston Churchill would fare these days given their well known personal deficiencies? (Your other logical fallacy is to baldly claim that everything said on the show is a lie or distortion without offering any proof).

Now while I occasionally listen to Rush (I also occasionally listen to Jon Stewart), I will agree with you that there needs to be a broader and deeper pool of information to draw from. Sadly, much of the Legacy media is an information monoculture (stop and think of why only one American network is condiserd trustworthy by Republicans while Democrats have a plethora to choose from).

As Canadians, we get American news and information almost by default, which provides a bit of a checksum to our media, and it is relatively easy to get media from other international sources as well. The trick is to find and read them, and encourage others to do so as well.....
Thucydides said:
(Your other logical fallacy is to baldly claim that everything said on the show is a lie or distortion without offering any proof).

I claimed no such thing. I believe if you re-read my post you'll see that I said "half of", which by my math is roughly 50%, considerably less than "everything". And if you want "proof", use the google.

Rush Limbaugh is very good at what he does. But he's an entertainer, motivated solely by profit and accountable to nobody for the things he says, other than his sponsors I guess. Half truths, mistruths, outright lies... doesn't matter as long as his audience continues to lap it up, which they do. And the fact that he has gravitas within the GOP completely boggles my mind, given that he's experienced or credentialed at nothing but being a radio disc jockey.

Don't get me wrong, there's certainly enough left-wing buffoonery in the mainstream media as well. But I have a very special level of disdain for guys like King Rush.
Transporter said:
Don't get me wrong, there's certainly enough left-wing buffoonery in the mainstream media as well. But I have a very special level of disdain for guys like King Rush.

Or people that don't like Emperor Obama  ;)
For a multitude of reasons - many of his own doing - I don't think Obama will go down in the annals of US history as one of their best Presidents. That said, I do believe that he has been more unfairly vilified and maligned than most US Presidents before him. I get that many people aren't Obama fans based solely on their assessment of his achievements, or lack thereof, as President. That's completely fair ball.
I don't understand the fourteen percent who don't trust Comedy Central...
Loachman said:
I don't understand the fourteen percent who don't trust Comedy Central...

Those are the ones that don't realize that what they are watching is a parody of the new, and the liberal progressives that can't figure out that Steven Colbert is a persona.

Don't feel bad, no one else understand's them either. Probably the same ones that post in the recruitment threads.  ;D
That makes sense.

Now that it does, I just have to figure out if I'll trust Comedy Central or not trust Comedy Central...