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Passport Question


Jr. Member
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I'm in the reserves, possibly(90%) traveling to either of the coasts in the beginning of May; however I haven't filed my passport application yet(my last passport just recently expired, and I hadn't realized). Now I have a very limited time to file my application before I leave for Class B work. I'm currently on the training group for 9Nijmegen, so if I do make it; I would require a passport to leave the country. My Question: Is there anyway I can speed up the process of my application, by being military(even if I'm reserve)? like can I write to my member of parliament informing him of my situation; or would it be better to just visit the passport office and tell them my situation, and hope for the best?

Thanks in advance.
Talk to your MP???

Whatever for??

Talk to the team captain of your Nijmegan Team. Usually, passport applications are made by the CF on behalf of members travelling out of country on Military business, taskings or duties who are not already in posession of a valid passport. See your Team leader for Op Nijmegan to find out if that is the plan for this year as well.

thank you for the reply. :)

My unit has a logistics officer who is overseeing our 9 Nijmegan training; but no team captain. So I'll try to get in contact with who ever is our team captain, to see how they are handling the passport situation this year. The message that recently arrived from Navras, states everyone requires a passport for the training(the traveling part). I'm almost done my application anyway I just need a Guarantor signature; and hopefully this phone call to my team captain will speed up the process. thanks, again.

The passport does offer "express" service.
You pay extra but you can get your passport done in a hurry.....

Also, fill in your passport "on line" prior to going down to the passport office.... service is much faster.... I went ahead of some 200 people the day I went & dropped off my passport application for renewal.
I filed my application for my passport in person, and received it in the mail 2 weeks later, and I didn't pay for express service. You may have to wait in line for a bit, but it's worth it.
let the CF file it for you, at least that way you are not paying; and you get faster service ::)
If you require a passport for Military purposes, why not get your OR to file for a green passport for you? You will have it in days vice weeks, and it won't cost you a dime. Of course, you do not get to keep it when not traveling out of the country on Mil business, but at least you won't have to wait for a blue one to come in to go on the Nijmegan march. My missus applied for a blue one back in early Feb, and it STILL has not been received. The word on the street is that it is almost 3 months to get a blue one....
Just make sure that when you go to the OR to get some help or the fee payed for, you actually have something saying your going.  Doing the training for a team and that team being selected to go are two different things. 

We had a member that needed one for the upcoming CSOR crse and with the understanding of the Pass Port Office (Edmonton) things were sped up considerably (less that two weeks)
The Green (and depending on your job/position - the Red/Maroon) passport is no cost to the member.  The Blue one, as far as I recall, is at the member's expense.  The Blue belongs to the member and is good for five years.  The others have to be returned to the Government as soon as your 'tasking' is over.

I think everything has been covered on this matter now.
392 said:
If you require a passport for Military purposes, why not get your OR to file for a green passport for you? You will have it in days vice weeks, and it won't cost you a dime. Of course, you do not get to keep it when not traveling out of the country on Mil business, but at least you won't have to wait for a blue one to come in to go on the Nijmegan march. My missus applied for a blue one back in early Feb, and it STILL has not been received. The word on the street is that it is almost 3 months to get a blue one....
Reservists on class A will not get a green passport.
I have not known a reserve / militia unit OR that has ever been in a rush to process -
nor do I think they have the ability to providein the 1st place.
Possibly with the deploying unit - but not the reservist's parent unit.... 

then again, maybe I have led a sheltered life?!?

Nijmegan is recognized as an official miltary overseas tasking. Thus the "Op Nijmegan" designation. Reservists therefore tasked (if they make the team) are entitled to the same porcessing of passports etc as enjoyed by RegF members who also find themselves tasked to Op Nijmegan. He needs to find out if, this year, the Op is actioning the passport requirements as they have in the past.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I have seen international teams for Bisley & Nijmegan PLUS the reserve flyover for FALLEX during the 70s & 80s.
The times I have seen green passports being issued, it was as processed by the Bde / district HQ.... but things change - I guess.
geo said:
The times I have seen green passports being issued, it was as processed by the Bde / district HQ.... but things change - I guess.

Its a wonder the army can get anything done if a simple passport has to be handled at that high a level.
FWIW - you can put a rush on blue passport apps -- I needed one in a week - and I got it -- take more $, but the system can be efficient when it feels it wants to be.

geo said:
The times I have seen green passports being issued, it was as processed by the Bde / district HQ.... but things change - I guess.

I'm sure there are differences between the RegF system vs the ResF system, but our OR handles the green passports for us - perhaps they send it higher to be officially actioned, but I'm currently away on course so it's not like I can just waltz down there and ask.

CFAO 20-1 outlines the requirements for passports for CF members - http://www.admfincs.forces.gc.ca/admfincs/subjects/cfao/020-01_e.asp . Para 6 is where it starts outlining the who, what, where, when, why. According to the CFAO, a blue passport at DND's expense would be in order here, but it is my understanding now that DND doesn't give out blue passports for mil travel anymore for whatever reason. I know that I have a green passport for this course I'm on, and I am only in the US.