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Packing for BMQ. Pajamas?


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Hey any experienced input appreciated.
I'm packing for my BMQ, I leave this weekend.
Going through the checklist provided, it does not mention pajamas. Is this something overlooked on the checklist, or is there a reason its not on there? Should I bring them?
ooh and of course any other hints, tips, or whatever also very welcome here.
Like 90% of the people I have seen just sleep in their PT gear.  This is a good idea for two reasons, it's not uncomfortable like sleeping in your combats is and when you have to get up for morning PT you don't have to get dressed.
I believe hot pink is the course standard colour this year.
With or without the butt flap?  They should definately cover that in the joining instructions....
OK cool thanks.
I was talking with some people at the recruiting center b4 I go and they said I could bring some personal shit, if it fits in a bag or something. I am only bringing the checklist though, personal shit is for home, only bringing what they tell me. I did not know if they issue you some or what. I will pack them though. Thanks for the help gents.
Blue Stratocaster (Billie Joes)
Are you a guy or a girl?

Why would a guy need pajamas?  What's wrong with underwear or pt shorts?

Just extra crap you don't need.
Just don't leave it rolled up in your barrack box layout - a few of the girls got together and went and did that.

Next thing you know, its a new item in the platoon layout. Thanks, ladies.
I'm a guy. I have no problems sleeping in my newly purchased pt gear, but i dont know the rules, and dont wanna leave anything to "well i thought".
Thats why I am here ;)
Blue_Stratocaster said:
Going through the checklist provided, it does not mention pajamas. Is this something overlooked on the checklist

I'm sorry but i have to ask.....

Pajamas ?

Where do you think you are going ...summer camp ?
Blue_Stratocaster said:
my newly purchased pt gear,

Hope you didnt spend too much money since you will be issued PT gear and will have to wear it.
No i didnt spend much. I just went and bought all the stuff on the list they gave me. I had the wrong list till this week when I went and exchanged it. There were actualy quite a few differencs on the list from gagetown (i had been given accidently) and the st jean list I picked up this week.
Yeah... the gagetown list probably omits the stuff you won't be allowed to use anyway. PT gear, swimshorts... And things you won't use anyway... Either way, the stuff will come in handy if you pass basic at your next base.
Recruits get issued PT gear now? Just t shirt, or shorts and shoes too?
Bane said:
Recruits get issued PT gear now? Just t shirt, or shorts and shoes too?

What do you mean now ?

When i went through 14 years ago we got issued T-shirts, shorts, sweat pants and sweater along with the cripplers running shoes.
I mean now.
I went through gagetown many a time and never had more than a PT t shirt issued (read: purchased) to me. This was late in the 90's.
CDN Aviator said:
What do you mean now ?

When I went through 14 years ago we got issued T-shirts, shorts, sweat pants and sweater along with the cripplers running shoes.

Yeah same here in 99....including the cripplers running shoes
Klc said:
Yeah... the gagetown list probably omits the stuff you won't be allowed to use anyway. PT gear, swimshorts... And things you won't use anyway... Either way, the stuff will come in handy if you pass basic at your next base.

WHEN. There is nothing there, i can not do, or will not be able to learn. There is no way I will VR. I will ensure I pass everything. 100%, all out, like in a wrestling match, this is what you came for. My past experiances have me very ready for this. My mindest is open to learn everything they have to teach me. There is nothing I want more, or will not do.
"take if you want a slice, if you want a piece, if it feels allright".
Chris Cornell

Cool if they give or sell me pt gear great, but my checklist includes , pt gear, and 2 pairs of shoes to bring.
If Doing BMQ in St Jean I believe this is the standard


If at Borden then this is preferred

and finally Gagetown