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Our own forum!

Done.. less sarcasm mode activated.    :p

On a more serious issue - I must ask Tacco why he thinks that you GIBs get the ladies?  Albeit with the new zoom-bags the wings all look the same from a distance - there can be no mistaking the large maple leaf.

I trust the course is going well and all is on track?  Give Cutler a smack on the head from his friendly ex-407 now 442 driver.
aesop081 said:

Do you have your glider or power wings ?

We might consider your application if you do......
Bah, no, *sniff* ok I'll just go cry in a corner for not being able to be one of the guys.

*mandal walks to the bush and makes a campsite to live in. why you ask? just incase somethign happens when you guys are flying, and need some help in the bush I will be there to help!:D*

*mandal gets slapped awake*
hey Fsgt Mandal.  I got a kick out of your attachment.

Sadly only a Cadet Flight Sergeant and not a grunt................YET!

I don't know about you, but recalling my cadet career.  I worked my -insert expletive deleted- for my chev's and crown.  It's good to look forward to a promising and prestigious career in the reg force, even if it's the army  ;D but dear god, please be proud of your rank, your unit, your flight and your status in the Royal Canadian Air Cadets or at least change your headline to somthing other than "sadly" 

shaking head

Oh what a wonderful, nurturing place for baby pilots to come, grow and blossom into the beautiful flowers they are.

Reason why navs get more chicks.... Pilots are concerned about wieght and balance, navs are not.

<first nav joke>
PViddy said:
hey Fsgt Mandal.   I got a kick out of your attachment.

I don't know about you, but recalling my cadet career.   I worked my -insert expletive deleted- for my chev's and crown.   It's good to look forward to a promising and prestigious career in the reg force, even if it's the army   ;D but dear god, please be proud of your rank, your unit, your flight and your status in the Royal Canadian Air Cadets or at least change your headline to somthing other than "sadly"  

shaking head

hehe, I forgot I had that there. I gotta think of something else, hmm ???
O! I was just wondering something, what kind of survival stuff are you pilots tought? the air force probably has the best survival instructors. For me, that would be an awsome job, reg force survival instructor. There is such a thing right? ??? ???
FSgt_mandal said:
O! I was just wondering something, what kind of survival stuff are you pilots tought? the air force probably has the best survival instructors. For me, that would be an awsome job, reg force survival instructor. There is such a thing right? ??? ???

SARTECHs teach all SERE courses at Springer Lake in Manitoba.

Good one Bograt, you'll fit in nicely in the 32 trade.
aesop081 said:

Do you have your glider or power wings ?

We might consider your application if you do......

I have my gliders! I'm not a crazy bush monkey...
FSgt_mandal said:
O! I was just wondering something, what kind of survival stuff are you pilots tought?

The basic SERE course is just that, the basics. Stuff like shelters, cam, building fires, killing and skinning bunny rabbits, etc. The advanced SERE course is more focused on escape and evasion and methods of extraction, complete with dogs and infantry types looking for you.
SeaKingTacco said:
Can't wait to start the thread about why Navigators get more chicks than pilots, too...  ;)

Geez... one girl in 1991 from a letter addressed to "any soldier in the Persian Gulf" does not count for "more chicks than pilots, too..."  ;D

Oh wait, in my case it does.  :-[


lol, sorry used it for bait in one of my snares :p 8) uh oh, I think we hijacked this thread. hehe oops :-[
Zoomie said:
Woot - now we can have our own little place without having to worry about picking up after all those Navy types.

Time to develop a secret handshake with Sam as our Godfather.

Sorry Zoomster... I have crossed over to the Dark (purple) side.  [darth vader voice] You can't deny the power of the Joint Force, join me or die (or have your funding cut) [/darth vader voice]

Besides I have another air force type forum to worry about; I'm starting to have trouble keeping them all straight.  ;D

FSgt_mandal said:
lol, sorry used it for bait in one of my snares :p 8) uh oh, I think we hijacked this thread. hehe oops :-[

This is now our thread they will never get it back, or maybe I'll just go to sleep...
Inch said:
BZ Mike!

It nearly brought a tear to my eye when upon arriving home after 3 hours in the simulator, I log onto my favourite web site and I'll be jiggered, there's an Air Force forum complete with the Air Command motto "Sic Itur Ad Astra" which for those that don't know, translates to "Such is the pathway to the stars"

Congratulations on having a new Air Force forum! :) :salute: