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Our Opinion


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Anyone who knows me, knows that I am usually shy and reserved while having difficulty to talk to large groups (this pause is for them to commence their laughter now).  I have noticed that my civilian friends have been asking me my thoughts and opinions on Afghanistan and whether or not we should be there and are we making a difference.  Since I came back from Kabul in 2004, it seams that everyone now wants my opinion.  Family, friends and people I have not talked to in years are now calling me to get $1.50 (2 cents with inflation and taxes) worth.  Since I have gotten back from Kandahar, everyone that knows me that is civilian in and around Kingston has asked me this question.  This brings me to my question.  If these people are asking us, who is Jack Laton and some of the analysts on TV talking to?  All soldiers I have talked to think the same way I do.  I feel we should stop the terrorists over there rather than have them attacking us in our own country.  I want a place that is safe for my children to grow up and for their children to grow up in.  I am hoping Canada is that place.
He's talking to people who have a lot more experience in these matters.. like the polaris institute.

(Yes, I am being sarcastic)
This is what Taliban Jack told me: (In form letter reply)

What a complete horse's a**!

Thank you for your comments on Canada's military mission in Afghanistan.
I welcome the opportunity to explain further the federal NDP's position on Canada's role in Afghanistan.

We believe that Canadians deserve a full explanation about why we've committed to our largest military deployment in 50 years. However, Harper's Conservatives have failed time and again to answer the tough questions that current Minister of Defence O'Connor himself asked the previous Liberal government. (http://www.ndp.ca/page/3620)

The NDP fully supports sending our brave men and women of the armed forces on missions that have clear goals and a specific plan on what our soldiers need to do to achieve victory. The truth is that the mission in Afghanistan has neither. The bottom line is that the NDP supports our troops but we want to make sure that this mission is worthy of their dedication and sacrifice. (Please see attached Alexa McDonough's motion supporting our troops.)

Our policy calls on Prime Minister Harper to begin "the safe and immediate withdrawal of Canadian troops from Afghanistan" and "support the continuation of development assistance to Afghanistan and democratic peace building." (Resolution attached.)

Since 2001, military efforts in Afghanistan have failed to bring peace, reduce poverty, stop heroin production, or help reconstruct Afghanistan.
NATO was supposed to secure some areas of the country, where institutions could be strengthened and development projects executed, and therefore help the Afghan government deliver stability to its citizens. The sad truth is that both U.S. and NATO military efforts have failed to deliver peace and prosperity to the most vulnerable of
Afghans: women and children.

1,600 Afghans have died in the last four months alone. We believe that democracy building is what the Afghan people want, not more violence and instability.

Malalai Joya, a female parliamentarian in the Afghan National Assembly, told the 2006 NDP Convention that: "The situation in Afghanistan and conditions of its ill-fated women will never change positively, as long as the warlords are not disarmed and both the pro-US and anti-US terrorists are removed from the political scene of Afghanistan."

Earlier this week, Captain Leo Docherty, a former aide-de-camp to the commander of British forces in Helmand Province, said the NATO-led mission had been "grotesquely clumsy" and "sucked [NATO] into a problem unsolvable by military means." (http://tinyurl.com/g372b);

More and more voices have called for a change in tactics, but Prime Minister Harper chooses to ignore those "on the ground".

Our troops deserve to know what we are asking of them, families deserve to know what their sons and daughters will be called upon to sacrifice.
The NDP resolution on Afghanistan reflects our respect for our troops in that Canada should not commit our soldiers without the certainty that their valiant efforts are part of a carefully constructed and balanced mission that holds real prospects of making the world a safer place.

Again, I appreciate the time you have taken to register your views.


Jack Layton, MP (Toronto-Danforth)
Leader, New Democratic Party of Canada

To catch up on recent news and issues, please visit http://www.ndp.ca or subscribe to our e-mail bulletin, e-NDP, at subscribe@ndp.ca.
I cannot believe him ....

"Our troops deserve to know what we are asking of them"

... funny ... they seem to know why they are there...  he is the one questioning.. and though people try again and again to explain it to him.. he doesn't seem to be able to grasp the idea.

  1600 Afghans have been killed in 4 month eh? Well heres something thats bound to shock everyone (not really though) the United States has had up to 11 000 people killed in one year due to guns.  Afghanistan 1600x x 3 = 2800. Im not good with numbers, but i think that 2800 is far less than 11 000. And as for the peace that has been failed to have been brought... Western Afghanistan has seen very very little violence, Northern Afghanistan has been relatively peaceful save for a few recent bombings. South and East are in the middle of an offensive which is a part of war (gasp!! I said the "W" word).  There has been reconstruction and humanitarian, 6 million kids including 2 million girls are in school, countless bridges wells and schools have been built.
My final point is that if we leave then the British will have to take our place, and the British fighting war is.... well yeah.  If we leave people from other nations will be killed, is Taliban Jack saying that the lives of the British are less important than a Canadian life?? That sounds like bad foreign policy.
  Mr.Taliban Jack it is time for you to leave national level politics and go back to your city council job where you can withdrawl all the police from your city streets so they wont have to face any danger or help anyone at all.  ;)
Just to clear something in my other post.. the 11 000 US deaths are ones that happen inside the US.
just clearing that up for anyone who got it confused with elsewhere.
This is a great article from www.cjunk.blogspot.com it really gives it to Taliban Jack and his granola people. (Fruits, Flakes, and Nuts) :)

It usually takes time and a memory that lasts more than a few months to catch people at disingenuous political games. But, if one is patient, and if one waits, any phony political position will usually be brought to the light of day. This maxim is true for everyone involved in political discourse, no matter their bent. The only restriction one may want to consider, is that over extended periods of time people do genuinely change positions on issues, but waffling on major political conceptualizations within even several years, usually points to fraud.

So it is today with the “progressive” class. Canada’s intrepid defender of Canadian “progressive” values, Jack Layton, is calling for the withdrawal of Canadian troops from Afghanistan. Even though his utterings on the matter are incredibly vague and couched in more utopian platitudes than a Noam Chomsky thesis, they do boil down to one thing; the Afghan conflict is one that Canada needs to get out of.

First, let’s consider the crowing and braying that pierced the air a few years ago when the United States was poising itself to invade Iraq. You remember, the peace marches, the pontificating, and above all:

“The War in Iraq is illegal because it is not United Nations sanctioned!”

… and a thousand and one derivatives there of. In a nut shell, Jack Layton and millions of his clones across Canada preached the notion of United Nations supremacy in deciding which conflict was or was not justified. Worship at the alter of United Nations divine supremacy in matters of war and peace was the first thing on every single living and breathing progressive's lips. Those of us on the right were subjected to it constantly as were our representatives in politics.

Fast forward a year or two and put your ear to the “progressive” airwaves on Afghanistan. Not an utterance about the UN. Not a sniff; not a muttering of United Nations supremacy and leadership. Instead, just nay saying and shameless American bashing and even more shameless talk of retreat.

Yet, the Afghan mission is UN sanctioned. The Canadian mission in Afghanistan has the full blessing of the United Nations, and what’s more, the UN is asking for more NATO forces and greater freedom to root out and drive out the Taliban.

If you missed that, I’ll say it again. The UN is asking for more NATO troops and more freedom for NATO to do the dirty work of crushing the barbarians and reconstructing the South.

For some strange reason which completely escapes me at the moment, the MSM failed to report this week, that the top UN man in Afghanistan, Tom Koenigs, is asking for an expansion of NATO in the south and a lifting of restrictive rules of engagement and movement. Got that, the most holy church of “progressivism” is asking us to stay and to become even more involved in Afghanistan. Yet, what does Jack and his entourage do; call for withdrawal. At about this point I’d say something about fishy smells and Denmark… but the Danes are in Afghanistan.

On a secondary note, let’s consider the moaning from Jack that Canadians should be involved in reconstruction… just like in northern Afghanistan, as he put it today on John Gormley live. He preached on this point, knowing full well that NATO is currently involved in thousands… not hundreds, but thousands of reconstruction and aid projects in southern Afghanistan alone. If he doesn’t know this fact, then his sheer ignorance should eliminate him from serious discussion. If he does know this fact, which he must, then once again he is being a subtle liar. Canada is already doing what he suggests. Our forces are involved heavily in aid, and will continue to do so.

Third, Mr. Layton today pointed to the recent peace arrangement between the Pakistan government and tribes along its northern border with Afghanistan as an example that negotiations are the only way forward. He used this fact to show that offensive actions are not the “way forward”. What he knows, and what he did not tell us, was that the northern border tribes of Pakistan have been under constant harassment, surveillance, and attack by American and Pakistani forces. The northern tribes have taken a beating for years now and they “must” come to the table or face degradation that would make them irrelevant.

You see, by attacking and wearing down these barbarians, the conditions were made for peace talks; just like they were at the termination of any other war we have won. Jack, by ignoring this fact is playing the typical game of the lying car sales men… “if I don’t tell them that the motor is screwed, and they don’t ask, did I really lie?”

Let’s recall that the “progressive” class has positioned itself as the Robin Hood of modern times, the champion of the down trodden, the voice of the dispossessed. Then, consider the fall-out were NATO to withdraw from Southern Afghanistan this coming February, as Jack suggests. (Surely, if Canada is to withdraw, so should the rest of the neocon army) Millions of Afghans have embraced democracy and our presence and the barbarism that would sweep the south once we left would rival Rwanda in scope of massacre. Jack cares not one stitch for the down trodden. His actions say it louder than all the pious utterances that constantly pour out of his “Canadian values” utopian maw. Jack is no Robin Hood; and neither are “progressives”.

And finally, let us consider the outright lie that most “progressives” feed us daily; that they support the troops. Setting aside talk of patriotism and the right to disagree yet support the troops, we must look at the one fact that proves, beyond a doubt, that Jack and his “progressive” rabble (.ca) lie. If they support the troops, they would at least consider for a moment what those serving in the forces have to say on the matter. “Progressives” would consider what the average soldier, either on base in Borden or lying wounded in a hospital bed in Edmonton “thinks”.

But, don’t hold your breath. “Progressives” never consider what soldiers have to say. “Progressives” consider soldiering to be beneath them… otherwise, they’d talk to and give enormous weight to what our men and women in uniform have to say on the issue of Afghanistan. Considering that the Canadian HQ in Kandahar has a higher average IQ than your standard college faculty, … or any political caucus for that matter, wouldn’t the opinion of the men and women serving count for something. Not considering what the troops “think”, shows contempt, arrogance, and an elitism that should sicken every true social democrat.

There is one thing Jack could say that would clear the air and exonerate him and his utopian fellows:

Jack could admit that the “progressive” class he represents are pacifists. Then, all that he says and what his NDP peddle would make perfect honest sense. It’s amazing what a little bit of truth would tell.

I am neither pro or anti NDP and would ask that political battles not be hashed out here.  I believe that our soldiers have been killed and wounded because of the press that those who do not want our troops in harms way are doing just that!!  Whether that be the NDP, Liberal or joe blow from off the street, if they get their point out there in the paper then the Taliban have won a moral victory and all of a sudden we have another suicide attack against us.  By fighting for us, they are putting us in harms way.  Friends and collegues have been either killed or seriously wounded.  I think that the video they showed us of the Taliban summarily exicuting women because they never had enough people to execute on Friday should be watched by anyone thinking of saying that we should pull out.  Let me know how "progressive " that would be.