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I heard basic is pretty strict with prescription medication and we would have to throw away our meds, and get new Rx from a military doctor which is cool, no complaints.

But, What are the rules of OTC drugs in basic training? Can I have tylenol, ibuprofen, and asprin? What about OTC codeine products like Tylenol #1, or robaxacet with codeine? Again this is all non prescription medication, will it be confiscated? If I can have it, is there a limit to how much  can have with me? I was considering buying a bulk bottle of ibuprofen since I work in a drugstore and have a discount, thought it might be handy to keep in the barrcks for my room, im female and ibuprofen is top medical ingrediant in all pms meds, plus is good for sore muscles since it's an anti inflammatory. Any info on Basic training rules would help, I'm gonna buy it in advance then leave this job, and wont have the discount by the time I get my basic kit list and outline.
Unless things have changed, I wouldn't bother taking any of it with you.
Thanks, sorry to carry on about it, but are we allowed to buy it on site? Or do we need to see a medic every time we get cramps? or need for any of it?
In the first week we had to bring any drugs we wanted to keep down to a classroom where the nurses (I think, or pharmacists) were waiting for us. If it was prescription or if they deemed it okay they just put a sticker on it saying they've seen it and then when you run out you give it to your staff and they bring you back a shiny new pack/bottle of whatever it is from the MRI.

So anything prescription was okay AFAIK, and Ibuprofen, Tylenol (whatever kind it was I had... extra strength that's all I know ???), stuff like that was all okay AFAIK. There's some stuff at the Canex like Buckley's, Robotussin, and stuff like that and the MIR has certain non-prescription stuff like Tylenol, Ibuprofen.

Our staff did eventually confiscate cough medicine from one guy (cause he was like... addicted haha) but other than that there weren't many problems.

This was May - Aug of 09.
Thank you that was very helpful, so Im gonna take personal sized bottles then like a 32 pack. And probably one daytime/night time cold pack, I seem to always get a summer cold.
I would only worry about taking one with youfrom the get go so you don't look odd.  32 packs would seem odd to me.  I would expect you will be able to go to the MIR and refill any prescriptions you need while you are on the course.
lol ur funnee, usually the pack sizes come in 24's 32's .....72's 100's and 200's, so a personal size would be a 32 pack, and a family size would be a 200 pack. Meaning 32 pills in a bottle, or 200 pills. Ya if I tried to bring 32 packs of ibuprofen I would probably be monitored 24/7. I am a pharmacy technician in shoppers drugmart so i guess I use terminology that i picked up "behind the counter" i guess i never would have called it that before i worked there.

I forgot to ask if vitamins were allowed? Anyone had issues with vitamins, I know they said their meals are balanced n such, but vitamins should be ok, i love my gummy vites!
azgoodazitgetz said:
lol ur funnee,

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azgoodazitgetz said:
I forgot to ask if vitamins were allowed? Anyone had issues with vitamins, I know they said their meals are balanced n such, but vitamins should be ok, i love my gummy vites!

Errr... Anything that's a supplement of some kind seems to be frowned upon. I wouldn't waste the room in your suitcase for gummy vitamins...

And ahhh... get used to that summer cold... by the sounds of it you don't have a chance at escaping the shack-hack at the Mega.
I haven't visited the Mega in a bit but don't they sell some vitamins and the such in the Canex (the military store)?  I wouldn't see anything wrong with some vitamin C or multi-vitamins but it's always better to wait stuff like that out and get the "feel" before you try it.

Again, eating well is also a good option that will keep you from needing those supplements.

Good luck!
Yeah now that I think about it I think they do... They do sell stuff that isn't allowed on Basic though since that is not their only customers. They sell tons of cleaning products that aren't technically allowed.

I don't see what's wrong with lots of it either but I'm just a messenger.
When I was there about a year ago we went to the MIR very early in the course to get a round of immunizations. While there, we could get OTC medication from the pharmacy. It's free so why pay for it?
There are also a number of threads on this subject already. We're not going to have another one.


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