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Osama in Afghanistan

As Sweet Navy Justice stated, it's hard to hide such a big man that needs KD treatments everyday.
PBI, Im glad somebody else realizes that!  Its very difficult to disseminate info on threats to our boys when we are not sure about the loyalty of some of our 'allies'.

I.E. cant say who, but after 911, a couple of guys I worked with were visiting an unspecified 'allied' country and saw a picture of Osama on the conference room wall! (it was reported as 'removed' a week later)  Even worse some of our 'allied' CIVPOL were disseminating fundamentalist-extremist material to locals!

Michael Scheuer, author of Through Our Enemies' Eyes (2003) and Imperial Hubris (2004)  (both originally printed as by *Anonymous*) is of the unequivocal opinion that the ISI is not to be trusted and that Musharref has to play a very astute political game at home lest he be removed from power by the ISI and replaced with a more fundamentalist general. 

By the way, I highly commend both of the above books.  Scheuer was a senior analyst with the CIA (17 years) whose career focussed exclusively on terrorism, Islamic insurgencies, militant Islam and the political machinations of Afghanistan and Pakistan.  He ran the first CIA desk not associated with a geographical region (ie. the South Asia desk) when he was charged with creating, staffing and managing the OBL desk at the CIA. 

I would be very interested in hearing comments from others who have read either of these books.
I havent read either of these.  Hope they are better than some of the other supposed books by 'experts' who were cashing in on the terrorism craze the last few years.
Both of Scheuer's books were very good, in my opinion.  In a nutshell, he states that OBL has stated his policies aloud for years and that the US et al has failed to listen.  OBL's issues have nothing to do with Western notions of freedom, liberty and democracy as much of the western rhetoric would suggest.  Rather, OBL has his knickers in a twist about what he perceives as anti-muslim American policies including, but not limited to:

(1) US support for Israel;
(2)  US troops on the Arabian peninsula (particularly in Saudi Arabia);
(3)  US pressure on Arab oil producers to keep the prices of oil artificially low;
(4)  US support for apostate, corrupt and tyrannical Muslim governments (ie. Saudi Arabia); and
(5) Continuing US presence in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Scheuer basically argues that the US Intelligence Community attempted to warn both the Clinton and Bush admnistration of the threat posed by Al-Qaeda but that most in both administrations thought the OBL Unit was exaggerating the threat.  Moreover, he argues that the current administration is blowing smoke up the American electorates' ass by making OBL into a "anti-Western ideology" demon when in fact they should cast their eyes to American foreign policy if they want to figure out why half of the Middle East wants to exact some sort of revenge against the US.

Scheuer pulls no punches.  He basically says that if the US wants to win the war on terrorism, it will have to go whole hog with the war and stop pandering to international oil conglomerates and stop dancing around troublesome foreign policy issues like Israel.  Bottom line is that the US could win but the electorate might not like the cost.  He bluntly states the facts and then advises Joe Q. Public to deal with it.
Bin Laden could have been captured a long time ago.....the only reason why is wasn't, is that his second in command would just take his place, and nothing would change. They're waiting for the oppourtunity to disband the Taliban all together. When this is possible.......it will be then....that Bin Laden is brought to justice.
Haywire said:
Bin Laden could have been captured a long time ago.....the only reason why is wasn't, is that his second in command would just take his place, and nothing would change. They're waiting for the oppourtunity to disband the Taliban all together. When this is possible.......it will be then....that Bin Laden is brought to justice.


If you can't provide a source, I am calling bullshit on your *opinion*.
Kurhaus said:
I don't think that the US is giving much of a priority to catching Bin Laden.  It is more effective having him on the run and looking over his shoulder, instead of letting him have breathing room to plot the next terrorist attacks.  If they happen to catch him during an operation then bonus. :cheers:

"It's not a matter of whether the war is not real or if it is, victory is not possible! The war is not meant to be won, it's meant to be continuous".  I think George Orwell may have been on to something?