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OPSEC & Afghanistan


Army.ca Veteran
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more then likely, 105s, 81mms, 155s, 25mm, 5.56, .50 fully auto and bolt action. 60mm, 40mm, 7.62, frag grenades, smoke grenades hcc and wp. Signal flares,

All this info can be retrived off the DND website as to type of equipment the military uses.
As for actual usage with in Afganistan,  we may not be actually using the particular equipment at the time nor may it actually be in country. It may have been pulled out or in reserve.

Half the people I have found on these forums preech OPSEC like it is second nature to them. Yet most break the simplest of those rules.

Things such as posting that you are in the military and what base, trade you are. Or that you have just got back from operations, or you are heading out on operations.
Wives and husbands asking questions about what to send their partners and friends whom are over seas.  All OPSEC and all areas to think about posting.

As for posting or educating a person on open free information  as may be posted by DND or other goverment agencies in reguards to Unit deployments, weapon types or what not.  Not really OPSEC if it is aleady in the open.
Now to use the actual names of personalle and or pictures of them, along with actual solid timings and or specific specs with in or particular deployments of equipment or units may be an OPSEC issue.

Remember the internet may be your friend but it can also become your worst enemy.

Ask a question and hopefully you will get a truth full answer. Hopefully it doesnt step over the bounds of OPSEC. If it does then maybe that topic needs to be removed completely. The lack of response in itself may indicate an OPSEC situation.

The end of the day all the members of the Military and other Goverment Agencies whom work in areas that may be considered OPSEC and or sensitive to Canadian Security need to not talk directly about work or their areas of expertise. unless that info is directly released by aproving authoritys.

Have fun and remember Charlie is listening. (charlie may be your own boss)
CTD said:
more then likely, 105s, 81mms, 155s, 25mm, 5.56, .50 fully auto and bolt action. 60mm, 40mm, 7.62, frag grenades, smoke grenades hcc and wp. Signal flares,

All this info can be retrieved off the DND website as to type of equipment the military uses.
As for actual usage with in Afganistan,  we may not be actually using the particular equipment at the time nor may it actually be in country. It may have been pulled out or in reserve.

Half the people I have found on these forums preech OPSEC like it is second nature to them. Yet most break the simplest of those rules.

Things such as posting that you are in the military and what base, trade you are. Or that you have just got back from operations, or you are heading out on operations.
Wives and husbands asking questions about what to send their partners and friends whom are over seas.  All OPSEC and all areas to think about posting.

As for posting or educating a person on open free information  as may be posted by DND or other government agencies in regards to Unit deployments, weapon types or what not.  Not really OPSEC if it is already in the open.
Now to use the actual names of personalle and or pictures of them, along with actual solid timings and or specific specs with in or particular deployments of equipment or units may be an OPSEC issue.

Remember the internet may be your friend but it can also become your worst enemy.

Ask a question and hopefully you will get a truth full answer. Hopefully it doesnt step over the bounds of OPSEC. If it does then maybe that topic needs to be removed completely. The lack of response in itself may indicate an OPSEC situation.

The end of the day all the members of the Military and other Goverment Agencies whom work in areas that may be considered OPSEC and or sensitive to Canadian Security need to not talk directly about work or their areas of expertise. unless that info is directly released by aproving authoritys.

Have fun and remember Charlie is listening. (charlie may be your own boss)

I don't mean to sound crass but I will.  What in the name of jobe are you talking about?

All this info can be retrived off the DND website as to type of equipment the military uses.
As for actual usage with in Afganistan,  we may not be actually using the particular equipment at the time nor may it actually be in country. It may have been pulled out or in reserve.

neat, then you say

Half the people I have found on these forums preech OPSEC like it is second nature to them. Yet most break the simplest of those rules.

So what is it?  DND or half the people on the forums...with over ten thousand members, you have gauged that 5000 breach OPSEC...interesting.

Things such as posting that you are in the military and what base, trade you are. Or that you have just got back from operations, or you are heading out on operations.
Wives and husbands asking questions about what to send their partners and friends whom are over seas.  All OPSEC and all areas to think about posting.

This one is one is amusing, as much as loose lips sink ships, how many times have you reported to Mods such posts which have breached OPSEC issues?  With your keen sense of security, I would have at least seen you post about some wives inclusion of beef jerky in a husbands package, as being a breach of OPSEC.

As for posting or educating a person on open free information  as may be posted by DND or other goverment agencies in reguards to Unit deployments, weapon types or what not.  Not really OPSEC if it is aleady in the open.
Now to use the actual names of personalle and or pictures of them, along with actual solid timings and or specific specs with in or particular deployments of equipment or units may be an OPSEC issue.

Has happened, but show me a post, that has not been addressed immediately and deleted by the mods.  In fact quote one right now, where this has remained on the boards for everyone to see.

Remember the internet may be your friend but it can also become your worst enemy

Yep, it makes me have a hangover, reading some posts....

The end of the day all the members of the Military and other Goverment Agencies whom work in areas that may be considered OPSEC and or sensitive to Canadian Security need to not talk directly about work or their areas of expertise. unless that info is directly released by aproving authoritys.

Very good point.

Have fun and remember Charlie is listening. (charlie may be your own boss)

Always do, and nope, his name is Bob.

Please, if you have a rant, make it sensible, use the spell check, and read before pressing the post button.



Dileas Gu Brath



Sorry my apologies. I stepped outside of my bounds and my expertise on this matter.
I would like to know what this SITES definition of OPSEC is and how they actually perceive it's impact on the operation and the pers on here? It seems that some may have the perception that OPSEC only encompasses the actual operation we maybe involved with and or the sensitive nature of the equipment and tactics we use.

In a nutshell, OPSEC is the protection of all information or disinformation that may influence our operations in negative or unexpected ways.

That includes not just talking about what's going on regarding a specific, current operation, but also what's not going on, what may go in in the future, what has happened in the past, or what could be linked to it even indirectly, so long as it may have a negative impact. For example, the composition of the next roto doesn't directly effect the operations today, but it fits squarely into this definition. As does specific tactics used in past (even distant) engagements, equipment acquisition/allocation plans, etc.

Yep, that covers a lot of ground. The "real" definition is to simply use your common sense and don't post information that could be harmful, but if it needs to be spelled out, the definition above is the one I'll fall back to.
..and when you see something that you think is breaching ANYTHING then hit the "report to moderator" function. 

CTD said:
Sorry my apologies. I stepped outside of my bounds and my expertise on this matter.
I would like to know what this SITES definition of OPSEC is and how they actually perceive it's impact on the operation and the pers on here? It seems that some may have the perception that OPSEC only encompasses the actual operation we maybe involved with and or the sensitive nature of the equipment and tactics we use.

Normally, I'm the joker around here..

But let's be a Padre for a second.

You made a mistake.  You acknowledge your mistake.  And you and everyone else reading this
can now benefit and grow from your mistake.

We all make mistakes (especially me ;))... but your ability to acknowledge it and grow with it
is admirable and I think should be noted.  Most people here would sulk off into a corner
and say nothing for a while.  I think you handled yourself in a most appropriate mannor after
your mistake and as a result, Army.ca is more OPSEC aware and probably the better for it

That's why we have a publication in the army called "lessons learned", isn't it!?

The rules for OPSEC are very simple and all they take is common sence. We need to remember that we are at war not only overseas but at home too. There have been incidences in the past, where soldiers have been wounded, because of "blogs" that have been posted online in respect to where thier camps are in the countries they are serving in. Leave dates and return dates are also VERY important not to advertise!

It all comes down to this I believe. If we are going to support our troops we need to respect them by not relaying any info out there, that may hinder the situation of themselves, fellow soldiers, and what they are doing to protect our freedom. I am going to post some 10 very simple points. We need to remember that the enemy is OUT there and watching us!


The Ten OPSEC Points:

Don't discuss future destinations or ports of call!

Don't discuss future operations or missions!

Don't discuss dates and times of when we will be in port or conducting exercises!

Don't discuss readiness issues and numbers!

Don't discuss specific training equipment!

Don't discuss people's names and billets in conjunction with operations!

Don't speculate about future operations!

Don't spread rumors about operations!

Don't assume the enemy is not trying to collect information on you so he can kill you, he is!

Be smart, use your head, and always think OPSEC when using email or phone!

The real lessons learned from this thread were quite easy:

(1)  Stay in your own lane.

(2)  Cite what you post if it is not yours.

(3)  Don't justify and explain your breeches of either of the above rules.  Just fix it for the future.

First off....

There are persons on this site that keep that in mind when they look at the threads....the MODS.


There are people who are extremely well versed on this topic....any concerns are given to the MODS.


If anyone see anything on this site that they think is questionable (not the amount of beef jerk that they want to send to hubby in the poo box) hit the REPORT TO MODERATOR

See a distinct pattern developing here?      ;)

Thank You, you helped me feel a WORLD better! You kinda read my mind, I am glad that someone could speak on my feelings and you are right! I was not trying to harm anyone, just share some knowledge.
