The whole Eastern front was and still considered the delay line for the main force to ramp up
. If they can tie the Russians up for 4 days that allows NATO to mobilize and push back.
in reality I think with a conventional war Russia would stomp over Europe in a matter of days as long as they can keep their supply lines open for their hungry artillery.
The west has diddled away actual war fighting assets such as area denial weapons in favor of precision guided less collateral damaging gear.
We need a solid deterrence to Russian rocket systems which have been proven extremely effective in destroying, neutralizing and rendering infective ground forces. How do we counter that, we get our own large stockpile of similar weapons systems.
We might have a superior tank, but they have superior artillery and way more tanks, tank loses to area denial anti tank rockets which they have many of.
If we want to form a actual deterrence to the Russians we have to equip to actually deter them from moving forward. They have superior artillery/ rocket systems. Their EW is extremely effective, maybe more so than ours. But we rely on our gizmos and gadgets so much now we have lost the art of the basics. Even a basic EW in the area would spell disaster for our forces.
How many know how to run wire for a phone system, how many know how to and are proficient with a map and compass. How many of our vehicles and their systems run if hit with a EMP and or interference. You can shut down a modern engine with a few electrical pulses. We in the west rely so heavily on technology to balance the odds that in a perfect war we have stacked the decks against ourselves.

in reality I think with a conventional war Russia would stomp over Europe in a matter of days as long as they can keep their supply lines open for their hungry artillery.
The west has diddled away actual war fighting assets such as area denial weapons in favor of precision guided less collateral damaging gear.
We need a solid deterrence to Russian rocket systems which have been proven extremely effective in destroying, neutralizing and rendering infective ground forces. How do we counter that, we get our own large stockpile of similar weapons systems.
We might have a superior tank, but they have superior artillery and way more tanks, tank loses to area denial anti tank rockets which they have many of.
If we want to form a actual deterrence to the Russians we have to equip to actually deter them from moving forward. They have superior artillery/ rocket systems. Their EW is extremely effective, maybe more so than ours. But we rely on our gizmos and gadgets so much now we have lost the art of the basics. Even a basic EW in the area would spell disaster for our forces.
How many know how to run wire for a phone system, how many know how to and are proficient with a map and compass. How many of our vehicles and their systems run if hit with a EMP and or interference. You can shut down a modern engine with a few electrical pulses. We in the west rely so heavily on technology to balance the odds that in a perfect war we have stacked the decks against ourselves.