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Ontario Majority Government 2022-2025

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I'd love to hear the argument. They would have essentially have to admit that they knew it was going to be re-zoned and were therefore mislead.
They bought protected farmland - they still own protected farmland.
I agree.

I don’t think the developers will sue because I don’t think that discovery would be a whole lot of fun for them…
Having a second minister (and the Premiers Office housing guy) forced to resign because of ties to a firm that not only benefited from the landswap but has had several MZO's issued in their favour is the kind of thing that could lead to very public scrutiny into everything theyve done - and to whose benefit- since 2018

Maybe Ford acted too late, maybe the connection was inevitable. But the thread keeps being pulled.


They can still be changed, it will just more difficult. If passed, future changes will have to be introduced in the Legislature, not simply a regulaltory change which Cabinet can approve.
Kind of like how Trudeau could have reversed EvilHarper’s GST cut from 7% to 5%……but didn’t.
They can still be changed, it will just more difficult. If passed, future changes will have to be introduced in the Legislature, not simply a regulaltory change which Cabinet can approve.

Outside of the Constitution, no government can bind a future government.
I should have added "again" :)
Kind of like how Trudeau could have reversed EvilHarper’s GST cut from 7% to 5%……but didn’t.
Or Harper could have created a better veterans' package, but stuck with & pushed the EvilLiberals' version instead. #WhataboutismSnowball
Maybe Ford acted too late, maybe the connection was inevitable. But the thread keeps being pulled.
Doing the right thing/backpedal/change of plan/damage control, and not just for Wellington County, according to the municipal affairs minister ....
... In reviewing how decisions were made regarding official plans, it is now clear that they failed to meet this test. In response, as soon as I am able, I will be introducing legislation that would reverse the official plan decisions for Barrie, Belleville, Guelph, Hamilton, Ottawa and the City of Peterborough, the Regional Municipalities of Halton, Niagara, Peel, Waterloo and York, as well as Wellington County. This legislation would wind back provincial changes to official plans and official plan amendments, except in circumstances where construction has begun or where doing so would contravene existing provincial legislation and regulation. This includes winding back changes to urban boundaries ...
Archived link here - full text also attached in case links don't work.


Doing the right thing/backpedal/change of plan/damage control, and not just for Wellington County, according to the municipal affairs minister ....

Archived link here - full text also attached in case links don't work.
Mentioned the MZO's as well. Will be interesting to see if their pace of issuing drops way off.
We'll likely never know the extent to which Ford was tied up in the initial corruption, but at least it's being cleaned up. Too bad we're not going to get back the 5 years of time wasted on the housing file.
Trying to change the rules so the rules can't be changed ....
... with the Info-machine statement attached, as well as the proposed legislation.
Whoops. Some land speculators in my corner of town are gonna be pissed. There’s probably around 30-40 million bucks worth of bushy scrubland that changed hands in the past 5-10 years and suddenly found itself within our urban boundary- and now, I guess, back out again.
Whoops. Some land speculators in my corner of town are gonna be pissed. There’s probably around 30-40 million bucks worth of bushy scrubland that changed hands in the past 5-10 years and suddenly found itself within our urban boundary- and now, I guess, back out again.
Not just bigger land speculators, I suspect ...
I guess it depends on who the editor likes ...
Everyone loves the polls they love and hate the polls they hate, so there IS that, for sure. More from the horse's mouth ...
Also, it's a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong way away from any election in Ontario, so we'll see how things unfold.
Could the Ford rebound have anything to do with a lack of options ?

I don't follow Ont politics anymore, so I could be way out in left field.
Could the Ford rebound have anything to do with a lack of options ?
In my opinion the lack of options is allowing him to skate/ boosting the effectiveness of his damage control.

"Odds are pretty low that he wasn't involved in someway in the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing being in the pocket of a small group of developers for the last 5 years, but- who can be sure? at least he's undoing what damage he can, and who else would I vote for anyway?"
Could the Ford rebound have anything to do with a lack of options ?
To be fair, while haters are going to hate, Ford's been better than some on stopping some trains before they went completely off the tracks.

Also, unless something HUGE is pried out of investigations, my humble read is that part of his popularity is from how he can turn-around/flip-flop and look like he's made an honest mistake. Others' reads may vary, though.
To be fair, while haters are going to hate, Ford's been better than some on stopping some trains before they went completely off the tracks.

Also, unless something HUGE is pried out of investigations, my humble read is that part of his popularity is from how he can turn-around/flip-flop and look like he's made an honest mistake. Others' reads may vary, though.
Particularly with past experience and the McGuinty and especially Wynn’s style of always someone else’s doing and not our fault and we’re moving forward this way ‘damn the torpedoes’ and not listen honestly to Ontarians’ concerns, style, especially where power generation was involved.
I await to see what the new Liberal leader does when (s)he hits the ground. Crombie is a seasoned politician and has name recognition. Once they are able to speak publicly for the party, it will be interesting to see how that moves the needle. I agree that Ford lacks credible opposition, and she could change that.

Falling on your sword and saying 'I was an idiot' only gets you so far.

The Ontario voter, like most I suppose, is fickle and has a short attention span.
... especially Wynn’s style of always someone else’s doing and not our fault and we’re moving forward this way ‘damn the torpedoes’ and not listen honestly to Ontarians’ concerns, style ...
I will give her a smidgen of credit, though, for, when realizing she was sinking the ship, announced before the 2018 election (OK, a few days, but still ...) that she was stepping down after the election.

If only other Team Red franchise coaches could learn from this well before any election, right?
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