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On menstruating, sharks, and parts --- a thread I recommend only for girls!!

OK since there is already a warning on this thread for the boys...

When I did my medical for my CT, I was experiencing intermittent spotting because of my IUD.  I had the urine test twice (once at the CFRC and once at the base hospital) and both times there was blood in my urine.  The medic at the CFRC sent me to my doctor with a form to get it signed off that the spotting was the problem.  The doc ordered another urine test and the clinic at his office gave me detailed directions on how to do a mid-stream sample (thank god for Kegels after I had my babies), complete with wiping instructions.  I had never had to do a mid-stream sample before (naive?), and the CFRC and Base hospital just handed me a cup and told me to fill it.

So if your period is predictable and you can schedule your medical for another time without too much hassle, might be better.  My delays cost about 2 months.

I’ve been lurking as one of the unnamed guests for a long time, thoroughly enjoying the intelligent, insightful, articulate discussions about Canadian politics, world events, history…all from a (mostly) conservative point of view. What a relief you all are from the (mostly) agenda-driven, left-leaning MSM!  This is like a refuge for someone who often feels like a lonely looney, ‘cause it seems no one else shares my views.  Plus, it’s been quite an education into the military, as my dad never brought his work home and there is a great deal I didn’t know about.  I think I’ve gained some insights into who he is by hanging around on here.  Thank you all for that.

But as for this thread, oh my goodness!  This makes the army forum perfect, because now it’s feminine too! You know, we’re not born knowing all we need to know about “being a woman”, and you wonder sometimes, things like: what if you were stuck in the Arctic?  how about being on Survivor or Amazing Race?  Do you pack an extra knapsack with the various accoutrements of being a girl? You know, sometimes, natural as it is, I frankly don’t want anything to do with other people when I’m periodic. But what if you were part of a tank crew, say, and had no choice but to get along with others?  I wonder if there’s a medal for men who have survived those situations! Oh boy.

Thanks for the laughs.
Everbrat said:
I’ve been lurking as one of the unnamed guests for a long time, thoroughly enjoying the intelligent, insightful, articulate discussions about Canadian politics, world events, history…all from a (mostly) conservative point of view. What a relief you all are from the (mostly) agenda-driven, left-leaning MSM!  This is like a refuge for someone who often feels like a lonely looney, ‘cause it seems no one else shares my views.  Plus, it’s been quite an education into the military, as my dad never brought his work home and there is a great deal I didn’t know about.  I think I’ve gained some insights into who he is by hanging around on here.  Thank you all for that.

But as for this thread, oh my goodness!  This makes the army forum perfect, because now it’s feminine too! You know, we’re not born knowing all we need to know about “being a woman”, and you wonder sometimes, things like: what if you were stuck in the Arctic?  how about being on Survivor or Amazing Race?  Do you pack an extra knapsack with the various accoutrements of being a girl? You know, sometimes, natural as it is, I frankly don’t want anything to do with other people when I’m periodic. But what if you were part of a tank crew, say, and had no choice but to get along with others?  I wonder if there’s a medal for men who have survived those situations! Oh boy.

Thanks for the laughs.

Just seeing "feminine" now!!??  :o

I must recommend running a search "On Balding and hair dye" for a couple of laughs; there's a few more too. Feel free to contribute.

Oh and ref the guys surviving Hell Week in the tanks ... it should be mandatory for all of them to undergo this training. After that -- they'd never piss us wimmen' folk off again.  >:D
ArmyVern said:
I must recommend running a search "On Balding and hair dye" for a couple of laughs

You're forgetting the waxing thread
:) !
Everbrat said:
...how about being on Survivor or Amazing Race? 

I actually found out the answer to this in an article about Survivor one time. Apparently, the women very creatively roll up small pieces of toilet paper to use as makeshift tampons. So now we know what we can do in an emergency, huh?  ;)

Hey Vern, you promised us a man! Where is he?  >:D

Celticgirl said:
Hey Vern, you promised us a man! Where is he?  >:D

He's a man. Operative word in your sentence.

I asked -- do you really expect him to listen?? Gawd woman, if that's not asking me to perform a miracle, I just don't know what is.  ;)
ArmyVern said:
Well, I've done it and it was fine. That being said, I'm calling in an expert because it's quite possible that there may be times when whatever they are testing for would be affected by such, and times that menstruation would not have an affect on whatever the test was for.

I'll ask a pro in that field to post (it'll be a guy too!!).  ;D

Well, I got asked  - in a nutshell, you may end up with blood in your urine at the time of the test.  If that happens, and it's brought up during your medical, tell whoever is doing your medical of this and you will likely have to fill up another jar just to be sure (obviously after your period).  If you can schedule around your cycle, it does make it easier, as you won't likely have to redo the urine screen (unless of course you actually are peeing blood, but that's another issue all together).



In and out right quick he was!!

Is that unusual? He doesn't want to hang around and chat with us??  :'(

Oh!! Thanks MM.  :-*   ;D

(see girls, miracles do happen sometimes!!)
ArmyVern said:

In and out right quick he was!!

Is that unusual? He doesn't want to hang around and chat with us??  :'(

I can't imagine why not. We're pretty charming I'd say and good conversationalists to boot!  ;D

(Thanks for your input, Medic. :))

Now on to the next question...

When you (ladies) start working out a lot (i.e. more than usual), do you find it affects your cycle?
That's normal.

Vern's custom title for this: Everything you wanted to know about your period -- and some things you didn't want to know too!!

ANSWER: Amenorrhea is a condition that occurs in women of childbearing age, in which the menstrual cycle stops. Primary amenorrhea occurs when a woman has not had her first period by the age of sixteen. Secondary amenorrhea is a condition in which a woman who has previously had her period fails to menstruate for three consecutive months.

Amenorrhea affects 2% to 5% of all women of childbearing age in the United States. Female athletes, especially young women, may be more likely to have amenorrhea. While exercise or physical activity itself does not cause amenorrhea, it is more likely to occur in women who exercise very intensely or who increase the intensity of exercise rapidly.

Secondary amenorrhea can be caused by a number of things, including (but not limited to):

• Pregnancy (the most common cause)
• Breastfeeding (lactation)
• Menopause, the normal age-related end of menstruation
• Premature ovarian failure (menopause before age 40)
• Hysterectomy (surgical removal of the uterus)
• Stopping birth control pills
• Emotional or physical stress
• Rapid weight loss
• Obesity
• Frequent strenuous exercise
• Cysts or tumors in the ovaries

Because secondary amenorrhea can be caused by a variety of conditions, it is recommended that a woman experiencing amenorrhea speak with her clinician.

To prevent secondary amenorrhea that is related to diet, over-exercise or stress, you can take the following steps:
• Eat a low-fat diet that meets your recommended daily nutritional needs.
• Exercise moderately, but not excessively, to maintain an ideal body weight and muscle tone.
• Find healthy outlets for emotional stress and daily conflicts.
• Balance work, recreation and rest.
• Avoid excessive alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking.
Thanks for that, Vern. I figured as much. One of my best friends is very athletic and she goes 4 or 5 months without a period. I've never been particularly athletic myself, but I've been working out a lot the past few months and have been increasing the level of intensity with my workouts. (My trainer has "no mercy"...lol)
ArmyVern said:

In and out right quick he was!!

Is that unusual? He doesn't want to hang around and chat with us??  :'(

Oh!! Thanks MM.  :-*   ;D

(see girls, miracles do happen sometimes!!)

I could take that alot of ways - and maybe even say something, but as an HI, I probably shouldn't.  You make it sound like this estrogen fest is something most guys wouldn't like - and you're right.  My reason is I don't want my new wife who I rarely see at the moment to get the wrong idea  ::).  Or words to that effect.

BTW - you're welcome  ;D.

medicineman said:
I could take that alot of ways - and maybe even say something, but as an HI, I probably shouldn't.  You make it sound like this estrogen fest is something most guys wouldn't like - and you're right.  My reason is I don't want my new wife who I rarely see at the moment to get the wrong idea  ::).  Or words to that effect.

BTW - you're welcome  ;D.


Estrogen fest!!  :D

Girls have question you know!! Perhaps we'll have to rename the guys medical type question threads "testosterone threads".  >:D

I put the warning up there for a reason.

Threads have been deleted before when a girl's asked a legit question about "it" --- because guy's didn't like seeing it.

So now we're here. It's simply another fact of life.  ::)
Reading this thread is very informative, a good laugh at times and reminds me why I don't miss the monthly curse at all!!!  ;D
Men work *so* hard at being macho, but then turn into babies when it comes to "women's issues". It's like they plug their fingers in their ears and go "LALALALALALALA!"

For the record, just jesting. ;D
Pills or menopause for "no menstruation" PMedMoe ?

I've heard ugly rumors about hot flashes (shudder ) !

Add :

I was making jokes about waiting in anticipation for menopause as I usually have colds feet and hands with a coworker
in menopause. She set me straight about the "pleasures" of the process !
Yrys said:
Pills or menopause  for "no menstruation" PMedMoe ?

I've heard ugly rumors about hot flashes (shudder ) !

Neither one, I had a hysterectomy over 5 years ago.  Just the uterus, not the ovaries so no menopause......yet.  >:D

Geez, I should be offended, I'm not old enough to have gone through menopause yet!!  :threat:  ;)
Even if the average is older for menopause, some women got it in theirs '20s ...  ^-^