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Occupational and Component Transfers (OT/CT/VOT) During and After BMQ (Merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter cameron_highlander
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Yet another silly question from me. I'm considering changing my trade from musician to infantry for two reasons. One, I want to make sure I get on SQ and I want to do my BIQ. Two, in all likelyhood I will be moving out of Ottawa to go to university elsewhere (probably Guelph). Regardless, the universities I am considering do not (to my knowledge) have any units nearby that have a pipes and drums. There is however, a log unit and an artillery unit (again, to the best of my knowledge) and I figure that they could find a job for an infantryman without alot of annoyance as opposed to trying to find a job for a pure bandsman. Two questions, should I get off my arse and change my trade now (halfway through BMQ) as opposed to waiting until I finish BMQ? And second, will it reflect badly upon myself if I have to stay in Ottawa and after I come back from the summer and spend a few months in the company I decide to swtich back into the P+D and do my QL3 music course the next summer? I want to get my infantry training all done so I can be useful in more positions if needed, but if I have the opportunity to I wish to be able to go back to the P+D (I live for my bagpipes :P). Thanks alot folks, I'm in a catch here, but I changed my plans for uni just as of late and I'm trying to back paddle and re-orient myself here. Thanks.
2332Piper said:
Yet another silly question from me. I'm considering changing my trade from musician to infantry for two reasons. One, I want to make sure I get on SQ and I want to do my BIQ. Two, in all likelyhood I will be moving out of Ottawa to go to university elsewhere (probably Guelph). Regardless, the universities I am considering do not (to my knowledge) have any units nearby that have a pipes and drums. There is however, a log unit and an artillery unit (again, to the best of my knowledge) and I figure that they could find a job for an infantryman without alot of annoyance as opposed to trying to find a job for a pure bandsman. Two questions, should I get off my arse and change my trade now (halfway through BMQ) as opposed to waiting until I finish BMQ? And second, will it reflect badly upon myself if I have to stay in Ottawa and after I come back from the summer and spend a few months in the company I decide to swtich back into the P+D and do my QL3 music course the next summer? I want to get my infantry training all done so I can be useful in more positions if needed, but if I have the opportunity to I wish to be able to go back to the P+D (I live for my bagpipes :P). Thanks alot folks, I'm in a catch here, but I changed my plans for uni just as of late and I'm trying to back paddle and re-orient myself here. Thanks.

I can't fully answer your questions but here's my thoughts.  Being a musician is a more restrictive trade, especially being a piper.  Would it be possible to be an infanteer and volunteer for the band?

Being in a Svc Bn, there isn't much for an infantry soldier to really do except as GD or sentry.  Most of our soldiers wouldn't like doing that all of the time.

All reserve trades must take SQ.

Also, IIRC, you have to stay in the trade that you switched to for a minimum amount of time (which escapes me) before you can apply to switch back.
An infantryman wouldn't be any more attractive for them to employ then a musician... they'd still have to retrain you to a trade they can use... consider instead of infantry maybe MSE op or Supply Tech. All units are able to use those happy fellows.
2332Piper said:
Staying in one trade for a minimum ammount of time is not a huge deal for me, I want to do the infantry thing for a while anyways. Now, does this minimum time thing apply to me now (seeing as I haven't even finished my BMQ) or can I switch trades (same regiment, different company) now if I get out and do it. Again, I figure that being a trained infantryman would make me a more attractive person to employ than a BMQ-qualified only musicien. And thats what I need right now, employability, considering where I want to go there aren't any pipe bands within a reasonable distance.  

I think you misunderstood me for the minimum time.  If you switched to Infantry, you would have to stay a minimum time in that before being allowed to switch back to musician.  This is dependent on whether I was right with the minimum time thing to begin with.

Being a trained infantryman doesn't increase your employability unless you are going to an Infantry unit.  If you are looking at a full time job, as a Reservist, I would recommend RMS clerk.  On a part time basis, almost all units require storesmen (Supply tech) or clerks (RMS).
Can anyone tell me if it is possible to remuster while in BMQ?  I'm just looking for some general information and would appreciate anything that you can tell me.

Before I give you an answer I need to know why you are asking?
good question.
when you went thru the recruiting process, you chose a couple of trades you'd like to go into - by order of preference and they then made you an offer based on your choice. They scheduled you on your course based on your choice - making every effort to dovetail your training so it's back to back - BQ, SQ & DP1 TQ....
If you were allowed to make changes then there is a real possibility that a DP1 trade course position would remain vacant - potentialy denying someone else who'se been deferred to the next course.... AND you could end up cooling your heels in a holding platoon in this other occupation.

IMHO, you can ask - but the people aren't necessarily going to be happy and they aren't required to cater to your whim.
Its poss. because it happened while I was in BMQ end of 2003.
But the people running the show gave recruits the chance to pick the 3 or 4 trades that were open at that time.
Some guys went from army soldier to navy tech trade overnight with little trouble because "they" made it happened.
Highly unlikely they will comply if a recruits asks for a new trade in the middle of basic--They have enough on their plates already.
As I indicated, the CF would hate having to pay for someone to be in a holding platoon for a couple of months because of a trade change and there being no immediate plans to run desired trade course before 6-12 months.

Once the course has started, you're pretty much committed.

They let people in my BMQ remuster around the 4th or 5th week but there was a limited amount of trades available to remuster to.  My advice is don't join unless you are interested in the trade you are signed up for.
Interesting a remuster during BMQ?
I have racked my brain to remember if during my basic training in Cornwallis if a remuster was allowed or even granted for that matter.
Maybe some of the members who joined in the early 80's or 90's would be able to answer?
As Geo stated your selection process takes into consideration a training time line to fall into place as quickly as possible to each other BMQ, SQ, QL etc.
As for getting into the forces at BMQ and finding out, "hey that trade would be cooler".
Well you did choose your trades selection before you were given a offer.
The real question would be why do you want to remuster should be asked?
HADES 1962 said:
Well you did choose your trades selection before you were given a offer.

Yes, and you are supposed to only choose trades that you are willing and prepared to do. If you want to remuster out of a trade during BMQ, it should have never been on the application.
Well I would like to thank everyone who answered me.  As I originally stated, it was just a question that I would like some general information on.  I didn't need anyone assuming that the trade that I joined for is not what I want, it is.  I was just curious. 

For anyone who was interested, they changed the rules this past summer and you can no longer remuster while at BMQ even though before that you could. 

That was all I needed to hear as there was some debate over the matter here.

Mods, you can lock this now since I did find the information that I was looking for.
I was a reservest for about 8 months in an infintry unit and I loved the military so much I wanted to join reg force so I went to the recruiting center to sign papers they asked me if I wanted to stay in the same trade and I told them no I wanted to switch to firefighting and they told me I wouldn't be able to get in for a long time and I should just go in as infintry and remuster so I am still on basic and I probably won't be able to remuster untill after this course but I wrote a memo to the CO and asked anyway and I was told even after BMQ I'd still have to spend 90 days in my trade before I can switch just to make sure I like it. I wasn't trades qualified when I was a reservest but I had my BMQ and went on all exs even if I couldn't partake in them just to watch and learn does anyone have an suggestions of what I would be able to do as far as getting out of infintry into firefighting?
A bit off topic but the trade is spelled INFANTRY.  Now back to your post it is a bit confusing, just to clarify are you now on a Reg force Infantry course? 
Ya sorry I am typing on a phone since I don't have a computer but no I am on basic again and yes it is a reg force bmq
Do you have any volunteer time with a fire dept. in your home town? Showing that you have interest in your requested MOC prior to entering Reg. force may be of some assistance...
I was berifly in school for fire oritection engineering technollogy till I desided to join the military I didn't complete a semester though I don't think that would count for anything