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NZ Olympic Soccer Team Accuse CAN Team of UAV Spying

It’s a team sport, and any uncompetitive advantages gained by the team’s staff cheating advantages the team as a whole. A meaningful deterrent has to therefore remove the incentive of greater team success, and that can only be done by a punishment that harm’s the overall team’s standings- pour encourages les autres. Nothing unusual or inappropriate about this in a team sports context, and the integrity of the sport demands nothing less.

Sucks that it’s our crew this time round, but it is what it is.
It's a platoon, and any tactical advantages gained by the platoon commander or 2I/C violating a law or custom of war advantages the platoon as a whole. It's a business, and any competitive advantage gained by the executives violating competition law advantages the employees as a whole.

Not buying it.
It's a platoon, and any tactical advantages gained by the platoon commander or 2I/C violating a law or custom of war advantages the platoon as a whole. It's a business, and any competitive advantage gained by the executives violating competition law advantages the employees as a whole.

Not buying it.
It’s competitive sport. Your analogy is garbage and you know it.