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Need Advice on Flag Party

... centre wheel is wrong - let's leave it at that.
When I say we use both, I do not mean for the same thing.

Centre Wheel is 7 mark time paces while moving the flag party 90 degres left or right. At least that how we use it.

Counter march is a counter march.
centre wheel is not an official drill command while counter march is.

Might be a corps thing.

yoman said:
When I say we use both, I do not mean for the same thing.

Centre Wheel is 7 mark time paces while moving the flag party 90 degres left or right. At least that how we use it.

Counter march is a counter march.
I'm with geo.  He has the experience and is a CWO.  Unless you want to tell the Sgt Major he doesn't know about drill(and entertaining as that would be, I'm sure you don't), I'd listen to him. ;)
yoman said:
When I say we use both, I do not mean for the same thing.
Centre Wheel is 7 mark time paces while moving the flag party 90 degres left or right. At least that how we use it.
Counter march is a counter march.
If you are doing a 90 degree ..... you're doing a.......... TURN.
You may chose / need to dress by the right, left or by the centre but.... it's still a turn
Moving 90 degrees either a wheel or form can also be used, but Geo is right a simple turn can work as well.  In my experience with the cadet program, I have always used standard forms and wheels to change direction but not formation and it works just fine.  As for the countermarches, reference the CFP-202 for the Band Drill and everything works from there.  There are no center wheels or other crazy commands that some units cme up with.  Turns, Forms, Wheel's, Counter march, that's it.
I understand that its not a real command. I agree with geo that we are doing it wrong. I`m just trying to figure out the correct way of doing things. I`ll check the 201 when I get home.

Kyle Burrows said:
I'm with geo.  He has the experience and is a CWO.  Unless you want to tell the Sgt Major he doesn't know about drill(and entertaining as that would be, I'm sure you don't), I'd listen to him. ;)

I`m not that daring.  ;)
Ok, me and Yoman are getting really confused on msn here trying to figure this out. Looked in the 201, can't find it.

When the unit is moved from line into column of route, how does the flag party maneuver? All the flights or platoons just do a right turn(for example), but doing so would immediately place the flag party in the incorrect position(from what I understand).
As well, a form or wheel would place the flag party in front of the front rank of the unit, which doesn't make sense either. So pretty much, my question, is how the flag party gets from this:

      C                            C

22222222  F G F  1111111111
22222222            11111111111
22222222  G  G  11111111111

      D                            D

Into this:

    22222222        G    F        1111111111
D  22222222  C          G    D  1111111111  C
    22222222        G    F        1111111111

The C's being the flight commander, the D's being the flight Sgt, the G's being the guards, the F's the flags, and the numbers the flight themselves.

What my former unit and Yoman's did, is while the commanders and flight Sgt's are marching to their new position, the flag party marks time, and shifts as a unit, maintaining their formation, now I understand this is incorrect, so once more, how is it supposed to be done?

Sorry for the bad diagram, but I am hopelessly incompetent.
The Guard would make a Left Turn, and the Flag Party would make a Right Turn and they would Wheel into position.  There would be no need for any 'Order' to be given by anyone in the Party, as the Parade Commander has already given the 'Order' to "Form Column of Route".
A right form would do the trick, this is predicated on a couple elements of positioning of your flag party.  First, which rank is the flag party dressing off; and second how many paces betwen the edges of the flag party and the right/left files of the flights/platoons.  How you have done it is very common in the cadet program, where it came from I have no idea, but its been around for years (I remember the flag party at my home squadron when I was a cadet in the 80's doing the same thing) however that doesn't make it right.  Since that time I have found that since the flag part is generally out of dressing with the rest of the unit (following the close order march depending on the company/squadron position when the colours were marched on) the easiest process is this:

1. When the company/squadron turns for the march past in column of route, the flag bearer/ensign on the right completes a right turn and all other members of the front rank of the flag party execute a right incline

2. when the company/squadron steps off the flag party completes the form on the march and dresses of to the center file (right flag bearer and escort step short, comander normal pace, left flag bearer/ensign steps out) and the flag party is in position by the first wheel with no additional commands or effort.

3. Going from column of route back to in-line, the flag party after the final wheel dresses to the rear rank prior to marking time (left flag bearer/ensign directly behind the rear rank or marching right file).

4. On the turn to the advance, the left flag bearer/ensign completes a left turn, all other members of the front rank of the flag party complete a left incline.  On completion of the turn, the flag party waits one standard pause and completes the left form at the halt, and will be back in their proper position before the platoon/flight commanders reach their designated positions.

Simple, no funky wheels, just drill straight out of the 201.
Alright, thank you for the explanation. That does seem to make much more sense that what is being done.
Well is there anyone who knows where i can get(or how to get) a proper sword for parades b/c i only have a practice one and need a real one with the cipher on it
Please explain to me the reason for a C/MCpl to carry a sword.  Last I checked this was done primarily by officers.
For an escort to the Flag most likely.

I carry a sword as an RSM and I would like my escorts to carry swords just like my AFU and Sister corps does.
GGHG_Cadet said:
For an escort to the Flag most likely.

I carry a sword as an RSM and I would like my escorts to carry swords just like my AFU and Sister corps does.
Possibly, but a reason would have been good.  I'd rather not have a bunch of MCpls running around with swords strapped to themselves.  It seems rather dangerous doesn't it? GIVING CADETS A POINTY METAL OBJECT.

Why do you need a sword? Usually if it is required that you must have a sword for a parade (which is quite rare in cadets) it is supplied for you.
Well in our corp the flag party Cmdr has always had a sword(except if they are carring a flag) and yes it was provided but only for a short time i asked one of my officer if he knew where we the corp could get one and he said to ask around... the reason that a mcpl can carry one is that there is not enough Sr NCO right now in my corp not disrespecting my own corp or anything