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Tax the rich too much and they will flee. Where does that lost revenue come from? Those that are left behind. Those that can’t leave the country.
The Middle Class must be prepared to fill in for the departed rich. It’s only fair not to deny everyone the money that they are entitled to.Tax the rich too much and they will flee. Where does that lost revenue come from? Those that are left behind. Those that can’t leave the country.
The difference between ‘distribute wealth to all’ vs ‘distribute wealth amongst friends.’On the other hand the Liberals have no policy resolutions re defence on their convention agenda at all (just a side comment about the crap the CAF found in long term care homes).
Policy | 2021 Liberal National Convention | Liberal Party of Canada
So there's that.
I tried to find anything in their policy booklets about defence but unfortunately beyond "strong and secure" I could find nothing at all.
Even if it was just some crazy person’s ill informed proposal - the fact they they announced it & are actually planning to debate it is jaw dropping to meSo this is not an April Fools prank? It is just the consequence of having a very open policy for accepting proposals?
Yeah, but don't know how many billionaire supporters the NDP have.Even if it was just some crazy person’s ill informed proposal - the fact they they announced it & are actually planning to debate it is jaw dropping to me
Great way for them to have some of their supporters go find someone else to support though (my 0.02)
Yeah, but don't know how manybillionaireChampagne Socialist supporters the NDP have.
Fundamental questions like "What is the military for?" and "Iceland gets the protection of NATO without paying for a military -- how do they get away it?" are indeed perfectly legitimate questions to ask in a democracy. That these questions are often treated as a 'third rail' or 'forbidden subject' says more about Canadian political culture than about actual military reality.Honestly I think it is a good thing they debate this. The reason being that every government institution should have to justify its existence on a continual basis. Obviously the military is a very easy one to justify, but the questions should periodically be asked anyways. The only groups that should be afraid of these questions are those who cannot justify their existence and therefore should be out of a job.
You are correct. Those are legitimate questions. Third rail feedback results from this:Fundamental questions like "What is the military for?" and "Iceland gets the protection of NATO without paying for a military -- how do they get away it?" are indeed perfectly legitimate questions to ask in a democracy. That these questions are often treated as a 'third rail' or 'forbidden subject' says more about Canadian political culture than about actual military reality.
There in lies the real issue. Anti US sentiment and pro Russian (Communist). Leopards don't change their spots.You are correct. Those are legitimate questions. Third rail feedback results from this:
WHEREAS: WHEREAS the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and Canadian forces in Afghanistan engaged in propping up a US-puppet government of human rights abusers, drug traffickers and warlords, wasting money and lives to further a western agenda of geo-political power and plunder of resources; BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the NDP actively campaign to get Canada out of NATO, to get NATO out of Afghanistan, to remove the NATO nuclear ring around Russian borders, and to disengage Canadian forces from any support role for the U.S. and its client regimes around the world.
04–42–20 ELIMINATION OF THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES Spadina-Fort York WHEREAS: militaries and war have devastatingly negative impacts on civilian populations, including needless deaths, bodily injury and the loss of housing. militaries and war are a historic institution with no place in a modern society. in a world with a globalized economy traditional militaries are becoming increasingly unnecessary. other countries such as Costa Rica, Iceland, Samoa and Panama have abolished their armies. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT an NDP government will commit to phasing out the Canadian Armed Forces.
There in lies the real issue. Anti US sentiment and pro Russian (Communist). Leopards don't change their spots.
I realize this is one constituency proposing this but you have to wonder how many NDP people subscribe to this idiocy.
Well that's the difference between Fascism and Socialism. In Fascism a certain group of people is denied rights, in Socialism, everyone is.The Middle Class must be prepared to fill in for the departed rich. It’s only fair not to deny everyone the money that they are entitled to.
That may be, but as the Conservatives found voting down acknowledgement of climate change being an issue of import, other parties will use such statements to their own benefit. I think very few Canadians truly want to see the CAF eliminated to make health assistant and tree planting cadres.I'm seeing little to no issues with anything the NDP want to debate in their national policy. It's no more regressive than some of the stuff the Liberal policy conventions or the Conservative policy conventions come up with. But here's the thing people of course are missing. Policy conventions are entirely for the purpose of floating new ideas AND making money for the party. A government is not beholden to a policy convention. Because you know that thing called politics and parliament get in the way.
Agreed. And without handing the NDP any strategic guidance here, I wonder if they always consider themselves as a "third" alternative who occasionally become kingmakers in a minority, but are so fractured by the broad base support that they can never present a credible platform to Canadian voters in any other instance.Exactly, the base will do what the base does. And if that base can be used against the party then it will be. Again, not worried. The parties on either "ends" of the spectrum have a tendency to shoot themselves in the foot. It's not like the NDP was ever getting the military vote, and certainly, the conservatives never get the environmental vote.