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NDP call Canadian troops "terrorists" and say the CF is "Bombing Afghan villiages"!

Manitoba Premier Gary Doer got delegates fired up with his warning that in the last 12 months, Canada has moved backwards on the "3 Ks — kids, Kelowna and Kyoto."

NDP down with the KKK and the Taliban.

I believe the NDP does serve a purpose of sorts; it gives the angry lefties a place to go and hang out with kindred spirits.  They stand around and declare that they're real players  on the political landscape and the rest of us are gonna figure that out sometime soon.  Meanwhile the real parties get on with business.
I've been a Steelworker for 20 plus years and, apparently, the NDP is my party of choice.  The reality is that the "union leadership" are never able to deliver at election time.  Jack knows it, Buzz Hargrove knows it, Sid Ryan knows it.  Mostly the NDP is an empty shell   ;D
Hey, maybe we should have ANOTHER thread here...after reading this...


Okay and the new thread should look something like this...

"Canadian Troops Call NDP Idiots"

Idiots? I have some other, choice, words which can only be described as ****** ****** *****.

Layton wants all 2,000 Canadian soldiers removed from the violent Kandahar province by February. But he favours keeping the few dozen Canadians currently working on reconstruction efforts in safer northern areas.

That's a great idea, Jack. Remove the security force and let Canadians be slaughtered WITHOUT a fight. I think Kat said it best, Neurologically Damaged Potheads.
Manitoba's NDP Premier Gary Doer, who addressed delegates on Friday, told CTV Newsnet he supported the mission in Afghanistan five years ago and remains committed to it today.

"This is a UN exercise. The Taliban that we're fighting basically protected the terrorists that were involved five years ago in the 9-11 attack -- which included the killing of innocent victims from Manitoba -- and so I don't like any anti-military talk," he said. 

At least ONE  NDP person has some brains!
Sun, September 10, 2006

  Nutty NDP reveals its true stripes

The New Democratic Party used to be kind of cute, the way a precocious five-year-old is cute.

Fun to listen to, but you don't want to put them in charge of the household accounts.

New Democrats believe in preposterous things, but at least you used to be able to say they had good intentions.

No more.

After this week, having a membership in the New Democratic Party ought to be considered evidence of serious mental illness.

In a sane society, we would round these people up with cattle prods as the danger to society that they are, and put them behind barbed wire in the High Arctic and put them to work drilling oil wells in protected wildlife preserves.

These people are crazier than an outhouse rat.

If they aren't already high -- among other things, they want to legalize marijuana, which I think would take most of the fun out of it -- they've fried their brains.

They are nuttier than a pecan pie.

A series of draft resolutions to be debated at the party's annual convention in Quebec City this weekend reveals important and vile things about those defiling the name of a party that once stood for noble ideals -- albeit ideals that never work in a real-world situation.

New Democrats are socialists and socialism is Communism-Lite.

Anybody who paid attention to world events over the last century knows Communism -- and its wimpy handmaiden socialism -- don't work.

Every country that has a seriously socialist or Communist government is totalitarian to some degree, and screws up the economy so that goods and services to ordinary people are in short supply.

They are corrupt and evil and deny the aspirations of their best and brightest.

Socialism and communism operate under the assumption that people who are good at something and earn money for it are wicked and those who do not are noble and that the government should steal the earnings of achievers and give it to underachievers.

In short: They believe capitalism sucks.

And they're right.

Capitalism DOES suck. It is harsh and cruel and mean and yet it beats the crap out of whatever is in second place in terms of creating and distributing wealth to ordinary people.

As long as New Democrats talked about "fairness" (for non-achievers) and equity (which translates roughly as 'eat the rich and middle classes') they could be considered to have a constituency, albeit one completely bereft of intelligent understanding of the nature of the world.

They have now, under Smirkin' Jack Layton, a pathetic political opportunist who has never held a real job for any length of time -- unless you consider university professor and politician real jobs -- revealed their true insanity.

One resolution that has since been wisely rescinded -- referred to our valiant troops serving in Afghanistan as propping up "a U.S. puppet government ... acting like terrorists, destroying communities, killing and maiming innocent people."

Another calls for a "day of Remembrance" in November for transexuals.

What kind of political party would defile the term "Remembrance" in the month of November -- for those New Democrats reading this, here's a helpful hint: Nov. 11 is Remembrance Day, the day we sanctify the sacrifices of the nation's warriors, not a bunch of gender-confused whack-jobs bent on self-mutilation of their genitals -- with a call for this kind of nonsense?

They also want to nationalize Alberta's oil industry. Not to mention the banks. And newspapers and TV stations.

As the convention goes on today, many of the loony proposals will no doubt have died on the vine.

But we shouldn't forget who these people really are.

And the danger they represent to our nation, prosperity and well-being.

Not to mention any future I have in the newspaper business -- the NDP takes over communication industries, I'm pretty sure I'm going to wind up behind barbed wire in the High Arctic.

Actually you wonder what old Tommy Douglas would have said about the current NDP party - he was a socialist - yet also patriot...
Here is a copy of an email I sent to CTV news. Maybe we have to do more than bitch. Maybe we have to campaign to educate the non CF members who dont know any more than what they see on TV. I know we cannot comment, but I am sure we can the word out somehow, any suggestions?

I think it is about time for CTV to do a news story on the war in Afghanistan, as seen by members of the military who are upset by the NDP's views on the war and the damage they are doing to the Canadian Forces who are struggling to rebuild their reputation after years of ridicule and neglect. We are one of the smartest and most respected military forces in the world. It is sad to see we are not seen as that in the eyes of our citizens. NDP reference to CF running risk of being seen as terrorists, has outraged CF members throughout the country. I am sure you would be able to recieve major support in a news story such as this, with respect to those who have been there and those who are here at home. We have members of our forces fighting a war in Afghanistan, let us not fall victim to the political wars at home. The casualties will be the thousands of Canadians who are misled into once again turning their backs against those who fight and represent Canada. Those soldiers, sailors and airmen who earn the respect of those who believe we live in the greatest country on earth.
I also sent a lengthy letter to the video professer, the friends of hemp in the Cowichan riding association and my local riding association. It is way to long to post here, but not too long to loose them. I hope they actually read it, it took me long enough to write it in as polite a manner as I could. After all, if they are going to be calling us "terrorists," the least they can do is listen when we object.

And this line of ... it was just unfortunate wording that we have since removed....crap, is just that. Crap. That resolution was carefully worded to get maximum attention to make onto the convention floor. The only reason the preamble was removed was the negative sh#t-storm that it stirred up, not any amount of resonable thinking.

I wonder if anyone from the union in Scugog was at the convention? Seems right up their alley.
>I have a nephew currently in service but even as an 'ordinary Canadian' I was appalled by the statement of our local NDP riding association.  I wrote the following to our MP Jean Crowder and disseminated it to all MP's in Ottawa.  The letter to her is followed by 'letter to the editor' sent to many newspapers across Canada.
>I hope the NDP will pay dearly for their mean spirited and seditious statement.  They are not acting in Canada nor Afghanistan's best interests and I firmly believe they are aiding and abetting our enemies.  God bless you and keep you and your comrades safe - you make me and millions of others very proud.
>Randy O'Donnell
>Nanaimo, B.C.
>Sent: Friday, September 08, 2006 9:51 AM
>Subject: Cdn. Soldier/Terrorists?
>Dear Ms. Crowder;
>As my Member of Parliament you have an obligation to represent all of your constituents.  People throughout the riding of Nanaimo-Cowichan are subject to national embarrassment and shame due to your own riding association president and voting members who declared as part of a resolution to your national convention, that "Canadian troops end up acting like terrorists, destroying communities, killing and maiming innocent people."
>According to a story by John Ivison in the National Post, "Jean Crowder, the NDP MP for Nanaimo-Cowichan, also refused to comment on the resolution before it has been debated at the convention."  In other words, unless and until it is debated at the convention, the statement has no reality and need not be acknowledged.  Yet your riding association president Sue Creba, "said she believed that that sentiment was echoed throughout the riding association."
>So what exactly are voters to believe?  That Jean Crowder supports Canadian soldiers in whatever role to which they are assigned?  Or that she, like her riding association believe that in combat, Canadian soldiers descend into barbarity, "destroying communities (and) killing and maiming innocent people"?  I don't think you can have this both ways, Ms. Crowder.  If you agree with your riding association and your president, I think you have an obligation to say so publically.  If you do not, then you have an obligation to dismiss your riding executive as a statement of your support for the Canadian military.
>Needless to say, the outrageous statements of your riding association will have been noted and appreciated by our enemies in Afghanistan and an opportunity to propagandize, while at the same time discouraging and damaging the morale of our own soldiers who so badly require our support.
>I'll look forward to your response regarding this very serious issue.
>Randy O'Donnell
>Nanaimo, B.C.
>Dear Editor;
>Having the Nanaimo-Cowichan riding make news across Canada might normally be a cause for pride.  But instead, major stories in both the Globe and Mail and on the Charles Adler radio program have resulted in embarrassment and shame for most Nanaimo residents.  In a resolution to their national convention, the Nanaimo-Cowichan NDP Riding Association declared that "Canadian troops end up acting like terrorists, destroying communities, killing and maiming innocent people."
>This was not a bit of errant hyperbole, because according to the Globe and Mail story, riding resident Sue Creba went on to say that "the word terrorist is not used lightly".  Given that the resolution was debated and adopted by the riding association, it clearly shows that despite public declarations to the contrary by NDP leader Jack Layton, the rank and file of Nanaimo not only do not support our military, they consider them violent agressors and occupiers.
>Occasionally, the words designed for public consumption slip away and the real sentiments are shown for all the world to see.  This is clearly such a case.  I'm saddened and embarrassed that Nanaimo has been portrayed as unsympathetic and uncaring towards our servicemen and women.  And I'm concerned that such statements by those whom Lenin termed "useful idiots" will be carried overseas, giving succor and encouragement to those who intend us harm, yet are being kept at bay by the Canadian soldiers the Nanaimo NDP so obviously disdain.
>With another election likely to occur in the next year or two, I trust that even traditional NDP supporters will consider whether they can continue supporting a party which sees our military not as protectors but as the deliberate killers of innocents.
Hail, odin!  Stick it to em....and people wonder why I downplay my BC upbringing.... :-[
Good Job! hopefully the rest of Canada will see how stupid the NDP is and make sure they see their vote count go down next election!
Here's the thing though.....If Jack is mouthing this stuff, how many focus groups and public opinion polls have convinced him that this is a position that might resonate with Canadian voters? They aren't smart enough to be original; this stuff has some traction or they wouldn't be saying it!
I mean it's scary how ignorant your average Canadian is about this stuff and how ignorant your average young person is too. All these kids that went back to University this week are being taught by wooly headed egg heads that listen to this crap.
My eldest just returned to Saint Mary's here in Halifax this week and he is appalled at how much disinformation is out there on the Campus. (He's a military kid so he knows better...due to listening to his old Pater rant endlessly no doubt!!) >:(
Here's the thing though.....If Jack is mouthing this stuff, how many focus groups and public opinion polls have convinced him that this is a position that might resonate with Canadian voters? They aren't smart enough to be original; this stuff has some traction or they wouldn't be saying it!
I mean it's scary how ignorant your average Canadian is about this stuff and how ignorant your average young person is too. All these kids that went back to University this week are being taught by wooly headed egg heads that listen to this crap.
My eldest just returned to Saint Mary's here in Halifax this week and he is appalled at how much disinformation is out there on the Campus. (He's a military kid so he knows better...due to listening to his old Pater rant endlessly no doubt!!) >:(

I guess this story may be an answer to some of those questions.....

zipperhead_cop said:
I just had a most interesting experience. 
My telephone rang, and much to my surprise it was a survey company calling during the dinner hour.  Normally this would meet with a standard ending, but this time the woman had a nice Brit accent and was able to hold my attention.  She rhymed off the company that she worked for, and stated that it was "one of the largest public survey companies in Canada" but I'll be buggered if I can remember who it was.  What was held my interest was that she asked me if I would be interested in conducting a survey with regards to Canada's current in involvement in Afghanistan:
A.  "Why, absolutely"
Q.  "Would you say that you strongly support, somewhat support, somewhat don't support or strongly don't support Canada's mission in Afghanistan to fight terrorism and elements of Al Qaeda?"
A.  "Strongly support"
Q. "Would you  strongly support, somewhat support, somewhat don't support or strongly don't support the statement that the mission is of vital importance..."
At that point, there was a clear noise of another line cutting in and the other end was muted.  The muting sound stopped briefly, and I heard the woman's voice say "Alright then..." and the phone hung up abruptly.  I was on my land line, so there is no dead battery excuse for a cordless hang up. 

I have every belief that because I indicated that I "strongly support" our troops in the Sandbox, a supervisor intervened and made sure that my unhelpful opinion did not skew their desired stats objective, and I was ejected from the survey.  When the next opinion "stats" come out, if the name of the company is mentioned, I will be able to remember it.  I would also be very interested in finding out who commissioned the survey. 
I was curious if anyone else has had a similar occurrence.  I know that stats can be tailored to suit the person who is trying to use them, but this is ridiculous. 
Ipsos Reid.  They stopped calling me last year after I gave my postal code to them as K1A 1H3. [privacy commissioner's postal code].
scoutfinch said:
I know what I am going to say... I am writing to my local NDP candidate to advise that I will be actively campaigning against him in the upcoming election on the basis of the NDP comments.  Despite there being a large military contingent here, the NDP elects a few seats every time.  While I won't campaing for another party, I will certainly campaign against the NDP.
so do I
Well good for them!  Honestly if they only want to deal with people who think like themselves,  and only 'see' things that support their own opinion...  well they'll just have to learn how quickly things go bad for ignorant elitists.  Personally I find reality better than any self constructed paradigm I could make... but hey we'll see what happens eh?