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NDP call Canadian troops "terrorists" and say the CF is "Bombing Afghan villiages"!


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PUBLICATION:  National Post
DATE:  2006.09.06
EDITION:  All but Toronto
PAGE:  A1 / Front
BYLINE:  John Ivison
SOURCE:  National Post
ILLUSTRATION: Colour Photo: Sergeant Lou Penney, TFA OP Athena ImageryTechnician / FALLEN COMRADES IN ARMS: Canadian soldiers pay tribute yesterday to those killed this week in Afghanistan: Private William Jonathan James Cushley, Sergeant Shane Stachnik, Warrant Officer Richard Francis Nolan, Warrant Officer Frank Robert Mellish and Private Mark Anthony Graham. See A6, A10, A12 


NDP to vote on whether troops are 'like terrorists': Resolutions for convention harsh on Afghan mission


OTTAWA - Canada's troops in Afghanistan have been "acting like terrorists, destroying communities, killing and maiming innocent people", according to a resolution that will be voted on by New Democrats at the party's convention in Quebec City this weekend.

The resolution is one of 104 proposals on international affairs from local riding associations that will be presented at the convention. Others suggest Canada withdraw from the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), the World Trade Organization and the North American Free Trade Agreement, while one riding association proposes a freeze on trade with Israel until the "occupation of Palestinian lands" is ended.

The Afghan mission was the subject of a number of proposed resolutions, all calling for the withdrawal of Canadian troops. "The Canadian occupation is propping up a regime composed of barbarous warlords who are little better than the Taliban," says one riding association.

The resolution comparing Canadian troops to terrorists, put forward by the Nanaimo-Cowichan riding association in British Columbia, says Canada's goals "cannot be achieved by violence when the 'enemy' cannot be distinguished from ordinary citizens" and calls for Canadian troops to be withdrawn from that country.

Its release comes as the bodies of five Canadian soldiers were returned home after being killed in the Kandahar region on the weekend.

A spokesman for Jack Layton said the NDP leader would not comment on the language used in the resolution or indicate whether he intended to vote for it.

"These resolutions have not been debated yet and have absolutely no status at this time," Karl Belanger said.

Jean Crowder, NDP MP for Nanaimo-Cowichan, also refused to comment on the resolution before it has been debated at the convention.

Last week, Mr. Layton called for the withdrawal of Canadian troops, claiming Afghanistan is "not the right mission for Canada." At that time, he said New Democrats support the Canadian Forces and are proud of the work they do.

Mr. Layton's call to bring the 2,300 troops home has been criticized by both Conservatives and Liberals, particularly since he reiterated it following the death of four Canadians in Afghanistan. Yesterday, he issued a statement expressing his condolences to the bereaved families that made no mention of his desire to withdraw combat troops.

The resolution by Ms. Crowder's riding association singles out NDP MP Peter Stoffer, who supports the mission in Afghanistan.

"This is not an acceptable position when world peace hangs in the balance. A combat role in Afghanistan is a no-win situation both for Canada and for the Afghani people. Its only dubious value is to curry favour with the militarist government of George W. Bush," it says.

Mr. Stoffer said yesterday delegates are free to express their opinions.

"But I absolutely fundamentally disagree with the statement. The people who did it are not only very naive but very antagonistic in their point of view," he said. The NDP draft policy resolutions appeared briefly on the party Web site last week before being taken down. However, Conservative blogger Stephen Taylor obtained a copy and posted them on his Web site yesterday.

The resolution about Israel calls for the end to "military aid and economic trade," claiming "there can be no lasting peace in Palestine/Israel or the surrounding region without social justice."

The Trinity-Spadina riding association in Toronto called for the NDP to support the right of return for all refugees, an end to Israeli settlements and "occupation" of Palestine lands, "a halt to armed aggression, the bulldozing of homes, destruction of olive groves and farms and the assassination of political leaders and activists by the Israeli state."

It said the NDP should campaign for an end to the "rule of apartheid laws that make Palestinians and Israeli Arabs second- and third-class citizens under occupation" and added it is opposed to the use of suicide bombings against civilian targets.

Despite the widespread criticism, Darrell Bricker of pollster Ipsos Reid said the anti-war stance may pay electoral dividends for the NDP -- and the Conservatives.

"If this issue drives the next vote, Layton could pull enough anti-war votes from the Liberals to help elect Tories," he said. He said the Liberals are in a difficult position on Afghanistan because they launched the mission, and at least two of the leadership candidates -- Michael Ignatieff and Scott Brison -- are in favour of its extension to 2009.


Has bin-Laden been invited to the NDP convention as a guest speaker? What about Nasrallah or Ahmadinejad?


Jack and his possy never cease to amaze me. They once again buried their head in the sand on this one.
I didn't think speech could be so clear with your head in your ass. Obviously, I was proven wrong yet again.
I don't have the words to express what I am feeling after reading that article.  Suffice it to say they would not be kind words.
While Peter Stoeffer has voiced his objections to the resolution, I think the people in his riding should revisit his regular return to Parliament.  The NDP has stepped waaaaaayyyy over the line this time.
Grandstanding at it's finest.

Having given advance warning to the entire region that we were coming in, asking the good guys to leave the area, promissing to rebuild/compensate for losses.... I don't think that Jack has a clue of what being a terrorist is / isn't.
It's absolutely astounding that any who is so blessed as to live in this great country could conceive such thoughts!
This is shameful beyond all comprehension... I don't even know what to say  >:(
I know what I am going to say... I am writing to my local NDP candidate to advise that I will be actively campaigning against him in the upcoming election on the basis of the NDP comments.  Despite there being a large military contingent here, the NDP elects a few seats every time.  While I won't campaing for another party, I will certainly campaign against the NDP.
Although the statement made by this Riding, and the silence of the Leader of the NDP, is outrageous and outright 'treasonous'; one should look at where this statement is coming from.  The Nanaimo-Cowichan riding association in British Columbia, the heart of 'drug induced' Hippie culture and US Draft Dodgers, all from the 1960's Vietnam Era.  If they are seriously to be taken at face value, they have probably done more harm to their own credibility than anything else their communist/socialist outlooks on life could have done past, present and future.  

The 'silence' of Jack Layton is an insult to this nation.  It is the actions of such 5th Columnists that will mean the defeat of our values and our endeavors in this War on Terror.  The fact that the Bloc is also leaning in this direction is a sign that the propaganda of our Enemy is working on the weak-minded of our nation.
the block?

oportunists. They are simply leaning in a different direction than the Gov't... cause if they were leaning IN the gov't direction, then why bother voting for the separatist cause....

When you get down to it..... they dòn't have much of a choice.
That resolution came from the riding (Nanaimo-Cowichan) that I live in. I will certainly be visiting their office to question their reasoning.
Please don't lump all of that area into that group.  There are many hard working, loyal Canadians that live in the Nanaimo/Cowichan area.  The NDP is just one party and one social demographic of that area.
    Yes Jack should speak-up and put this rhetoric to rest
Here's how to contact the riding association resposible for the that piece of crap:

Riding Association
421 Milton St
Nanaimo BC V9R 2K9
Tel: 250-753-3371
President: Sue Creba

As a recently returned "terrorist-like" CF troop I fully intend to contact them and express my thoughts on how they should present their ******* resolution and some safe places they can store it till the NDP gets to assume power here in Canada  :cdn: (like that could ever happen!)

And if you really want it; Jack Layton's:


Canada's NDP
300 - 279 Laurier West
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5J9

Phone: 613-236-3613
Toll Free: 1-866-525-2555
Fax: 613-230-9950
TTY: 1-866-776-7742
George Wallace said:
And if you really want it; Jack Layton's:


Canada's NDP
300 - 279 Laurier West
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5J9

Phone: 613-236-3613
Toll Free: 1-866-525-2555
Fax: 613-230-9950
TTY: 1-866-776-7742
Done :D
I emailed and demanded that jack do two things.  First, apologise in person to the relatives of those killed over there, and second, for him to personally go to afghanistan and attempt to do the "reconstruction" he mentions, the kind of stuff that we are doing, in the face of adversity, including from mouthpieces like him back home.

I've been on this planet a long time now and i've seen alot of conflict's in our own country and over the globe. I've said it before and i'll say it again... Give all the politicians weapons and send them in first. I'm sick and tired of them showing up for photo ops at the funearals of our guy's reading a speech someone else wrote.