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NCM to Officer Conversion,exemptions?


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I was wondering if a PLQ qual'd infanteer gets Phase II (CAP) exempt if they comission? If not, do they get some mods exempt?

Disclamer - I'm no expert but I did speak with one Infantry MCpl last Dec (05) in St-Jean who was commissioning (he had PLQ). I asked him what courses he had to do after BOTC. He informed me he did indeed have to do CAP. Take it for what it's worth. I'm sure someone with more knowledge can give you a firmer response.
I did BOTP with a former NCM MCpl. who is going officer. The PLQ excused him from IAP and nothing else.  He said he still has to do CAP....however this is what he said and I don't know for sure.  Also IAP is only for Regular force, PRes. just do standard BMQ. 

I think it might be a function of which leadership courses you have and how much time in you have.  I have JLC/JNCO Inf (old inf 6A) and when I was offered my commission (DEO), CAP was written off and I was to go on Dismounted Inf PL Comd Crse (I'm not sure what it's called now, the new Ph III).

Perhaps you have to push back a little.  I wasn't interested in repeating similar trg that that I received on my JNCO and I insisted they make note of it.

On a related note, there is a guy in my unit who was a Sgt who completed the entire 6B crse and has lots of time in and he commissioned right to Lt and didn't have to do Ph III (again, forget the new name).

In the end, I turned it down as my heart wasn't in it.  But that's the offer I got.
When I transferred from the reserve to the regular force, I had completed my master corporal course with 2 bravo too but haven't got my promotion to mcpl because I got my offer right after my courses. I had to do IAP. On that IAP phase I've had two friends there on the same course. The first one was an ex-sergeant from the armor trade and the other was a mcpl  tech. For the BOTP, our platoon got alot of Sgt from different trades. The funniest one was an ex-instructor who was a WO that was evaluating us during IAP. He had to do BOTP after he transferred as an officer  :o.
Speaking from personal experience, having to do CAP or DP 1.1 (the new "phase III") as a starting point is considered on a case by case basis.  For me, (now, this was 9 years ago), I was UTPNCM when I was a MCpl, complete with my small arms' qualification (now known as "DP 3A").  I had to do BOTC parts I and II (Chilliwack for both), Phase II Infantry ("CAP"), Phase III Infantry ("DP 1.1") and Phase IV Infantry ("DP 1.2").  Prior to attending Phase II Infantry, I applied to have it waived and attend Phase III Infantry instead.  My request was denied.  In my opinion, though I learned from my Phase II Infantry, it was a waste of my time and the Infantry School's time.  Example:
As with most courses, the candidates are shown "the standard" in various PCs.  For the section attack demo, Demo Platoon was short one person.  So, the options for staff were (a) Do a section attack short one C9 LMG or (b) do a section attack demo complete with one cadidate acting as number 2 LMG.  Guess who that guy was?  (Hint: I see him every morning when I shave and brush my teeth). 
So, it comes down to case by case.  I've seen former warrant officers having to complete DP 1.2, and other getting it waived.  The qualifications are a factor to be considered by "them", but it's not the only factor.

I agree: case by case.
It depends on when/where you did your course, and time-in.
I did a JLC/JNCO and had CAP written off.
Others did PLQ and had to re-do CAP.
First, it shouldn't matter whether you do CAP or not, if Officer is something that you really want.
Second, I would write a memo once you'rve been accepted into SCP/UTPNCM/CFR if I were you.  If you feel you have already completed some or all of the training required on CAP, then submit a memo explaining why and where you already met those qualifications.
Your file will be looked at and you will get either a "yay", "nay" or a "exempt such-and-such mod".
You will never know unless you ask (thru the formal CoC)
I was a 6B, SLC Sgt. All I had to do was my MP Officers Crse.
The best thing for you to do is write a memo to your SEM officer stating the reasons why you feel you should be exemt to CAP. This is what I was told to do in IAP this summer by my SEM officer