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My Son Is Going to Afghanstan.

Susan, my son is also going this month.  I worry about him, but take comfort in knowing that he and the men and women he will be there with are extremely well trained.
Keep smiling, think positive and be strong for your son.  And remember, you're not alone.
Just talked to son he is over there.  Not sure where as there was alot of stuff he was not  able to say.  I am glad I was on msn when he logged in.  I had so many ? but have to realize he has to follow orders etc.  Guess it will take time. 

It was some good though to have contact.

Glad to hear your son made it over and has made contact. You'll learn quickly what they can and can't say, and adjust your conversations accordingly. I know in the beginning of this tour I wanted to ask a million questions, but quickly learned he really couldn't say much. But it sure is nice just to have them there, "talking" to you eh? Sometimes there can be quite a span in time before you hear next, try not to worry. They get pretty busy over there, and with the time differences schedules don't mix too well. I bought a pair of speakers and would leave MSN on all through the night, with the sound up high so that he could get ahold of me at all hours. Which was a great idea since I usually heard between midnight and 8am or so.

Best of luck on this tour for you and your son. Please do come here if you need anything. There's lots of us that have been through a tour and will gladly share any advice/tips we have. I know 6 months seems like a LONG time, but when it's over you will look back on it all and wonder where the time went. This tour for me is just coming to an end now in the next week or so, and it has definitely been an experience I won't forget.

Glad to hear that Adam made it over safe and sound along with his fellow Soldiers. Keep us posted on how he is doing, and I am so happy that you got to talk with him, even for a little while. Sounds like you've learned already, to appreciate the conversations even if they don't seem to last very long. I'm glad you've found a place here with everyone, to talk with and share your thoughts and feelings. I'll continute to keep Adam, yourself and those he is serving with in my prayers!

Have a good day


PS~ I'm glad that I found this tread today with some current replies, as there was something I forgot to tell you the one day. When making care packages, or writing letters don't forget to include a little extra something for everyone else, as there are some Soldiers that receive little or no mail. They will love that.
Hello Susan:

I read your post re: your son and  wanted
to send prayers and all good thoughts for him. 

Also to you.  I can not imagine walking in your shoes

Sending prayers to all others going over in near future.


May they be kept safe
from HARM.
As you can see this is a huge family, in the military and here on Army.ca. We are all praying for you, Adam and all our troops and families.
I am a Chaplain with the CF and would also tell you that the Chaplains are there for you should you need a compassionate ear and a real live person to talk to.
Padre Organ and his team at Gagetown are down in numbers because four of them are with Adam in the Sand box but there are other Chaplains there who will listen and support you, (422-4100)
The MFRC is an excellent resource too, lots of support and they will have the ability to video conference.
Please feel free to PM me as well if you need support. I am presently posted in Halifax but served four years in Gagetown.
Hang in there...you are not alone. God bless. :salute:
  (Hey mike can I get an emoticon of a Padre giving a blessing?? ;D)
adams-mom:  Wanna trade kids?  My oldests greatest accomplishment in life is that he's finished every Tony Hawke game there is.  Be proud, stand tall, he'll be back before you know it.    :salute:
Hey Susan,

It is not hard to tell from all the responses what a big family the CF is. It's probably why most of us say "There's no life like it!"

You have certainly come to the right place for knowlege, resources and support.

I echo what people have said about contacting the MFRC in your area. MFRC's have recently expanded their target population to the Primary Next of Kin of Single RegF members. (Even when it wasn't mandated, they didn't turn people away) so you are certainly eligible to recieve all the same support as us, the spouses and dependants of the married folk.

My hubby just left for A-stan last week too, as did my two neighbors on either side of me, so I understand your worry.

May your son, and all the others come home safe and in one piece.

I'm glad to hear that the other MFRC's are stepping up the deployment support because the one in Edmonton certainly didn't. Our rear party was awesome though. Perhaps you could see what they have in the way of rear party deployment support. I know that ours held events atleast once a month (things like mother's days bbq's etc). Take care.
Actually, Gagetown just stood up a Deployment Support Center similar to that found in Edmonton. And since Gagetown is the mounting base for this Task Force, they are mandated to cover everybody attatched to the Task Force, and their families.

MWO Milligan, who is in charge of the DSC, is absolutely fantastic and really approachable. If anyone has any questions regarding support or the Task Force, I highly suggest you contact him. http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/dsc_gagetown/


My wife just deployed over there..........I can relate to how you feel. Be strong and trust his training. That's all we can do.

Good luck,

Adam's Mom/Susan,

I can only begin to try to feel what it is that you are going through having put me own parents through this(going on tour) 4 times already.  Remember that you are not alone in this as many others have said, and that your son is a well trained soldier. 

From 1994 to 2004 I was part of 2RCR, the infantry battalion that your son has been deployed with.  They are a first rate bunch of guys and the Sr NCMs will look out for your son as well as the rest of the section.  I could say don't worry, but that would be foolish and wrong.  It is natural to feel worried, but the best that you can do is to be there when you can for Adam, but don't ever get upset with yourself if you miss a call he will call back when he has time to do so.  Keep your head up and forget the fact that these coworkers don't understand, there will always be someone to call, e-mail, or write to when things get rough for you.  You will come through this fine and be a stronger person for it and so will Adam.

If you need to talk or have some questions then send me a pm and I will be sure to answer it soon.
