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Money for university


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I am a third year British Columbia open university student who just joined the reserves. When and how do I apply for the university reimbursement program? Should I just ask my platton leader?
Do a research, it has been posted before. From memory you have to be in at least 3 years.
Here is a post with specifics:


Ark - incorrect, there is no requirement for three years service to be eligible.

Blackberry - If you have just completed enrolment, you may find that it is too late to apply for reimbursement for this year. Normally, applications are submitted in August/September for the year you are attending school, and the following year you submit for the reimbursement. The money comes after the year has been completed and you show that you were successful in the education prgram, it's not issued up front. The maximum benefit per year is 50% of tuition paid or $2000, whichever is greater. I haven't looked into this program for over a year, so some changes may have occured.

I checked out that site and if I understand correctly I can apply next sept and be reimbursed for this year. Anyway, I will talk to my platoon Sgt
I am planning on applying at RMC, but I would like to take a year off after high school to spend in the reserves so that I get some experience.  Would taking a year off hurt my chances at getting accepted at RMC, and if it so, how much would it hurt?
ark said:
Do a research, it has been posted before. From memory you have to be in at least 3 years.

All you have to do to be eligible is complete basic trg and not go NES. (In other words, don't miss more then 3 consecutive parade nights). At least, that's what I've been told.
FYI, according to other things Ive read AND the Recruiter I talked to today, the reserves has cancelled the pilot program as of 2004 for reimbursement in the primary reserves. There is yet to be any further info on whether it will ever be reinstated, although she expressed a desire for it to happen (very effective recruiting tool!)

Btw, it applied once you had a year of Pres time in, you got 50% of tuition back on that year.

z_whalen said:
I am planning on applying at RMC, but I would like to take a year off after high school to spend in the reserves so that I get some experience.   Would taking a year off hurt my chances at getting accepted at RMC, and if it so, how much would it hurt?

Why would you take a year off to gain experience?  At RMC you will get all the experience you need.  I would suggest you apply for ROTP during your last year of high school.