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Mobile Support Equipment Operator (MSE Op) [Merged]

I just recently got my OT to MSEOP, and I move over to BTL mid July. Anyone know of dates for upcoming QL3's? I've asked around at CSS and Base Transport, all I can gather is that I'll be going to Borden for 4 months and getting trained on some of the trade vehicles. Any other info is appreciated. Thanks.
Wilco said:
I just recently got my OT to MSEOP, and I move over to BTL mid July. Anyone know of dates for upcoming QL3's? I've asked around at CSS and Base Transport, all I can gather is that I'll be going to Borden for 4 months and getting trained on some of the trade vehicles. Any other info is appreciated. Thanks.

If you remind me Monday via pm I will check the CFLTC course calendar for you.
Next three courses

21-Sep-15 04-Feb-16
09-Nov-15 23-Mar-16
24-Feb-16 28-Jun-16
Res QL3 is 41 days.
brief classroom history stuff, TDG,  followed by driver wheel, followed by airbrakes/MSVS course, then a week of MHC, then back to the classroom for radios, maps, last but not lest field stuff, DP's, Hides. For the res side no real field go out come back go out come back.
Just finished teaching one this summer.
Good afternoon.

I just had some questions ref the MSE OP Courses. I am re-enrolling back to the CF. Did 10 years as an RMS Clerk. Got out 4 years ago now. Went back to school when I released and did my AZ and Heavy equipment course. Drove long haul and was a heavy equipment operator, and then left OTR for a local job as a boom and moffit operator. Did my crane licence on the civi side as well.

I am wondering what is all taught on the QL3? My RC was supposed to apply for a PLAR based on my civi quals but "forgot" to send the info, so I just left it at that for now and will deal with it later I guess. I am coming in bypassing recruit school and as a Cpl 4 again.  They said selections are on Aug 10th, and that there was a course upcoming soon, but couldn't provide me a date at that time as they didn't have the info in front of them. But that once I was provided an offer things were going to be quick, IE Kitting, and all that other stuff that has to happen before the course will start.

Would you happen to know when that date is for the English QL3? As well, do members generally get their posting choices? I know how the system works, but it use to be Edmonton or Pet right off the batt. Are they still hurting for people up there?

Thanks very much in advance

Good morning. Was sworn in yesterday for my new trade. Heading to Borden Feb 8th. The CFRC did not provide me a copy of the course joining instructions. Would anyone here be able to provide me a copy of the MSE OP QL3 joining instructions. I basically want to know what I am going to require kit wise. Am coming in RSBP so no kit or anything and its been 15 years since I was on a course there and honestly can't remember what I am going to need to bring with me asides from military kit. IE, hangers, boot brushes that kind of stuff.

Thanks in advance. I would grab myself but am unable to access the DIN without a DWAN system.

Here is what I managed to find for you:

Aim - The aim of the course is to train you to perform the duties and tasks of an MSE OP in a base and field environment.

Scope - This course currently consists of 73 training days. MSE Ops at the QL3 level are required to operate manual shift, standard commercial (SC) passenger and cargo carrying vehicles and Standard Military Pattern vehicles (SMP) in static and field environments. The MSE OP is also required to maintain an air brake system; effective recovery of MSE; operate radios; operate vehicles in support of airfield operations; transport dangerous goods (DG) and complete MSE administration and documentation.


Emergency Contact: In case of emergency if you need to contact a student or a staff member please follow instructions in the generic school joining instructions. During silent hour you can reach the Base Duty Officer at (705) 424-1200, extension 2445.

You are responsible to provide your own transport to meals and training garrison. Car-pooling is encouraged. Car-pooling is encouraged after training hours and on weekends. .

First day – report to building P-151, Rm 112 for 0730hrs.

Dress: The dress of the day will be CADPAT. However, the first day of the course, the dress will be No 3.

While participating on the QL3 course for safety reasons, consumption of alcohol is strictly forbidden eight hours prior to duty.

Candidates must arrive medically fit for the field ops and remain so throughout the course.

Physical fitness training is mandatory and will be conducted a minimum of 3 times a week.

Kit List: There is a field portion to this course. All candidates shall have (at a minimum) the equipment included in the following links:
67 is the Army kit list and 68 is the Air. At the bottom of both it refers to the QL5s (not too sure why)
Awesome info. Thanks binrat. Got in touch with my new TP WO and he said they will email me when I am in Borden to provide me my actual joining instructions. Guess I'm going to PAT Platoon until my course starts.
Hi, i am looking at a few trades to remuster into. I am looking at changing uniform from Navy to Air Force and wondered about MSE Ops training.  On the CF website, it says:

After Basic Training, Army recruits go to a Military Training centre for the Basic Military Qualification - Land Course for approximately one month, which covers the following topics:
•Army Physical Fitness
•Dismounted Offensive and Defensive Operations
•Reconnaissance Patrolling
•Individual Field Craft

What happens with those who are Air Force then? and also is there still an SQ portion as i believe there used to be...but can't see that on the recruiting site.
for this trade, understanding that it is a purple trade, and i am going to request Air Force for uniform, but i am curious to know if MSE OPS have to do SQ as i do not see that course listed on the recruiting site ( i believe that it used to say ) Also, was wondering abput this piece from the cf site:

Basic Military Qualification - Land Course

After Basic Training, Army recruits go to a Military Training centre for the Basic Military Qualification - Land Course for approximately one month, which covers the following topics:
•Army Physical Fitness
•Dismounted Offensive and Defensive Operations
•Reconnaissance Patrolling
•Individual Field Craft

What do Air Force members do if Army has this specific training?


AS an Air Force MSE OP, you do not have to do BMQ-L or SQ as it is called. Only Army do that course. If you were to remuster, you would be put onto a QL3 or PAT Pl until your course started if you chose the Air Uniform.

There is a ql3 running in October. But unless you are here already you probably won't be on it. The next ones after that are in jan. That's all I know as of now.
Next two course dates are

Tpt  Reg F  MSE OP QL3 / OP MMS NQ3  E 20/Oct/16-9/Mar/17 
Tpt  Reg F  MSE OP QL3 / OP MMS NQ3  E 9/Jan/17-12/May/17 
Hi folks...been searching through the posts on anything MSEOP as I'm starting the remuster process.  Can any members here who are current MSEOPs please give me a bit of insight into the trade, experiences, etc? I'm hoping to wear the airforce uniform.
