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Media Bias [Merged]

PrairieThunder said:
I stick to the New York Times crossword in newpapers...
:not-again:  They habitually misspell words like honour and humour -- both of which are important.  ;)
Journeyman said:
Stop watching "investigative news (sic)" programs!
They will only cause more angst, heartache, and confusion than they'll ever reduce through informing.

...because that's a great way to stay informed?  I'd say, watch investigative news from multiple sources, and use your own critical analysis.  CBC should be included in the multiple sources - they do have some excellent reporters, as do several other news organizations.  :2c:
Milewski is not one of them. He has an agenda and it shows. Very unprofessional at best.
bridges said:
...because that's a great way to stay informed?  I'd say, watch investigative news from multiple sources, and use your own critical analysis. 
The point of these "investigative reports" is to save the audience from having to do any analysis. Do these programs tend to present both sides of a topic and encourage thought, or is the focus overwhelmingly upon the bad news? Are innuendo and unsubstantiated hypotheses presented in with the same weight as corroborated facts?

I agree that watching news from multiple sources, and using critical analysis is sound advice; "investigative news," however, is not remotely the same as "news."
GAP said:
Milewski is not one of them. He has an agenda and it shows. Very unprofessional at best.

Here, here

Quick; who is surprised to read about these events?:


CBC’s new by-line: “All Justin – all the time”
October 5, 2012 — BC Blue

It was bad enough when they extended their coverage to accommodate Liberal MP Justin Trudeau’s leadership announcement in Montreal but for the 4th straight day, the CBC has live-streamed his campaign event. (see here)

You’ll also notice that not a peep of disapproval was uttered about CBC English services executive vice-president Kirsten’s Stewart’s husband Zaib Shaikh introducing Trudeau in Mississauga yesterday. (see here)

Tell me again how the CBC is mandated to be fair and even in its coverage and isn’t a biased partisan publicly funded news organization.

Also: If you’re not quite nauseated enough, check out the Star’s Susan Delacourt’s BS justifying the Trudeau coverage here
Thucydides said:
CBC’s new by-line: “All Justin – all the time”...

I recall reading recently.....somewhere.....that Deborah Coyne is also a candidate for the Liberal Party Leadership. Where is her fawning 24/7 CBC coverage?

[I'm not going to say that her intellectual competence exceeds CBC's threshold.....I'm NOT!]
Martha Hall Findlay published a very interesting and informative study which cut the rug from under the idea of supply managment, and was only given a short piece in the National Post that I am aware of (Her still outstanding debts from the last Liberal leadership race should disqualify her anyway, but she is one of the few Liberals who have made any sort of policy position recently)

Marc Garneau boasts a very impressive resume, but has not pubished or spoken of any policy ideas that I am aware of, but would seem to have the organizational "chops" to select and pass good ideas through Caucus and do the heavy lifting needed to actually rebuild the LPC, even if he won't be able to taste the results of his hard work in 2022.

There was a discussion on another thread about Scott Brison; he was considered a highly influential member of the Conservative Caucus but crossed the floor to the LPC, could he be a contender?

I'm afraid my list is very short and probably incomplete, who else is out there as a reasonably plausible candidate?
Not the CBC, but it's funny how this one comment points to a slant against the military in this story:


But not all the chatter was positive. Mike Mace, whose own Facebook page says he is a member of the Canadian Military, faced a flurry of shaming comments after he posted a negative comment mocking her death.

Like that has anything to do with his comments.  :facepalm:  There was another thread on here recently, where some people were shocked by the comments of one young man's parents.  Well, this is the type of passive mentality that is out there...."he's in the military, so of COURSE he'd be expected to make comments like that."  ::)

Portrayl in the media affects how the public sees the organization and its members - true or not.
RDJP said:
Portrayl in the media affects how the public sees the organization and its members - true or not.
Hence the nervousness caution seen in big organizations about folks using social media.
RDJP said:
Not the CBC, but it's funny how this one comment points to a slant against the military in this story:


Like that has anything to do with his comments.  :facepalm:  There was another thread on here recently, where some people were shocked by the comments of one young man's parents.  Well, this is the type of passive mentality that is out there...."he's in the military, so of COURSE he'd be expected to make comments like that."  ::)

Portrayl in the media affects how the public sees the organization and its members - true or not.

While sad, yes, pointing out the fact that her actions that she committed to (AKA not a mistake) may have caused a trigger in some or all of the bullying instead of everyone painting her as an innocent child - is apparently now "mocking of her death"?  ::)

I don't condone bullying and I'm not saying she deserved it at all, and loss of life is always tragic, but people are too quick to assume that she's innocent and did nothing wrong, her actions were mistakes and she didn't have to take responsibility. Any mention of the fact that if she had put more thought process into committing to the actions she chose to commit she might still be here today, get's you insults of your very own. Bullies are bullies though and they still should not get off scott-free although if our "Justice system" is any indication... they'll probably get a slap on the wrist.

Something I heard/read today on this topic:

I don't understand why the focus here is on the bullying and not on the parents, losing a child is a tragedy however how could her father "find her in a ditch" after she was assaulted and not conduct some parental follow through? It's not the responsibility of the teachers (who are too busy striking and not working to notice) or the government (too buy taxing) to address these issues it's the responsibility of the parent ... Seems like blaming others and passing off responsibility is endemic in our society nowadays.

Pretty sound if you ask me.

Nothing sounds without all the facts.  I haven't seen anything for or against whether the family tried to do any type of follow up or not.  Something failed in this case - whether it was the system or family, who knows.

You are correct though, that although harsh, pointing out the fact that her actions may have incensed the situation, hardly amounts to "mocking".
RDJP said:
Nothing sounds without all the facts.  I haven't seen anything for or against whether the family tried to do any type of follow up or not. Something failed in this case - whether it was the system or family, who knows.

You are correct though, that although harsh, pointing out the fact that her actions may have incensed the situation, hardly amounts to "mocking".

True, the facts are important and necessary - but I sense it is speculation at the most. Anyway, no further derail.

Apologies  :)

It’s time to have a real discussion about CBC.

Most discussions about the future of Canada’s state broadcaster turn quickly to emotional arguments about the role CBC has supposedly played in building this country.

According to supporters, without CBC there would be no Canada, or at least a diminished Canada.

I don’t buy that.

For the last two years I have been documenting the waste at CBC and their refusal to comply with the letter and spirit of the law that allows any Canadian to see exactly how our tax dollars are spent.

More on link.
Not CBC, but: even as people have died and are dying, in large numbers, in the Caribbean and USA as a result of Super-storm Sandy and notwithstanding one sad, storm related death in Toronto, Canada is not suffering very much from this storm; but that doesn't stop Robert Fife of CTV News who complains that "Public Safety Vic Toews runs out back door, refusing to answer reporters questions about Canada's response to Sandy." Does it occur to him, I wonder, that Minister Toews might actually have ministerial level work to do - receive briefings, approve extraordinary expenditures, etc - which just might be more pressing that answering inane questions from self-important journalists?

Fife is an ass.
He's just sticking to the Journalism 101 handout for political interviews.

Question template for "progressive" candidate: "Thank you for giving me the privilege of asking you a question, sir/ma'am.  My question is this: what would you like me to report?"

Question template for "conservative" candidate: "[Insert irrelevant tendentious preamble here].  So my question is this: when did you stop believing the age of consent should be lowered to 6?"
More reasons to disband this sinkhole of money.

Ruining the Good Doctor's Name - from CBC Exposed, by Brian Lilley 7
How a respected cardiologist saw his life changed forever by a single episode of The Fifth Estate

By Brian Lilley ,Parliamentary Bureau
Sunday, November 04, 2012 12:02 AM EDT

see link above.
CBC craps on the CF for Remembrance day:


Perhaps we need to recast the funding model to give the CBC a dollar per viewer. Since they have 7% of the viewing audience they should get along quite nicely....
Interesting .....

On Remembrance Day, a war memorial in Toronto’s Coronation Park was vandalized scrawled with the words “CANADA WILL BURN PRAISE ALLAH”.

The news hit the pages of the Toronto Sun, CTV, Global and the Toronto Star with the Toronto Police investigating the incident as a “hate crime”.

CBC.ca, however, has not reported on the incident at the time of this writing.

Perhaps it doesn’t fit their narrative?

Days ago, a video of soldiers mocking Osama bin Laden dressed up in a turban in “brown face” surfaced and the CBC cleared space for the “exclusive”. A warning even preceded the story suggesting that viewers/listeners may be offended by the video.

Sources in Ottawa report that CBC was in possession of the video for at least a couple of months and sat on the “story” until Veteran’s Week ....