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Media Bias [Merged]

GAP said:
this is what I sent, and they initially sent back

I received this today as their explanation....pathetic

Thank you for your email to CBC regarding a report aired on The
National. Jonathan Whitten, executive producer of The National asked me
to forward the following to you:

Thank you for your e-mail of August 8th addressed to Vince Carlin, CBC
Ombudsman. As you know, Mr. Carlin asked me to reply.
It is also my responsibility to inform you that if you are not satisfied
with this response, you may wish to submit the matter for review by the
CBC Ombudsman, Mr. Vince Carlin. The Office of the Ombudsman, an
independent and impartial body reporting directly to the President, is
responsible for evaluating program compliance with the CBC's
journalistic policies. Mr. Carlin may be reached by mail at the address
shown below, or by fax at (416) 205-2825, or by e-mail at

Yours sincerely,

Jonathan Whitten
Executive Producer

Box 500, Station "A",
Toronto, Ontario
M5W 1E6

I hope this information is helpful to you, and thank you again for


Jamie Richards
Communications Officer
CBC Audience Relations

Do you get the feeling you are going around in circles.

Then this admission and brush off:

I do, however, agree with your concern about the structure of the
report. The construction of the piece did make it appear the Prime
Minister was responding directly to the woman protester
, and that was
not the case.  We should have taken the time to make it clear that the
Prime Minister was responding to a general question, and not a specific
question about the woman's concerns
, and I regret that.  While this does
not constitute a misrepresentation of Mr. Harper's position
, or the
position of his Government, the program could have, and should have,
taken the time to be clear about what prompted the response
I wonder how many of these he writes a day.

I wonder.. actually.. which intern he has write these for him.  ::)
I learned long ago to be wary of the media. When I was closing out the Chapels and charities in Cyprus in 1993 Paul Workman of the CBC requested that he accompany me on my farewell tour of the Charities in Cyprus (6 in total....3 on the Greek side and 3 on the Turkish side). He took a lot of footage that day and interviewed me several times. I thought he would do a piece on the vital charity work that we as Canadians had done there. At the end of the day he asked me this question "How do you feel about the Canadians pulling out of Cyprus?" My reply " we're sad to go, we have a lot of friends here and we've done a lot of good work, but  we hope our British Allies will continue this vital charitable work."

That night on the National he did a piece in which he stated that Canadian soldiers were all opposed to the pullout in Cyprus. He included soundbites from all the interviews he'd done in which we all expressed sadness at leaving the country after a 30 year stay. My soundbite said "we're sad to go...": It wasn't about the charities or the tour...it was his personal bias that we shouldn't be leaving Cyprus. :rage:
It'll be a frosty day in hades the next time I consent to take a CBC reporter along for the ride. :clown:
As noted above, this was my reply to the "explanation" I received, which I CC'd to the CBC ombundman

I ask you about the accuracy in the reporting in the report and after an explanation of the clip (which I DID understand by the way) you concede that there could be another impression? There was only one impression being touted here, and if this is what you call reporting, I would suggest you and the reporter send your resumes to one of the rags that are always telling us "Aliens kidnapped Me!!"

The slant of the clip was on purpose, and does CBC a disservice. Keep your personal politics out of the news, if that is what the case is. If is a corporate attitude, then I, as a supporting taxpayer, am telling you to stop it. You are a News Service, Not a Political Policy Advocate.

This is the reply I got today from the ombunsman

Dear xxxxxx:

I will be conducting a review of Ms. Lawand's report.  Once it has been completed, it will be available on the CBC website (cbc.ca/ombudsman/findings).

Yours truly,

Vince Carlin
CBC Ombudsman

Interesting, we'll see what happens  :)
Interesting.  It will be available on the CBC website, eh!.  I wonder how ethically CBC may treat the report if it is condemning their actions?  Will they publish it in a next to impossible to find link to a next to impossible to identify 'Identifier' under some equally impossible to fathom Title?
GAP, although I have had no experience in dealing with them, maybe the CRTC is the way to go?
PB&J said:
GAP, although I have had no experience in dealing with them, maybe the CRTC is the way to go?
That may be an idea, but first whether it is the ombudsman or the CRTC, the producer must be given the opportunity to reply (which he did), then the ombudsmen, then maybe the crtc...we'll see
Frederik G said:
Uh, is it just me or cbc.ca/ombudsman/findings doesn't actually exist?
Works for me.
Frederik G said:
Uh, is it just me or cbc.ca/ombudsman/findings doesn't actually exist?

Doesn't work cause addy is misspelled http://www.cbc.ca/ombudsman/page/findings.html
Nfld_Sapper said:
Doesn't work cause addy is misspelled http://www.cbc.ca/ombudsman/page/findings.html

Thanks. I was starting to wonder how much integrity CBC had left (none) if their own ombudsman doesn't actually have a page to report his findings.
Some Googled quotes from Mr. Carlin, to give a bit of a sense...

Truth takes a bullet in the anti-terror war
Hamilton Spectator, 8 Dec 01
''Journalists are always good at covering someone else's conflict. They seem to have greater difficulty in covering their own country's wars. The role of journalists in a conflict is to be fair witnesses to reality -- representatives of the average person at the scene of the action.  Leaders, even in times of war, must have their decisions scrutinized by citizens. Journalists provide that bridge between the event and the citizen.  A careful study of the U.S. experience in Vietnam should lead one to the conclusion that the U.S. lost because it lost the support of its people. I would argue the support was lost because the people realized their leaders were lying about the war. ''

From Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications
Issue 9, Evidence, May 13, 2003 at
''For all journalists, I would endorse the notion of some national reference point for accountability — not to a government, but to a representative or representatives of the public. Owners and journalists have rights, to be sure, but neither have license. People who feel ill-used by journalism should have the ability to complain to someone who at least has the moral authority to hold them to account.''

''Former head of CBC Newsworld Vince Carlin says of the Bush administration, "They learned the wrong lessons from Vietnam and still think lying to the public is the best course." ''
Jessica Lynch's Story is Turning 'Into a Monster' for the Bush Administration
Toronto Star, 16 Nov 03, as reprinted here:
http://www.commondreams.org/headlines03/1116-02.htm :bullet:
The print media is no better.  I back checked a story in the National Post a few months ago claiming Iran had passed a law requiring those of other religions to wear identifying marks or colours.  Some have proposed this before, but been shut down quietly and firmly in the past.  It turns out the National Post was talking out its ass, no such bill had been read, let alone passed by the Iranian legislators.  By the time I researched that, the story was in half the national and international papers.  All quoting the National Post article, and none back checking the source.  The National Post printed a very discrete retraction.  This isn't a shot against any one paper, because none of them checked the facts before writing.
The response is up on the website... the thread is a bit old, but its interesting to see how it resolved itself.  Never pass a fault and all that.  The report is a few pages long, so I figured I'd just post the highlight.  I'm sure somebody could probably write a nice article about the CBC admitting to a complete lack of journalistic standards using a few "strategic" quotes >:D, but that would be stooping to their level and its time for bed anyways.

"In this case, the most dramatic element of the item was just unfair and, as I said above,
violated the direct prohibition on using an answer from one question as if it were an
answer to another. The producer argues that Mr. Harper’s views were fairly stated, but
the context and structure were such as to mislead the viewer."

Hopefully, in the journo world, that means something.......
PC Dumping Program.....


Our curious public broadcasting system had an even stranger chair. Another Fiberal appointee bites the dust...though it makes you wonder why someone a little younger did not get the job. Ooops silly me, this was his reward, five years at the trough.


CBC Chair Quits After Controversial Remarks
OTTAWA (CP) - CBC chairman Guy Fournier has resigned after controversial comments he made about bestiality and bowel movements.

Heritage Minister Bev Oda made the announcement today during question period in the House of Commons.

Fournier, 75, became the target of anger and criticism in recent days after falsely claiming in a French-language magazine article that Lebanon permits bestiality, and for granting a lengthy interview on the joys of bowel movements.

Fournier, a well-known playwright and producer, apologized Sunday on French-language television but it was too late.

Oda told the Commons that Fournier, who was appointed by the previous Liberal regime to a five-year term last September, "has increasingly lost the confidence of Canada's new government."

The minister said she received Fournier's "voluntary resignation" effective immediately.

09-19-06 18:10 EDT