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Medak Pocket (info, documentaries, etc. - merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
  • Start date Start date
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Fusilier said:
Thanks for the link for the Turning points in History producers.  I'll try that, I guess we at least have to try to be legal about it  :)

At least in the public forum, anyway  ;)
Great news!  Got hold of the producer, he is sending all the interviewees a copy of the DVD! 
Will someone be able to post this on the net somwhere so others can get a copy?  (if it doesnt violate your ethical/moral code that is...)
Just simply upload on a torrent site, distribute the torrent for downloading
GAP said:
Just simply upload on a torrent site, distribute the torrent for downloading

Rapidshare much faster and allows you to remain annonnymous.

So I have heard....hey is that the postman?  Gotta go!


No worries I see Rob D at least once a week, i am sure he will provide his copy for burning by the Lower Mainland Crew.

Graham B, Rudy's 2 i/c was on vacation and didn't catch it, so we will have to have a screening for the Troops.....and maybe a few beers ;D


I have a copy and will be putting it on Ares  p2p now.Search for  "Battle of the Medak Pocket"
CE621 said:
I have a copy and will be putting it on Ares  p2p now.Search for  "Battle of the Medak Pocket"

To quote the younger generation... 'sweet'!

From Rudy (I read him the posts, he's not a computer guru) "hi buds!  Cheers to all of you and have a beer for me!"

Folks, if this is copywritten material we need to handle it appropriately. Or at least take it to PMs.
Fusilier said:
Great news!  Got hold of the producer, he is sending all the interviewees a copy of the DVD! 

Well done!  Still waiting for a response to an e-mail and a phone message here....
I we're getting a copy only because they're sending a DVD to ea of the guys interviewed.  I also emailed the production company and have yet to recieve a reply.  You think they would jump at the chance to sell DVD's.  I'm sure it will end up on the net somewhere, but like Mike said if it's copywritten.... well you know.  Need to act responsibly, also I suppose that its a good thing that I can't manage to burn a music CD let alone anything else!!

Fusilier said:
You think they would jump at the chance to sell DVD's. 

I even spelled it out in my e-mail re:  there are a not insignificant number of people who'd buy....

Oh well, I'll have to wait to buy a legal copy  ;)
Hi guys,

I was wonderin how far in front of the serb lines were you on night 15/16 september when croats fired you ?
Were serbs tryin to use you to get behinde croat line, on 10 km long battle line ?
First sory for my poor english but this is what happend :
CANBAT had HQ few kilometers behinde serb lines, in Medak along with serb HQ.
Agremment was aranged on 13th september and ratified on 14th september for Croats to pull out their units on old positions before action, and serbs to stayed on  lines wich they lose in Croatian offensive. In the midlle of that tampon zone wide only 150-400 m  CANBAT and FREBAT were sopouse to establish check point .
On 15th september around 13.00 Charlie Company advancing from Medak forward to serb lines , followed by Frenc company on north wing to fullfill faze 1, ocupying serb lines. As they were approaching serb lines firefighting become closer and closer. At that point C-Coy fired back at will, and start diging trenches. They stuck along with srb lines as night was falling. Firefight was low -intensity and sporadical . Croats were firefighting preventivly on srb lines to stop any possible attack from serb side, wich was powered by busues with fresh forces of notorius special forces Arkan and kapetan Dragan and 10-12 tanks a day before to stop Croat advancing. C-Company stayed in trenches all night anaware they were in the midlle of front srb lines and in the midlle of firefight between srb and croat forces. C-Company engaged in firefight at will, but they didnt asked for any help or autorisation over radio to the HQ or tryed to communicate to Croats and serbs over their HQ. In the morning C-Company gets message from their HQ that Croats want meeting with Jim Calvin.
They were talking obout faze 2, puting UNPROFOR check point on the road in the midlle of killing zone, there was no report abot last night " high intensity firefight from all Croat weapons on canadians". Only weak Croatin protest on minor firefight form C-Company on Croats wich lasted for like 15 - 20 minutes.  French Company didnt report no battle . Official serb documents and reports didnt pick up any incident altough C-Company was in the midlle of their lines.
Faze 2 was done, and in the 1200 that day (16th) Delta Company followed by second french company came on Croatian Check point on front croat lines to complete faze 3.
Jim Calvin came on croatian side sudenly demanding Croats to pull back and out of Medak Pocket or he will start fireing.It was 1.5 houre mexican stand off he says 3 years later. But again ,french company didnt report no mexican stand off, neither journalists saw anything like that. Croats refused to pass him into the area so he called some serb and reuters jurnalists waiting there and held press conference. Again there was no word about last night firefight nor ethnical cleansing or burning villages. At 1330 croats started pullin their tenks and units out of Pocket so canadians were entering Pocket area. Not untill next day 17th they reached whole area of Medak Pocke altough they were not blocked by croat side.Once they reached area they disobade they mandate and enter 10 km behinde lines agred by agreement. So the craoatian officer Ademi called for new round of negotiation. Canadians have to pull back into the agred by agrement.
So there is no evidence or official report wich proves c-company story "about hole nigt intesive battle", from Croat side, serb side, CANBAT HQ, FREBAT HQ or any other UN organs. there was no even radio communication between C-Company to CANBAT HQ, call for back up, arial strike or negotiation with croat side.
There was no evidence of battle . Croats didnt report any casulties, but Canadians 3 years later started talking about 27 dead croats.

it seems  primitive Jim Calvine and afraid in the night C-Company created war story so they could fix their financial status and ranking , also they becom all-canadian war heros.

.....and you are just furthur proof that,.......ah, never mind. 

Always good for a chuckle anyway.

here is some serious questions raised wich non of them can't be answered by canadian side.
it is quite bite of text so read it carefuly...oh that Jim Calvin is such a funny guy
hr1u00 said:
...it seems  primitive Jim Calvine and afraid in the night C-Company created war story so they could fix their financial status and ranking , also they becom all-canadian war heros.

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